Calcium gluconate is a drug that has many therapeutic effects due to its composition. In the process of metabolism in the body of a woman from it, glucose and calcium are formed. These substances are necessary to ensure normal metabolic processes, maintaining the function of many organs, including endocrine ones. You can use the tool both for preventive purposes to restore stocks, and for the relief of some acute conditions. How correctly it is possible to use gluconate of calcium at monthly, when he will help or assist?
- 1 The drug
- 1.1 What is needed calcium
- 1.2 Why glucose
- 2 Indications
- 3 Reception rules
- 4 Why used in gynecology
- 5 Contraindications and undesirable manifestations
The drug
calcium gluconate - synthetic preparation which contains about 9 - 10%calcium in its composition. Available in various forms: 5 ml ampoules for intravenous and intramuscular administration, and 0.5 g tablets for oral administration. There are special options with the addition of flavor additives, this is for children. The preparation has the following effect:
- anti-inflammatory,
- antiallergic,
- hemostatic,
- increases the strength and stability of the vessel wall,
- can be used for poisoning with some substances.
Why calcium is needed
Normal concentrations of this trace element are maintained by parathyroid hormones - parathyroid hormone and calcitonin. Also, calcium can perform its functions only if there is a sufficient content of vitamin D. in the blood.
The main functions in the body that are supported by this trace element are:
- Calcium is the basis for building bone tissue. With its lack, develops - osteoporosis - "softening", which provokes fractures, problems with the spine, etc.
- This microelement regulates the communication of cells with each other due to special calcium channels. Thanks to them, the direction of the movement of potassium, sodium, which provides many functional processes in the body. Thus, the coordination of the transmission of nerve impulses to the muscles is carried out. Therefore, calcium imbalance is one of the causes of seizures.
- This micronutrient is necessary for the normal supply of energy molecules to muscle fibers for their work.
- Calcium is involved in all blood clotting reactions, it activates many factors. This is its property is used when calcium gluconate is prescribed in case of copious glucose in order to regulate blood loss.
- Also, calcium strengthens the walls of the vessels, which reduces inflammatory and allergic processes. Therefore, in gynecological practice calcium gluconate is prescribed in complex therapy for infectious processes in the appendages, cavity and cervix.
- Calcium increases the tone of the vessels, which contributes to the activation of the autonomic nervous system and the rise of blood pressure. This property should be considered when prescribing a medicine.
Why is glucose
The function of this substance can be described in just a few words, but without it, no energy processes are possible. Therefore, in case of deficiency, the body processes not only fats into glucose molecules, but also muscle protein, and practical all other tissues.
So, it is the main source of energy for brain cells. In addition to the energy function, it is involved in the synthesis of proteins and the oxidation of lipids. And this is the most important processes in the body.
Calcium gluconate is used to replenish the balance of this microelement in the body. It is also used in all conditions when calcium needs are increased, or it is not digested with enough food. The main indications for his appointment are as follows:
- Hypocalcemia, disruption of the parathyroid glands.
- Osteoporosis, osteomalacia, tetany.
- Rickets( calcium and vitamin D interact very closely, one without the other "does not work").
- In some cases, chronic renal failure.
- In the climacteric period for the prevention of "washing away" of calcium from the bones.
- With prolonged use of drugs that promote increased excretion of this trace element( antihypertensive and other drugs).
- In acute and chronic allergic calcium reactions, gluconate stabilizes cell membranes, reducing the processes of increased sensitivity of cells.
- With brittleness of blood vessels, increased bleeding, to stop bleeding. It is for this purpose that calcium gluconate is used in injections with menstruation. Tablets are not suitable for the correction of such conditions.
- With certain liver diseases, especially with its toxic damage by salts of heavy metals, some acids.
Look at the video about the benefits of calcium:
Rules for taking
The schedule and dose should be prescribed by a doctor. Only a specialist, considering the state of human health and all indications for taking medication, can recommend an effective and safe method of taking the drug. Standard treatment regimens for adults are as follows:
- Adult women 1 to 3 tablets( 0.5 g) every 8 to 12 hours for 5 to 7 days. The maximum daily dose should in no case exceed 9 g.
- Injectable forms( most often the drug is administered intravenously) are prescribed at 5-10 ml once a day. And the injection should be done slowly, within 2 - 3 minutes. At the same time, slight tingling along the vein can be felt.
Why is used in gynecology
In gynecological practice, calcium gluconate is also often used.
The drug is used primarily in the complex therapy of various types of bleeding in women: after diagnostic and therapeutic curettage, pregnancy interruption, endometrial hyperplasia, myomatous nodes, in inoperable cervical and uterine cancer, and many other conditions. In these cases, gluconate of calcium and ascorutin are often prescribed together with monthly ones, if they are abundant.
Calcium gluconate is one of the first drugs that should be administered intravenously if there is an acute allergic reaction to any medications used in gynecology as well.
Many doctors include it in the treatment regimens of various disorders of the menstrual cycle, as well as to normalize the processes of follicular maturation and ovulation itself. If you use calcium gluconate for these purposes, the dosage with monthly( abundant) and here will be different.
By normalizing muscle contraction, injected calcium can even to some extent relieve pain caused by excessive uterine contraction during menstruation.
We recommend that you read an article on hemostatic drugs with heavy menstruation. From it you will learn about the causes of profuse menstruation, the appointment of medications to stop bleeding, the effectiveness of drugs such as vikasol, etamzilate, dicinone and others.
Contraindications and undesirable manifestations of
Any use of the drug should be carried out on the advice of a physician, especially calcium gluconate. There are contraindications and limitations to its use, which can threaten the life of a woman. These include the following:
- Increased calcium content in the blood as a result of extensive biochemical analysis.
- With excessive sensitivity of the body to this drug - allergies.
- With calcium stones in the kidneys, even according to the results of the tests. And also when determining the salts of this trace element in the urine. Taking medication will help relapse of pathology. In order to prevent these complications, abundant fluid intake during treatment is recommended.
- Since calcium gluconate affects blood coagulability by increasing it, it should not be used for thrombophlebitis and varicose veins.
- The drug actively interacts with certain drugs, for example, cardiac glycosides( causing arrhythmias), calcium channel blockers( reduces their effect), antibiotics, iron preparations( reduces its absorption).
- With care, it is necessary to use the remedy for severe atherosclerosis, heart failure.
Taking medication can cause constipation, nausea and even vomiting.
Caution should be used intramuscular way for treatment, as there is a high risk of tissue necrosis at the injection site, especially in children.
Calcium gluconate is an affordable and effective drug for treating certain diseases. In gynecological practice, it is more used to stop bleeding of a different nature. However, whether it is possible to prick the calcium gluconate with monthly in a particular situation, it should be clarified by the attending physician. Only he, taking into account all indications and contraindications, will select the most effective therapy regimens.