An important step in growing up is the first menstruation in girls. It is believed that modern adolescents are much more aware of the characteristics of their body than their parents, especially grandparents. In reality, the first day of menstruation can become a surprise for the girl, since not always children know about such an intimate process. To avoid the fears and worries associated with growing up, you should tell your child about what is happening in the body in connection with the onset of menstruation. This is better to take care of my mother, who is obliged not to miss a single nuance. The girl should know that everything that happened to her is an absolute norm. At the same time, she needs to understand when to seek help from relatives or a doctor, how to behave during menstruation, which should be taken care of.
Contents of
Precedents of the first critical days of
Harvesters of the first critical days
First menstruationin girls comes to a certain age. It depends on many factors:
- Heredity. The earlier the month's maternal leave went, the more likely they are to have the same period in the daughter;
- Nationalities. Yuzhanks grow up earlier;
- Postponed diseases that can inhibit physical development;
- Lifestyle and Nutrition;
- Body type, physical development.
Despite the differences in the age of the onset of menstruation, there are common features for everyone, which is not difficult to understand when the first month will go. They manifest themselves two years earlier than the menarche is expected. During this period, the girls change physiologically:
- The figure becomes more feminine, that is, the mammary glands are rounded, the hips become wider;
- Hair appears in the armpits and in the pubic region;
- The sebaceous glands begin to work more actively, so the skin and hair become fatter, pimples on the face, chest, back can pop out.
The first menstruation in girls has completely defined signs, spotting does not come suddenly. A careful mother will notice herself and warn her daughter that menstruation is preceded by the following symptoms:
- The nature of vaginal discharge changes. They are made more dense. It is important not to confuse the whites of a healthy girl with mucus arising from inflammation. In the first case, the secretion is clear or milky and odorless;
- Aching in the lower abdomen. It can be combined with an unreasonable headache, rapid fatigue;
- Mood change. Monthly in adolescents in the emotional sphere differ little from what is happening with older girls and women. Just yesterday, a cheerful and cheerful girl, shortly before the first menstruation, can become angry, capricious, touchy. Or she is thrown to the other extreme, she is overcome by apathy and drowsiness.
If the girl's figure was formed, the secondary sexual characteristics appeared more clearly and the listed circumstances were noted, you can without doubt expect an early arrival of the monthly.
What should happen at the first menstruation
The volume of blood in girls does not normally exceed 50-150 ml. This is a small loss for the body, but since everything happens for the first time, it is accompanied by certain inconveniences:
- In most girls, the first cycle of menstruation is quite painful. Stronger blood goes from 2 to 4 days. Pain sensations are localized in the lower triangle of the abdomen and lower back;
- For the first time, a breakdown is typical, a headache, sometimes the process may be accompanied by nausea and even vomiting;
- Emotional state of the girl, as a rule, is restless, she can be agitated or unnaturally indifferent to everything.
How to behave with the first monthly
Hygiene is of paramount importance. Of course, girls from early childhood are taught to wash and change their underwear every day. But ignoring the rules of hygiene or even lack of cleanliness, when the first time went monthly, can cost a lot of health and damage its future adulthood. These days it is more expedient to use gaskets with an outer layer made of natural material. So it is easier to control the volume of secretions, protect the skin and mucous from overheating, sweating and irritation. The gasket should be changed every 3 hours. To wash is better not with the use of soap, which overdry mucous and the surface of the skin, and known means intended for intimate hygiene. Bath in critical days is not worth taking, it will be more useful to shower. It is important to remember and inspire the girl that the stale liner and soiled underwear are a source of unpleasant smell, and most importantly, a favorable environment for microbes, a source of inflammatory diseases, which then will have to be disposed of for years.
The child should also be told that heavy physical activity is unacceptable for the period of a month. They not only can worsen the state of health, but also cause irreversible harm in the future, negatively affect the opportunity to become a mother.
Protecting the emotional state of a girl on critical days, you should provide her with psychological comfort, eliminate all the irritating factors. At the same time, it is necessary to explain that the arrival of men means that if a partner is available, it becomes possible to become pregnant. The child should have an idea about the consequences of early sexual life and ways of protection. The dignity and shyness in this matter are expensive for moms and daughters.
Duration of the first monthly
The first menstrual cycle usually ranges from 28 to 30 days. Months can go 3-7 days. Minor deviations from these parameters do not mean anything. A strong inconsistency with these numbers should be an occasion to turn to a gynecologist. Inflammatory diseases of the female reproductive sphere in the last few decades have grown strongly younger. Ovarian neoplasms, cervicitis, adnexitis diagnose even in women who have not had sexual relations. Malfunctions with menstruation can signal one of these diseases, so it is important to monitor the timing, duration and intensity of the first menstruation.
Monthly first year may be irregular. Their cyclicity is established within 2 years. At this time, the intervals between menstruation can be from 1.5 to 3 months.
What to do if the first menstruation does not occur
If there are no objective reasons for this, then it is worth consulting with a gynecologist. The absence of menarche can be caused by a hormonal failure, which is easier to correct for early detection.
The specialist will find out the reason and give recommendations on how to call the first month without damaging the girl's health. General principles that should be adhered to without a doctor's advice:
- Regular and sufficient nutrition. Teenagers are often dissatisfied with appearance and, wishing to quickly achieve perfection, torture the body with rigid diets. One of these can cause a lack of menarche;
- Unstable emotional background. Conflicts in the family and the school, keeping the girl in constant tension, are capable of exhausting the body so much that the monthly does not come.
When at the first period of the month you should consult a doctor
Even with apparent health during puberty, adolescents sometimes find medical problems. The first months in girls, their character serve as a litmus test for discovering the previously hidden diseases. That is why it is important to know in what circumstances menstruation can contain a danger for a young organism:
- A break between monthly for more than 3 months. Even in the first 2 years, when the cycle is only being formed, such a time interval is abnormal. A break may indicate endocrinological problems, an inflammatory process, or pregnancy;
- Long menstruation. If, after 9-10 days, bloody discharge continues, you need to urgently show the girl to a teenage gynecologist. It may happen that this is not the period, but the internal bleeding caused by inflammation;
- Excessive amount of blood. Determine this parameter can be on hygienic supplies. If the large or medium-sized gasket becomes unsuitable after 3 hours of use, this should encourage referring to a specialist. The girl in this case loses too much blood, which adds to her lethargy and drowsiness. Delaying with a visit to a doctor can bring the body to such a state that you will need a cleaning to stop bleeding;
- Too much pain in the abdomen. Monthly can not do without such feelings, even in the first days. But if they are intolerable and interfere with the conduct of a normal life, it should be checked whether only critical days are to blame.
The arrival of the first monthly for each girl is a milestone event in life. It means the end of childhood and the onset of youth. The task of parents is to make sure that during this wonderful and difficult period their daughter feels the care and support of her loved ones. It is important to teach the girl to understand the significance of what is happening, and also not to be afraid to tell the mother about her experiences and not be afraid of medical examination.