Amino acids( II)

Amino acids( II)

Cystine. Interacts in chemical reactions with sulfur-containing enzymes and participates in methionine metabolism. The body, with sufficient content in the diet of cystine, uses it to produce protein instead of methionine. Sources of cystine are fish, meat, oats, soy and wheat. Cystine in the food industry is used as an antioxidant to preserve vitamin C in finished products.

Valine. Is one of the main components in the growth and synthesis of body tissues. With its insufficiency in the body, the coordination of body movements is disturbed and the sensitivity of the skin to numerous stimuli increases. The main source of valine are animal products. Experiments on laboratory rats have shown that valine lowers the sensitivity of the body to pain, heat and cold and increases muscle coordination.

Isoleucine. With a deficiency of isoleucine in the body, a negative nitrogen balance occurs. Isoleucine is found in all foods containing high-grade protein - in meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products.

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Leucine. Provides( along with other factors) body height. With leucine deficiency, there are abnormalities in kidney and thyroid activity. Leucine is found in all foods containing high-grade protein - in meat, poultry, fish, eggs and dairy products. Leucine is necessary for protein synthesis by the body and for strengthening the immune system.

Lysine. With a lack of lysine in the body, there are conditions for the development of anemia, reducing muscle mass and calcium deposition in the bones. Sources of lysine are fish and cheese. Lysine is one of the most important components in the development of carnitine. Lysine promotes proper absorption of calcium by the body, is used in the formation of collagen( from the collagen formed connective tissue and cartilage), is involved in the production of hormones, enzymes and antibodies. Recent studies have determined that lysine may be useful in controlling herpes and improves the overall balance of nutrients. Insufficiency of lysine in the body contributes to fatigue, irritability, inability to concentrate, loss of hair, anemia, damage to the vessels of the eyes and problems in the reproductive field.

Methionine. Has lipotropic action, participates in the synthesis of choline - a lipotropic substance that protects the liver from obesity. Lipotropic substances play an extremely important role in the prevention of atherosclerosis and the regulation of cholesterol metabolism. Methionine is involved in the secretion of adrenaline by the adrenal glands. The connection of methionine with the metabolism of vitamin B12 was determined.

Threonine. Very important for the physical development of the body. It is an important component in the synthesis of purines, which decompose urea, a byproduct of protein synthesis. Threonine is an important constituent of collagen, enamel protein, elastin, contributes to the reduction of fat accumulation in the liver, participates in metabolism and assimilation processes and supports a more equal work of the digestive and intestinal tract. .. more

Used Materials:
Shilov VN, Mitsjo V.P."Healthy food"

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