Use of zirconium crowns for dental prosthetics

The use of crowns is the most common type of fixed dental prosthetics, designed to restore and prevent further damage to the damaged tooth.

Products are made of different materials( they can be metal, polymer, ceramic, cermet, combined).

One of the most durable, safe and easy-to-use dental crowns is a structure made of zirconia. More details about its specifics - more.

Contents of

  • Contents of
    • Contents of
      • Contents of
      • Indications for
      • installation How the
      • prosthesis is made How the crown is set
      • Pricing policy
      • Comparison of different crowns
      • Question - Answer
      • Precautions
      • Patient opinion

About the product in detail and available

For the manufacture of such fixed prostheseszirconium oxide is used - an ultra-strong modern material, modern doctors use it when working with front and chewing teeth.

Zirconium crowns have been used in dentistry for the last 20 years due to such advantages:

  • maximum closeness to the color of natural teeth ( provided by similar parameters of light transmission);
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  • strength - on average, the shelf life of the zirconium crown is 15 years, but often such designs last much longer;
  • Comfort socks - products made from other raw materials may not correspond to the morphological parameters of the patient's teeth, as a result the design cuts into the gum and is not a sufficient obstacle for bacteria and particles of food, the
  • zirconium crown does not have such drawbacks due to the peculiarities of the prosthesis the probability of caries below it is minimized ;
  • does not cause an allergic reaction - zirconium oxide is completely biocompatible, it does not contain compounds that can cause intolerance;
  • when installing , there is no need to over-grind the tooth or remove pulp ;
  • aesthetics , - the design is similar in color to the enamel of a natural tooth, does not darken when worn.

Indications for installation

Dentists say that zirconium oxide crowns can be installed even when products made from other construction materials are contraindicated to the patient.

In particular, in such clinical cases:

  • for endocrine diseases;
  • when the patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus;
  • if the patient does not wish to part with natural front teeth( any other crowns require removal of nerves due to a risk of caries development);
  • when simultaneous prosthetics of 4 or more teeth are required.

How to make a prosthesis

For the manufacture of zirconium construction, CAD / CAM techniques are used. Based on the impression of the patient's denture made by a dentist, a three-dimensional computer model of the future product is built. It consists of two layers - a zirconium frame and a ceramic cladding.

Further the received model is loaded into the automatic milling machine, which independently makes a skeleton of zirconium.

Half finished product is burned, then a ceramic layer is applied and again subjected to heat treatment. In order for the structure to become monolithic it is re-fired.

The next step in the manufacture of the prosthesis is dyeing. After that, the product is again placed in the oven. The ready zirconium crown is fixed on the patient's tooth with the help of a temporary, and after - a permanent fixing composition.

Important: the further life of the patient, who was installed zirconium prosthesis, is not complicated by anything. To care for teeth and mouth is necessary as before.

How to install the crown

Prosthetics using zirconium products take place in several consecutive stages:

  • examination of the patient( including x-rays of the jaw);
  • if required - treatment of caries, replacement of old fillings;
  • tooth grinding under the crown( if compared with cermet - intervention is minimal);
  • making jaw casts( on them make both a temporary plastic and zirconium crown);
  • the dentist selects the shade of the surface of the product for permanent socks;
  • direct installation of a non-removable prosthesis.

Let's consider the last stage in more detail. It includes such stages:

  • preparation for the procedure;
  • installation of crowns for temporary cement;
  • definitive fixation of prostheses.

First the dentist prepares the supporting tooth( usually the manipulations are performed under local anesthesia).If necessary, the patient is sealed with canals, after which the quality of the work done is checked by means of an X-ray.

Next, the dentist sharpens the enamel and scans the "working" tooth. Using the scale of colors, selects the shade of the future crown.

Important: if the tooth is broken down so that the crown can not be fixed, the patient is placed with a zirconium stump insert.

Until permanent prostheses are ready, the patient should wear plastic crowns.

On the photo plastic crowns - intermediate version before installation of zirconium

During the next visit to the dentist, the patient is fastened with permanent prosthetic devices for temporary cement.

Within the next few days, any deficiencies or inaccuracies of the installed structures should be revealed - in this case the doctor will have to eliminate them.

If the "fitting" of the product was successful, the prosthesis is fixed with a permanent composition. This is the final stage of installation of zirconia crowns.

Price policy

The main and perhaps the only drawback of zirconia crowns is their high cost. So, the prosthetics of one tooth on average costs the patient 20 thousand rubles.

Why so many? The quality of the work performed depends on the qualifications of the dentist, the skills of the laboratory technician, the availability of the necessary equipment.

The cost includes a temporary plastic crown. If you take into account all of these factors, the price of installing a zirconium crown is fully justified.

Comparative characteristics of different crowns

In modern dentistry the following types of dental crowns are used:

  • all-metal;
  • photo-composites;
  • metal-ceramic;
  • are plastic;
  • all-ceramic.

The impressive cost of zirconia designs often scares off patients and forces them to give preference to cheaper and years-proven prostheses. Is this choice justified?

We will perform a comparative analysis of the products:

  1. Cost of the .Plastic and metal crowns - the cheapest( 2-5 thousand / unit), ceramics and cermets occupy an intermediate position( about 10 thousand), zirconium prosthesis is the most expensive( from 15-17 thousand).
  2. Service life .Plastic structures( temporary) are unreliable, they last only a few days;metal, ceramic and metal-ceramic prostheses will last 5-10 years, and the service life of zirconium crowns - from 15 years and above.
  3. Aesthetics of .From the point of view of aesthetics, metal is inferior to cermets and ceramics, while zirconium crowns look as natural as possible - their aesthetic characteristics are as close as possible to the appearance of natural teeth.
  4. The complexity of the installation. The process of installing all types of prostheses, except for those made of zirconium oxide, requires a strong turning of the tooth.
  5. Reliability of the .Ceramic crowns can not withstand the functional load, metal and zirconium designs with this task are much better.
  6. Allergic reactions .Zirconium oxide is the only of the above construction materials, which can not cause an allergic reaction in the patient.

To summarize, we note that zirconium crowns are the most expensive, but at the same time the most durable, aesthetic and safe of all existing dentures.

Question - Answer

The most popular questions of people who want to install a crown of zirconia and the answers to them:

  1. Is it worth it to depulse the healthy tooth before installing the crown? The need for the procedure is influenced by the width of the pulp chamber, in which the nerve is located. If it is wide enough, the doctor conducts depulpation, if not - the prosthesis is installed on the vital teeth.
  2. What are the zirconium prostheses used for ?The material for fixing the prosthesis is double-cured cement.
  3. How much is the crown of the ?The minimum price of a prosthesis is 13-15 thousand rubles.
  4. How long will the product last for ?Manufacturers give a minimum 15-year warranty period for zirconia crowns.
  5. Is it possible to grind a crown made of zirconium using water cooling? This is recommended, but not necessary.


Specialists emphasize patients' attention to several contraindications to the installation of zirconium crowns:

  • deep bite;
  • bruxism;
  • pregnancy period in women;
  • insufficient natural tooth height.

Opinion of patients

Reviews of people who have been fitted with crowns made of zirconium and have been wearing them for years.

One day I was overtaken by the need for prosthetics, and put the crowns immediately followed by 2 teeth. My dentist recommended me zirconium crowns, as the teeth were front, I wanted no one to guess that these are prostheses.

After turning teeth it was necessary to resemble almost a week with temporary plastic crowns - sensations, at once I will tell, not so pleasant. But when the permanent structures were installed, I was delighted - they looked very natural and did not cause any discomfort.

I go with these prostheses for two years, during this time there were no complaints and complaints. I care for my teeth and oral cavity in the usual way. I have not regretted the money spent never.

Irina, 32 years old

When I had a choice before me, which crown to put, - metal-ceramic or zirconium - I thought. At that time, the designs of zirconium oxide only appeared on the market and opinions about them were polar. All the same, I decided to keep up with the progress and trusted my dentist - he put me on one of the chewing teeth exactly zirconium prosthesis.

10 years passed: the tooth looks all the same natural, no discomfort, and even more painful sensations under the crown, I care for the oral cavity in the usual way. Of course, zirconium products are much more expensive than cermets, but their high cost is justified by convenience and quality.

Stanislav, 44 years

In modern dentistry, zirconium oxide is actively used as a structural material for the manufacture of non-removable prostheses. It is safe, hypoallergenic, durable, has a high degree of light transmission, which makes it maximally aesthetically similar to a natural tooth.

Zirconium crowns are more expensive than the main "competitors"( cermets), but they look better, their service life is longer, and the probability of complications after installation of such structures is minimized.

Manufacturing and fitting of zirconium products is carried out on modern equipment, so the parameters of the finished prosthesis are as close as possible to the ideal. The average price of pleasure is 20 thousand rubles.

  • Mar 27, 2018
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