Stomatitis is an inflammatory disease, during which ulcers and aphthae are formed on the oral mucosa.
Stomatitis of virus origin is fairly easily transmitted from person to person, and it can be infected in any public place. To treat the disease in the medicine cabinet must be a proven means, such as Vinilin( balm Shostakovskogo).
This preparation has a mass of medicinal properties, has anti-inflammatory, regenerating, antimicrobial and antiseptic effect on the open wound surfaces, and also, thanks to its enveloping structure, it helps to cicatrize the ulcerative formations with stomatitis.
When treating affected areas, balm is most often used, which is a thick liquid of viscous consistency, without a certain taste and smell.
Contents of
- Advantages of the drug and its effectiveness
- Features of application
- Treatment of stomatitis in childhood
- What do moms say?
Advantages of the drug and its effectiveness
Vinilin is most effective in candidal, bacterial and traumatic stomatitis. At the initial stage of the disease, with
the absence of wounds and sores, one of the main tasks is disinfection of the reddened areas of the oral cavity.If the disease still continues to progress, it is necessary to continue to treat the affected surface with additional medications, having previously agreed the course of treatment with a specialist.
In general, the treatment of stomatitis Vinilinum pursues several goals simultaneously:
- Promotes tissue regeneration of .Due to its composition, this drug has a wound-healing effect on the oral mucosa.
- Reduces the pain of the .External manifestations of stomatitis are accompanied by discomfort, which is most often manifested during eating or talking. Balm Shostakovskiy gently envelops sores formed on the gums, cheeks, lips and tongue, so their surface does not come in contact with the palate, which can significantly reduce the pain syndrome.
- Protects inflamed areas from infection with .The film, which forms polyvinyl butyl ether, prevents the penetration of bacteria into the wounds and ulcer formations.
- Disinfects the oral cavity of .Having antimicrobial properties, balm neutralizes pathogens that accumulate on the mucous membrane.
Features of application
Vinilin has proven itself in the complex treatment of stomatitis.
As is known, for the treatment of bacterial form of stomatitis in dental practice, rinses are widely used with herbal decoctions.
Calendula, chamomile and sage in combination with Shostakovskiy's balm effectively cope with bacterial plaque and inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. Complicated cases require more attention, so the dentist can decide whether to take additional antibiotics or antiviral drugs.
Due to its viscous consistency, Vinilin is poorly washed with saliva, which allows it to protect the affected areas for as long as possible from the effects of microbes.
However, with all the positive qualities of Vinilin, it has a number of contraindications, so it is not recommended to use it for the treatment of children under the age of 14 years, as well as stomatitis in pregnant and lactating women.
Diseases of the liver and kidneys, along with individual intolerance to the components of balsam, can also serve as an obstacle to the use of the drug.
Despite the fact that Vinilin is available in three dosage forms, the most popular and popular with stomatitis is balm. A 20% solution can be used for both rinsing and as a means for external application and treatment of the skin.
The course of treatment with capsules usually takes no more than twenty days, and on the first day it is recommended to take 3 capsules, and in the subsequent - 5 pieces daily, 4-5 hours after eating.
Pharmacological properties of the drug also allow the effective use of it to relieve the symptoms of stomatitis.
Treatment of the oral cavity is carried out daily. The necessary amount of balsam is applied to a cotton swab or a small gauze cut. Then all affected areas are carefully handled and disinfected. If necessary, repeat this procedure every 2-3 hours. After all the manipulations, the patient should refrain from eating for at least half an hour.
Treatment of pediatric stomatitis
Despite the fact that among the contraindications to the use of the drug a separate item indicates age limitations, efficacy and safety Vinilin has been repeatedly proven in the treatment of stomatitis in children.
There are no substances in the medicinal product that are dangerous for the life or health of the child. However, this does not mean that it can be used without prescribing a doctor.
In the treatment of stomatitis in babies, Shostakovskiy's balm is used very rarely. This is due to the fact that with improper application there is a possibility of getting an undefined amount of the drug in the baby's gastrointestinal tract.
However, if a specialist still insists on this method of treatment, then the procedure is carried out not more often 2-3 times a day. And, the cotton swab does not need to be completely immersed in a viscous liquid, it's enough just to moisten its edge lightly. Treatment of the oral cavity is carried out between the feedings.
A child aged five years or older already understands that the wounds left without the effect of the medication will be prolonged much longer and more painful. And since Vinilin does not have any clearly expressed taste, it is quite possible to sustain the time necessary for its resorption at that age.
As for the dosage, there are no exact calculations. The main criterion for correct application is careful treatment of the wound surface 4 to 6 times a day. The procedure should preferably be done 20-25 minutes prior to feeding. Apply balm to healthy tissue is not recommended.
What do moms say?
Criterion of efficacy and safety of Vinilin application for stomatitis - reviews of mothers who used balm for the treatment of their children.
By the time I decided( on the recommendation of a doctor) to try a balm for the treatment of stomatitis in my child, a lot of medicines were tried. Baneocin, Tantum Verde, Miramistin and Holisal somehow proved powerless against the bacterial form of the disease.
The child practically ceased to eat and sleep well at night, the daughter swelled and bleeding gums began to bleed. For the test, I first bought a vial with a small dosage of the drug. In the evening I treated all the sores on the cheeks, tongue, gums and palate. The night passed more or less calmly. In the morning I anointed again, and after half an hour my daughter ate.
Another week I continued to lubricate all the wounds with a balm 5 times a day. During this time they dragged on, and now my child is completely healthy!
Maria, 35 years old
Of course, there were a lot of medicines for different purposes, but the most effective was Shostakovskiy's balm. Already the day after the first treatment, the sores began to heal, but I continued to lubricate the wounds with this remedy for another 4 days. And about the miracle, it's all over! Finally I see my baby smiling and happy!
Karina, 24 years old
Despite the fact that the real boundaries of contraindications in Vinilin are rather blurred, it is necessary to consult with a specialist about the advisability of using it. Independent appointments can only harm and significantly worsen the overall condition.