How to become the most beautiful?

I'm not tired of repeating: beauty is an extremely subjective concept!

The fact that for one - the standard of excellence, for another - the most common.

This applies to everything: clothes, art objects, cars, landscapes, interiors, looks and much more.

Women in all ages were concerned with one question: how to become the most beautiful ?

They sought to win the admiration of men and the envy of the representatives of their gender.

To achieve the recognized standard, the ladies did not regret anything: no strength, no time, no money.

But is this correct?

How to become more beautiful: even the cave girls

thought about it. The standards of women's beauty vary depending on the historical period.

In the Middle Ages, ladies should have been fragile, pale and have a high forehead. Then, unfortunate women used lead white, drank vinegar and shaved the hair with a forehead to enlarge it.

In the XVIII - XIX centuries, admired the magnificent beauty: folds of fat, a huge chest and sloping shoulders were considered very sexy.

instagram viewer

The twentieth century gave us Merlin Monroe, Elizabeth Taylor and other Hollywood beauties with shapely but exceptionally feminine figures.

At the end of the XX century. The ladies starved themselves to reach the ill-fated model parameters and look like hangers from the podium.

And now, social networks have flooded the self-confessed young lady with duck sponges and tattooed eyebrows.

And it seems that there will be no end to it, no land!

Well, medieval ladies went for any sacrifice to please men.

Then the woman and a full-fledged person was not considered, so the meaning of life she had - to successfully marry.

But why today we continue to torment ourselves with questions such as: " How to become a beautiful girl , to please men?"

Moreover, the opinion of the men themselves is not particularly interested in anybody.

You will be surprised when you learn that the representatives of the stronger sex are laughing at the "beauties" with inflated silicone sponges dressed in leopard gloves and shackled in striptease shoes.

They are more fond of well-groomed hair, clean skin, natural make-up, neutral tone of nail polish. ..

But the most sexy girl, in their opinion, looks in a white blouse and office skirt-pencil.

So quickly get out of tomorrow's procedure for pumping your lips and start to clean up in your head!

To become a beautiful girl you can only with the right man

I'll tell you two stories, after which you will understand how a happy woman differs from unhappy, and in our case beautiful from ugly!

1 story.

I have one friend.

Externally it, well, just a mouse: gray hair color, freckles appearing for the summer, crooked teeth, a kilogram of 10 excess weight, no manicure pedicure.

Yes, there, even make-up, she thinks is a waste of time.

Favorite clothes - jeans and gray-black t-shirts and sweaters, favorite shoes - everything that is on a flat move.

My friend is married to a tall handsome man who adores her so much that we often joke about the topic: "100% of the love potion is involved!"

Well, it's true, it seems incredible that such a handsome man without memory is in love with a mouse.

How to become feminine - the recommendations of specialists

But he considers it a queen and perfection.

She already became the most beautiful for her man and is quite happy with this!

2 story.

The second story is rather sad.

My close relative of Ira is very dependent on someone else's opinion.

Her friends are all glamor and pictures from women's magazines.

Trying to match them, she does not get tired of experimenting with her face, body and wardrobe.

Only appeared in beauty salons tattoo of eyebrows?

Tomorrow Ira will boast of coal-black wings above his eyes. Sunburn color of smoked meat is harmful and long out of fashion?

It's not true, all Irina's girlfriends do not get out of tanning salons, etc.

But the reasons for her behavior are covered, as for me, not in the approval of girlfriends, but in the absence of admiration for her husband!

If he had sometimes said that his wife was the most beautiful, then in the life of a forty-year-old relative, there would be far less streaks, tattoos and silicone lips.

As you can see, beauty does not always depend on the means invested in itself.

More often - it's self-confidence, an adequate circle of communication and the right man next door!

How to become the most beautiful: do 10 steps

I will not convince you that you need to completely clog to care for yourself, but only every day to repeat as a mantra words about your attractiveness.

This is a wrong approach.

The beauty industry and psychology go hand in hand, so the advice from the two spheres will alternate.

There are no ugly women, there are only lazy ones.
Coco Chanel.

If you really want to change your life and achieve the excitement of the stronger sex, be sure to:

  1. Bring your figure to perfection.

    This is not about achieving model parameters, but about the absence of hanging sides, bulging belly, cellulite and fat folds.

    Your forms can be feminine and bulky, but the body must be tight!

  2. Get confidence in your attractiveness.

    If you yourself do not believe in your beauty, then how can they believe in it?

    Meditation before the mirror, compliments to yourself, reading of special literature and even counseling the therapist - you will be helped in this.

  3. Put your head in order.

    Choose a hairstyle and hair color that will only emphasize your beauty.

    In addition, remember that the hair should be clean, shiny and pleasantly smell.

  4. Get rid of those people in your environment that form your complexes.

    A friend constantly inserts hairpins about your appearance?

    With such friends you and your enemies are not needed!

    A young man allows himself the phrase: "I already dropt saliva on that slender little girl, since you seem next to her like an awkward pig"!

    Are you really going to marry him?

    Do not disappoint me!

    Drive this boob to hell!

  5. Grow.

    A woman should be an interesting interlocutor and be able to express her thoughts beautifully.

    Paleheads do not like babes, they are bought for temporary use.

  6. Pure healthy skin is your everything.

    No makeup will hide acne, wrinkles, pigmentation spots and other skin defects.

    Instead of buying decorative cosmetics for crazy money, spend more on creams and cleansing preparations.

    Regular visits to a beautician, too, have not harmed anyone yet!

  7. Beautifully dress.

    This does not mean that you need to wear mini skirts and high heels.

    But your things should be stylish, emphasize the dignity of the figure, blend well with each other, look expensive and be always clean and ironed.

  8. Smile.

    A gloomy woman with a sour expression will rather push than attract a man.

    Also concerns whining and constant complaints about life.

  9. Do not go out without manicure.

    Manicure does not mean the presence of long nails and vyrviglaznyh nail varnish.

    Manicure - neat plate shape, clean nails, cuticles, put in order, and gentle skin of hands.

  10. Observe the normal mode.

    Eat well, sleep at least 8 hours, read books, walk in the fresh air, visit the theater, museums, presentations.

And finally, I suggest you view an interesting video about

how the standards of female beauty for the last 100 years have changed:

Becoming a beautiful girl - it's easy!

Model parameters and stylish clothes for beauty are very questionable.

Observe the basic rules of caring for yourself, smile more often, constantly improve yourself - and you will succeed.

  • Mar 27, 2018
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