Anatomic structure of the breast implies the contents of a lot of capillaries, vessels and veins in it, if they are simply visible, but not protruding, do not bring discomfort, are painless, then there is no reason for alarm.
Some people have veins just very close to the skin. Attention should be paid to those veins that suddenly appeared, became tuberous, painful.
- Causes of pathological protrusion
- Pregnancy is not only happiness, but also problems
- First symptoms or how everything starts?
- Diagnosis of
- Comprehensive medical care
- Take care of your health in advance!
Causes of pathological protrusion
The causes of the appearance of veins on the chest, which are related to the anatomical features of the body:
- venous congestion;
- pregnancy, preparation for lactation;
- an unstable level of testosterone in the adolescent period;
- dysfunction of the circulatory system;
- appearance of neoplasm;
- multiple inflammatory processes in the body;
- active sports;
- changes in the mammary glands before the onset of menstruation;
- microscopic abnormalities after abortion;
- abruptly stopping breastfeeding;
- approach of menopause;
- sharp weight loss;
- infection of the body.
The reasons why you can see veins on your chest are many, they are not always dangerous. For example, if a person has suddenly lost weight, the blue veins on the chest and throughout the body become visible.
It is worth a little gain weight, and they will not be noticeable. Here there is simply an ugly aesthetic appearance and we are not talking about the diseases.
The same goes for athletes actively engaged in bodybuilding. The prominent hamstrings on the chest, arms, legs are common.
The danger is the development of phlebological diseases, the appearance of chronic venous thrombosis, in which venous insufficiency develops( a very common syndrome).
Causes of venous thrombosis:
- postthrombophlebitic disease and varicose veins;
- pathology of the development of the venous system;
- congenital anomalies;
- phlebocytotension.
In the severe form of venous insufficiency, not only the pathological veins appear on the chest and other parts of the body, but also trophic ulcers, for the treatment and healing of which is very time consuming. Therefore, timely diagnosis and detection of pathology is important to prevent such serious complications.
Pregnancy is not only happiness, but also problems
The frequent causes of the appearance of veins on the chest is pregnancy. In fact, this is the first sign that the female body is preparing for breast lactation.
Changes in the milk duct begin approximately from the 10th week of pregnancy. At the same time, the nipples on the breasts increase, and the chest becomes painful. When choosing the right bra, special exercises after lactation, blue ugly veins disappear, the breast acquires the original natural form.
For pregnancy, the appearance of vascular asterisks, their increase, their color is cyanotic - this is the first signs of the disease.
The widening of the veins on the chest, their swelling and bulging, the color from blue to green is the second sign of the development of varicose veins, which can have dangerous consequences.
The danger of the second sign is that it is possible to develop thrombophlebitis, the appearance of trophic ulcers. A strong expansion of the main veins and vessels, which causes varicose veins, can lead to bleeding, and this is a threat of miscarriage and further complications for the state of health of a pregnant woman.
First symptoms or how everything starts?
The initial form of varicose veins in men and women is manifested by the swelling of the legs by the evening, by the heaviness in the legs, by venous deformation on the chest and throughout the body.
Later, convulsions appear in the muscles, the veins protrude, acquire a bluish or purple color. The severe form is accompanied by a significant pathology of the veins with protrusion of the skin over the border, the formation of nodes, the appearance of sharp pain along the veins, later with bleeding. Treatment should be started as soon as possible, the specialist-phlebologist treats illness.
Concomitant symptomatology, which almost always adjoins the pathologically exposed veins on the chest:
- increased body temperature;
- deterioration of general well-being, down to syncope;
- swelling and enlargement of nipples in adolescents;
- appearance of cones, nodes on the breast or in the mammary glands:
- development of mastopathy.
Increased temperature can indicate the presence of inflammation in the body, the neglect of the condition, the development of cancer.
With the advent of veins on the chest in adolescents and the increase in nipples due to hormonal adjustment, the development of mastopathy is possible. This applies to both girls and boys, especially often seen in children with high body weight.
In this case, an increased content of testosterone, which increases fat tissue. Not always such manifestations are dangerous, because they are a consequence of the restructuring of the body and eventually disappear. However, consultation phlebologist and mammologist is desirable for correcting the state of health of a teenager.
Also, similar phenomena can be a consequence of the use of hormones by men and women, some of them increase the level of hormones, others reduce. Some hormonal drugs contribute to the development of neoplasms in the chest, while the growth of mammary glands, swelling of the veins. These same hormones affect the male erection and the production of milk from nursing mothers.
The appearance of pathological veins on the chest with cones and knots is a negative sign of the development of serious complications. Immediate diagnosis of specialists is required.
Diagnosis of
Primary diagnosis is performed by visual examination of the chest and palpation. If the bumps are probed on the chest, knots, then the doctor-phlebologist is engaged in the patient.
For the diagnosis is carried out doktografiya, ultrasound examination of the venous system, sonography, the study of tumors and areas around them.
Only after extensive comprehensive examination can we talk about the appointment of treatment.
Comprehensive medical care
What to do to get rid of the problem, can only be solved by a specialist. If neoplasms are diagnosed, surgical intervention is prescribed, if necessary, chemotherapy.
If varicosity of the initial stage is detected, conservative treatment is prescribed, which includes special medications, application of therapeutic gels and ointments to the area of pathological veins. There is a therapy to prevent the progression of the disease. Important therapeutic diet, exercise therapy.
During pregnancy, treat the veins that appear on the chest is not worth it, since this is a natural process. The same applies to teenagers. In serious pathologies, treatment can only be prescribed by a phlebologist, gynecologist, mammologist.
In the treatment of venous pathology also includes:
- laser therapy;
- echosclerotherapy;
- ultrasound therapy;
- drug therapy;
- surgical intervention.
Take care of your health in advance!
Preventive measures that prevent venous disease:
- for pregnant women is important hygiene, wearing a comfortable bra, minimizing the slightest chest injuries, performing special exercises;
- for adolescents is important proper nutrition and exercise;
- for those who have "sedentary" work, you need to engage in active sports exercises more often, so that the blood functions well in veins and vessels, there are no stagnant phenomena leading to pathological changes in the vascular system;
- rejection of all bad habits;
- optimization of normal weight;
- wearing comfortable clothes, refusal of high heels;
- timely treatment of circulatory disorders, inflammation, intoxication of the body;
- should enrich the diet with fresh vegetables and fruits, foods rich in fiber, with such nutrition the intestine will function well, constipation will disappear that also contribute to the development of varicose veins;
- to eliminate severe physical stresses affecting the vascular system and veins;
- disposal of nervous stress and chronic fatigue, which negatively affects the blood flow through the venous system.
Useful activities will be the adoption of coniferous baths( not pregnant), mediotherapy, auto-training, strengthening immunity.
Specialists-phlebologists developed special exercises that strengthen the strength of the blood flow through the veins and blood vessels, preventing the formation of clots and blood clots.
Perform exercises better in the evening after a work day to restore strength and relax the muscles of the body. At the same time, a person lies on his back, raises his legs up and keeps them stretched for 1-2 minutes. Then the exercise "bicycle" is held, in which a person simulates with his feet circular movements of riding a bicycle for 2-3 minutes.
The third exercise for normal operation of the vascular system and strengthening the venous walls are the usual sit-ups.
The duration of the exercises and the number are selected individually, based on age and health status. At the end it is important to take a contrast shower.
Preventive measures are a guarantee of well-being and normal functioning of the vascular system. In case of painful veins on the chest and the appearance of tumors, immediately consult a doctor.