Menstruation with adenomyosis

Any unhealthy changes in the reproductive sphere affect the menstrual cycle. Not an exception and adenomyosis. The disease occurs when the endometrium develops incorrectly, when its growth is directed not to the uterine cavity, but to its thickness. It is natural that menstruation with adenomyosis can give a woman more unpleasant moments than before, and cause a lot of questions.


  • 1 About adenomyosis
  • 2 How does the disease affect the cycle of menstruation
  • 3 Adenomyosis and the character of menstruation
    • 3.1 Where the pain comes from menstruation
    • 3.2 Menstruation time
  • 4 After monthly

About adenomyosis

The disease is hormonal in nature, but as a rule, he needs a push foroccurrence: surgical interventions on the uterus, other gynecological diseases and as a background weakened immunity. Adenomyosis can occur and is asymptomatic at the initial stage. With the development of it, the cycle first of all changes its character, the monthly ones with adenomyosis differ:

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  • by Soreness;
  • Abundance;
  • The appearance of clots;
  • Duration.

Actually, this is all the symptoms of the disease. After all, the ailment is that the tissues of the mucous membrane of the uterus that comes out during menstruation, spread to the next layer of the organ - myometrium. At other stages of the disease, deeper parts are affected, which causes an increase in these manifestations.

How the disease affects the cycle of menstruation

The main difference in the periodicity is that with adenomyosis, menstrual periods are not regular. Hormonal disorders that occur with it are associated with a decrease in progesterone and an increase in the amount of estrogens. And both do not have any regularity. This causes the occurrence of bleeding at any time interval of the cycle. They have a monthly character, a woman can easily take them for the beginning of a new cycle.

But the intervals between the present menstruation are also usually reduced. Estrogens push the egg to a faster aging, respectively, and the endometrium also develops at an accelerated pace.

Another, less sinister cause of the delay, which characterizes the menstrual period with initial adenomyosis, can be pregnancy. The disease at this stage does not prevent it, and the irregularity of the cycle makes the unexpected conception very likely.

Adenomyosis and the nature of menstruation

Because endometrial tissue is a significant part of the content of menstrual flow, it is natural that their volume in the disease significantly increases. Adenomyosis plentiful monthly causes an increase in the body of estrogens. Hormones provoke a rapid spread of the endometrium beyond the inner surface of the uterus and its thickening. Suppress the process is capable of progesterone. But the organism does not have enough for this disease. While the volume of estrogen increases, the same happens with the endometrium. With a decrease in their number, menstruation begins.

Abundant months for adenomyosis are preceded by bloody swabs, which can be observed for several days. This is also the result of hormonal failure, when substances enter the blood unevenly. The effect of hormones on the reproductive system is of a similar nature.

Adenomyosis and lean month are much more rare, but still occurring phenomenon. Typically, this is the case with the first stage of the disease, when there are no other signs yet.

Whence the pain in menstruation

Pain before menstruation with adenomyosis is also common. They are more intense than sensations of premenstrual syndrome in norm. The tissues of the endometrium, which have spread into the thickness of the uterine layers, have the same developmental character as the lining of the organ. That is, they swell, swell, squeezing healthy cells and nerve endings.

Their rejection provokes the intensification of these manifestations. Therefore, pain with a monthly adenomyosis has the following characteristics:

  • Are noisy character with increasing during the period of critical days and decrease or loss after completion;
  • Poorly amenable to tablets, usually used in menstruation;
  • May be supplemented by spasms associated with contractions of the uterine walls. And the presence in its deep layers of extraneous inclusions makes the sensations difficult to bear;
  • Able to provoke vomiting, dizziness, fainting attacks;
  • Indicate the location of foci of the disease. If the pain is felt in the inguinal region, the germination of the endometrium is detected on the ultrasound at the corners of the organ. Monthly with adenomyosis located in the cervix of the uterus is characterized by spastic manifestations that give to the vagina or rectum.

Menstruation duration

Women who are aware of the existence of such a disease are interested in whether there are prolonged menstrual periods with adenomyosis. This is just their indispensable feature, which is very common. Germination of the endometrium is, as a rule, not continuous, but located in places. His maturation because of the uneven supply of hormones also has a discontinuous nature. Therefore, during menstruation, the process of rejection can last longer than 7 days, causing anemia.

Hormonal disorders in adenomyosis cause bleeding between critical days. One of them can arise right after. The woman finds that the monthly does not stop, adenomyosis in this case requires urgent medical intervention.

After monthly

Changes in the time and consistency of menstruation is by no means the only sign of the disease. Another manifestation of discomfort, which is characterized by adenomyosis - a long dysplasia after menstruation. It can last up to 3-5 days, have a thick consistency and brown color. The culprit is a hormonal failure that prevents the endometrium from developing properly, as well as the nodular form of the disease. With her in the hearth, a liquid of chocolate color accumulates, which can go out not with menstrual secretions, but later.

Adenomyosis and bleeding after menstruation - frequent combination with the development of the disease to grade 2, nodal or mixed form. Often, with this sign, the myoma is also found. The node is filled with blood, and a "hopping" hormonal background can trigger its release on any day of the cycle, including, in addition to the critical ones. Bleeding is accompanied by the same pain as menstruation. The pressure of the swollen endometrial cells in the deeper layers is very sensitive. The organ does not decrease in size, as is normal, its tissues are still swollen and continue to put pressure on the nerve roots in the area.

Adenomyosis can sometimes not be detected except by ultrasound. But if the nature of the monthly changes, it is necessary to find out the reason for this, and not to write off on stresses and other fast-moving occasions.

Adenomyosis can cause complications in pregnancy, the appearance of cancer cells in the tissues. And although it is impossible to completely get rid of the disease, control over it and therapy can reduce any risks to a minimum.

  • Mar 27, 2018
  • 36
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