Found video on the Internet, but the video is not produced in your Yandex browser? The first probable cause is a non-included or incorrectly configured flash player. Flash player is a special software add-on for your computer, which opens wide prospects when working with Internet resources. View colorful animations, video clips, online movies, games - all this you can watch on the sites thanks to the flash player. Running the module is easy and simple, but many do not know how to do it. How to turn on the flash player in a couple of minutes, read on.
Features of the configuration of Adobe Flash Player in the browser Yandex
Every modern person has a computer, a laptop, a modern phone or a tablet from which they access the Internet. For example, young people often watch Yandex videos, listen to songs, play online games. All this can not be reproduced without certain modules, such as Adobe Flash Player. This player has its own advantages and disadvantages.
Of the merits are:
- Addition is free, no activation is required.
- Ability to play audio, media, flash files in Yandex.
- The installation of the product does not require any special skills from a person. It is fast, easy to understand, easy to use.
- Flash is used to play more than 50 percent of the total number of modern Internet resources.
The drawbacks include:
- Excessive workload on the processor of a portable device or computer.
- Frequent failures in the work of flash content.
- The need to constantly update the player.
To properly configure the player in Yandex, consider some of the features:
- Always check for the latest version of Yandex before updating or installing the module.
- Do not use two players at the same time.
- After enabling the module, configure it to update automatically.
- Download the program only from the official site.
Step-by-step configuration instruction Flash player in Yandex browser
The player for each browser is configured in different ways. Inclusion takes only a minute or two, but many people lose a lot of time, not knowing how to do it. Before you start step-by-step customization of the player, you need to know that this module is built into the default browser engine, and it is automatically installed with the first Yandex update. But if you can not view the video on the site, it's more likely that the Adobe Flash Player application is disabled. To configure it, follow the instructions below:
- Open Yandex, in the address bar write the line without the quotes "browser: // plugins"( plug-ins).
- Before you open a page with a list of all downloaded and installed additional modules to the browser. On the same page on the right there is a "Details" button, when clicked, full information on all installed applications will be displayed.
- Look carefully at the list, find the line called Adobe Flash Player.
- Having discovered the necessary application, first of all see how many modules are loaded. If one, press the "connect" button and reboot the browser.
- If you have two players( old and new version) and both are included, the video may not work, so you should disable the old version, and leave the new one running and restart the browser.
How to install the free plug-in of the latest version of
Another reason why your browser does not work video may be an outdated version of the player. In Yandex, there is an option to automatically update the flash player, but if it was disabled, you must perform the update manually. For the correct installation, use the following method and instruction:
- The first thing you need to check the player's version and the need to update it. Open Yandex, click on the icon in the upper right corner - "Yandex browser settings".
- Go to the "Advanced" menu, select the line "About the Yandex browser".
- In a new window the page will open, the Yandex and its modules will be checked for relevance.
- If updates are detected, they will be installed automatically.
- When there are no updates, and the browser speaks about the deprecated version of the player, install the new version yourself. Before that, you need to get rid of all the "tails" of the old player, so that there is no unnecessary burden on the system and everything worked fine.
- Close Yandex, go to the "Start" menu and select "Control Panel".We need the item "Programs and components", open it.
- You will see a list with all the programs and additions installed in the operating system. We are looking for Adobe Flash Player, click on the "Delete" button.
- After uninstalling, restart the operating system to avoid possible software conflicts.
- Open our browser and go to the official Adobe Flash Player. Only from the site-developer recommended to download the product to be sure that the flash player will work properly and with it the computer will not load viruses.
- After the player has finished downloading, close Yandex again and open the downloaded installation file.
- Install the program, following the instructions in the appeared window, put the "bird" under the familiarization with the license agreement.
- After completing the installation, click "Done", restart the laptop or computer.
- Then, go to the browser "Yandex" and already known method include a flash player.
What to do if you can not turn on the Flash Player
Sometimes, for a number of different reasons, the flash player may fail: the version is new, and only one is loaded for the work, but it can not be activated. Consider the common causes of the failure of the Flash Player and the solutions:
- Included other browser modules( ad blockers, firewalls) that interfere with the operation of the flash player. Try to disable some applications from the list of plug-ins.
- Incorrect installation of the player. Often because of inattention, users forget to close the browser during the installation of the player or after rebooting the operating system, and as a result, an incorrectly installed module is obtained. The solution to the problem will be to reinstall the plugin, strictly following the instructions in the step-by-step instructions.
- Obsolete browser. If your Yandex has not been updated for a long time, it may not support the new version of the player. First, remove the plug-in, update the browser, then make a new installation and configure the Flash Player.
- An outdated version of the Java platform. Java provides the operation of many online applications, if its version is not relevant, perform an update.
- The module is blocked by an antivirus program. Often to ensure the security of the system, the antivirus blocks the flash. To solve the problem, add Flash Player to the antivirus exceptions.
Video: how to update plugins flash player for yandex browser
Unforgettable positive impressions from a watched movie or clip in Yandex will ensure the correctly installed current version of the flash player. If you do not know or are not sure that you remember how to update the plug-in yourself, learn the following video instruction. Here, step by step, you describe the actions you need to take to ensure the stable operation of all Flash applications in Yandex.