Such an unpleasant phenomenon, as a runny nose can not but show additional symptoms, the most characteristic is the temporary loss of smell and taste. Why does this state arise and, as soon as possible to recover and return the fullness of sensations, our article will tell.


  • 1 Mechanism of action of sense of smell
  • 2 Mechanism of action of sense of taste
  • 3 Why the sensation of loss of smell and taste is lost in the disease
  • 4 What to do in order to regain sense of perception

Mechanism of action of sensation of smell

the sense of smell was gone with a cold

The special olfactory area is in the upper part of the nasal passage and differs in structure fromcharacteristic mucosal structure of the nasal cavity. The sensitivity of the olfactory area is individually developed for each individual, so we define the fragrance resistance and the subtle notes of odors in a slightly different way. Special receptors transfer molecules to the brain through ultra sensitive nerve fibers.

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The information received by our main "computer" analyzes and gives a definition, the classification of aromas occurs automatically, and the new smell is entered in the "database" for further memorization.

The video tells about what to do if the nose got smell:

The mechanism of the sense of taste sensation

Our language is a whole field of small taste buds, which also analyze objects for the presence of one more important attribute - taste. This is due to the tiny papillae, which are visible to the naked eye on the surface of the tongue. As many will recall from the school course of biology, the language is divided into several areas, each of which defines only one of four possible tastes. lost the sense of smell with a cold, what to do

The language is divided into the following zones:

  1. The sweet taste is determined at the very tip of the tongue, the zone responsible for determining exactly this taste.
  2. A bit later, there are "salt" receptors on the side parts, due to which we feel the amount of salt in the food.
  3. The lateral part of the tongue, following the "salty" area, is well oriented in acidic tastes.
  4. The root of the tongue, or rather, the receptors on it, determine bitterness - the fourth taste that we are able to sense.

All incredibly complex taste range of all possible products and dishes in the world is obtained by mixing these four tastes. Each person also feels different taste of the same food. Distinguish people with a particularly delicate taste and smell. As a rule, they can well prove themselves as professional tasters.

Boiron pills from the cold How to properly use Boiron tablets from the common cold, you can find out by reading the article.

From this article you can find out if the ear can get a cold from the cold or not.

The latest research in this field has confirmed a significant decrease in the sensitivity of taste and olfactory receptors with increasing human age. First of all, it is connected, of course, with the inevitable aging and deterioration of all organs, but it can also be the consequences of the transferred diseases, one of which will be a common runny nose.

On the video - more information about what to do if the sense of smell is lost in the common cold:

Why does the sense of smell and taste of the

after the nose the sense of smell was gone

become lost? What happens in the common cold with olfactory and taste receptors can be demonstrated most clearly by the following example. When cold symptoms occur, the nasal sinuses begin to actively develop a special mucus that is designed to fight the disease, not allowing the infection to penetrate the body, it is not always possible, but this is a separate topic, and in the case of a cold, the swelling of the mucous overlaps the area of ​​smell .After the disease is safely defeated, the nasal mucosa gradually returns to normal and the olfactory region also restores its functions.

All known drops for the treatment of the common cold, which we apply without hesitation, with the first symptoms, have a very harmful effect on the complex "mechanism" of nasal perception. The effect of this drug is based on its vasoconstrictive action, so frequent and uncontrolled reception leads to dysfunction of the muscular wall of the vessels. They just stop performing their duties and therefore the mucous edema does not last long even after full recovery. Manufacturers of such medications sometimes honestly write about the possibility of getting used to the drug, but for some reason we are accustomed to consider drops for the nose as the most innocuous and simple medicine.

The second common cause of loss of smell is an allergic rhinitis. The principle of action will be similar: edema mucous, but the constant effect of the allergen also will not pass without a trace. Thus, the body itself is opposed to harmful factors, simply "turning off" the now useless olfactory area. allergic rhinitis

The most serious cause of loss or perversion of smell may be certain diseases of the central nervous system. At the first signs of such phenomena urgent examination and medical aid is necessary.

Types and stages of the disease of the nervous system:

  1. Anosmia - total loss of sensitivity of the olfactory area. May be a consequence of complications after the flu and ARVI, as well as a stroke and damage to the central nervous system.
  2. Hyposmia - lowering the sensitivity and perception of odors. This symptom is observed after a common cold and viral diseases. People with chronic diseases of the nasopharynx often suffer.
  3. Kakosmiya - perverted perception of odors. It manifests itself in the form of failures of the received information. A common cause is tumor formation of the olfactory region.
  4. Hyperosmia is an increased sensitivity to odors, when even a subtle fragrance becomes intolerable torture. It is observed not only for abnormalities in the work of olfactory receptors, but also as a signal for a malfunction of the nervous system. Often, patients have specific olfactory "hallucinations", when patients feel an extraneous smell, which is not felt by others.

the baby does not have more than a week What to do when the baby does not have more than a week's runny nose, is indicated in the article.

An adult cold does not go through half a year, what to do about it, is indicated in the article.

Why constantly lays a nose without a cold, you can learn from the article here: http: // zakladyvaet-nos-bez-nasmorka-prichiny.html

All these phenomena, at best, cause discomfort, and also signal serious health problems. It should not be delayed with a visit to a specialist, because any disruption of the normal life of the body can lead to serious consequences.

What to do to restore the senses of perception

It should be noted here that the loss of sensitivity after the common cold has a temporary effect and refers to quite natural phenomena. A complete return of lost feelings can take a week, but if after this period the sense of smell and taste has not returned, the reason may not be in the cold.

The video tells what to do if after a cold the sense of smell is lost:

How to regain sense of smell after a cold and SARS:

  1. Home inhalation - an excellent tool to regain the "scent".Traditional recipes of traditional medicine here will be very appropriate."Classic" method - to breathe over boiled potatoes is familiar to most of us not by hearsay, but also brings good results in the treatment of colds, runny nose and cough. You can use decoctions of pharmacy herbs, even just water with the addition of essential oils. To do this, make sure that there is no allergy to this odor and ask relatives to calculate a dosage that is comfortable for a person. About how to do inhalation with laryngitis in children, you can learn from the article. And about how to do inhalations with Fluimutsilom at a genyantritis, it is possible to learn or find out from clause or article. Home Inhalations
  2. Cotton swabs, impregnated with special mixtures, will help to quickly return the sense of smell. Examples of such mixtures are given below:
    1. Liquid honey.
    2. Aloe or Kalanchoe juice, diluted in half with water.
    3. Mummy in half with vegetable oil. Propolis and butter.
    4. Balm "Asterisk", which is better to smear the wings of the nose, but not mucous.
  3. Home drops - a counterpart of pharmacy recipes. The most effective is the following composition: one part camphor and menthol oil are mixed. Burying three times a day for two or three drops in each nostril. camphor and menthol oil
  4. Regular washings of the nasopharynx with saline solutions are also well established. You can use decoctions of herbs, for example, the remains of a solution for inhalation. Rinse your nose more conveniently with a special watering can, which you can buy at a pharmacy. The algorithm of action is simple:
    1. Tilt a little head.
    2. In one nostril, pour in a little of the solution( you can use a syringe without a needle).
    3. After the fluid has safely escaped from another nostril, the procedure is repeated for her already.

Regular washing of the nasopharynx with saline solutions

The procedure is simple, like all ingenious, unpleasant sensations from such manipulations quickly pass and do not go to any comparison with medical methods( it is enough to recall the famous "cuckoo").Regular washing will not only help with nasopharyngeal diseases, but also contribute to strengthening the immune system and raising the vitality of the body. There are no contraindications to this procedure, it can be done both for pregnant women and children.

The method of "shock therapy" helps well: this is when the patient in turn inhales sharp specific smells. Specimens of such smells can be garlic, menthol and pine essential oils, natural coffee, turpentine or Vishnevsky ointment and other strong-smelling substances.

The loss of smell after a cold is an unpleasant symptom that usually passes after the elimination of the cause itself. Help people to quickly return the sense of smell folk methods: inhalation, special home drops and lubrication of the inner surface of the nasal mucosa. If the loss of sensitivity is observed a week after recovery, you should treat this symptom very cautiously, because it can signal serious problems of the central nervous system. Proper diagnosis and timely treatment is the key to a successful victory with the disease and the restoration of the old sense of smell.