When newborn babies cry when crying? When do children cry with tears?

Physiological features of the first months of a child's life after birth.

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Since the birth of the baby's life flows in another environment - air. So his body has to adapt to it, rebuild the work of organs and systems.

Young parents want their babies to be healthy in all respects. But they forget about the individuality of the baby and its pace of adaptation.

Therefore, newborns tend to cry for the first time without tears. And this should not cause excessive anxiety in the young mother.

When do babies cry when crying?

newborn baby bitterly crying without tears

A crumb in the womb experiences emotions, but does not cry with tears. His eyes are washed with amniotic fluid and preserve health.

From the first hours of stay in airspace, the reaction to new environmental conditions in the child is a cry and crying without tears.
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A bit of anatomy. The body of the crumb after birth is covered in a bloom. It protects the skin and all mucous membranes from invading bacteria and microorganisms.

In addition to the skin, the plaque also has:
  • on eye conjunctiva
  • in the lacrimal ducts of
Secondly, it forms a gelatinous crust that must come out and open channels for the movement of tears.

Pediatricians and children's ophthalmologists claim that their disclosure occurs from 2-6 weeks of a newborn's life. Then the young mother will see the first tears at his weeping. In some cases, crumbs are able to shed tears from the first minute of life in the airspace.

Why do not the tear ducts of a newborn open immediately? There are several reasons:
  • is not ripe for independent work
  • excessively narrow
  • weak functionality
  • thick gelatinous membrane
  • presence of pathology or serious disease
Keep increased attention to the state of the baby's eyes.

All the discharge is removed neatly with cotton wool after treatment with infusion of chamomile, own milk from the breast or special drops. But before any manipulation consult doctors.

In addition to hygienic procedures, an ophthalmologist can prescribe crumbs for massage of lacrimal ducts. A young mother will cope with this task herself.

To do this:

  • wash your hands with antibacterial soap
  • take a clean cotton pad
  • gently and moderately hard press the little finger from the point under the inner corner of the eye to it
  • repeat the actions for the second eye
  • massage up to 5 times a day
So you stimulate movementfluid in the lacrimal canals. It presses on the gelatinous plug, pushing it out.

When an opaque discharge is accumulated in the baby's eyes, it must be washed, for example, with a solution of furacilin, and removed with clean dry cotton wool.

To determine the fact of impassability of the lacrimal canals of a newborn, the doctor will conduct a test. The color solution, for example, furatsilina, will drip into the eyes of the baby, the cotton turkeys will put into the spout. If after 10 minutes all the liquid from the eye did not go away and the turundochki remained almost without staining, then 99% of the diagnosis was a blockage of lacrimal canals.

For their cleaning in a day hospital in a polyclinic, a pediatric ophthalmologist performs a micro operation for a baby under local anesthesia. The latter is dripped special drops into the eye and trigger the probe. Its task is to push the cork out of the channel or expand it for its free passage. The procedure is painless and gives the desired result.

Tears in newborns: Komarovsky

the baby is crying heavily on the hands of his mother
E. Komarovsky says that the norm for newborn babies is the maturation of nasal eyes at the time of birth. Then tears do not accumulate in the eyes, but flow freely. A young mother does not even have time to notice them.
Such a baby will begin to cry with tears closer to 2-3 months of age.

If you see tears in the eyes of a crumb or an opaque detachable before, then it has dacryocystitis. In other words - blockage of the nasoglossal canal. Most often it occurs in one of the eyes and can manifest itself on the second after the treatment of the first.

With dacryocystitis, fluid accumulates in lacrimal sacs. It becomes a cozy environment for the reproduction of bacteria and the formation of inflammation.

Komarowski recommends in case of dacryocystitis:

  • massage of the nasoglossal canal to the child,
  • washing of the eye with furatsilin solution if purulent discharge accumulates, or saline solution if the liquid in the eye is transparent,
  • mandatory removal of excess fluid from the eye with clean cotton fleece
From E. Komarovsky's positionvoices in telecasts and on the pages of his books, clearly adherence to the teachings of B. Spoek. To her, the first adds his medical knowledge and terms.

For example, when a child is crying, the nasopharyngeal channels from the bacteria are washed. Because in his tears there are enzymes responsible for their elimination. That is, crying for about 5 minutes to a small person is good for your health.

Believe it or not, to follow such a position or listen to yourself is up to you.

Let's add one - the sensitivity of the mother's heart in communicating with the newborn is alien to a man, even a graduate medical doctor.

Health to you and your baby!

Video: how to do a tear canal massage?

  • Mar 27, 2018
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