Treating tooth pulpitis with folk remedies: recipes and tips

Pulpitis is an inflammation of the tissue that fills the tooth cavity and ensures its growth and nutrition of the pulp. Basically, the disease manifests itself as a result of infection in the tooth layers damaged by caries, which previously had not been treated.

Sometimes pulpitis may occur with mechanical trauma.


  • Unpleasant introduction to pulpitis
  • What does folk medicine offer for the treatment of pulpitis?
  • Therapeutic tinctures
  • The use of decoctions
  • Therapeutic baths and lotions
  • Rubbing and application for pain relief
  • What else can I use?
  • Nuances and cautions

Unpleasant acquaintance with pulpitis

Symptoms of pulpitis are vomiting, sharp paroxysmal pains, the spread of which can be carried out along the branches of the trigeminal nerve. Painful sensations are more pronounced in the evening and at night with intermissions between attacks of 2-3 hours.

In the end, the pulp dies, and if untimely treatment of the tooth can become inflamed the root membrane. With the further development of periodontitis, the tooth becomes painful when tapping and pressing. The main symptoms of a neglected disease is the inflammation of the submaxillary lymph nodes that surround the gums with long and aching pains.

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If the pathology is not treated, then a basal granuloma spreading the infection in the body may appear. Neoplasm can grow into a radical cyst.

There are two main methods for treating pulpitis - surgical and biological. The main goal of the treatment is getting the patient out of pain, eliminating the inflammatory focus and restoring the integrity of the tooth.

Biological method of treatment is used in acute focal pulpitis, chronic form of fibrous pulpitis, accidental dissection of pulp.

After anesthesia, the tooth is isolated by a cofferdam or rollers, necrotic enamel and dentin tissues are eliminated. After processing the tissues with antiseptic, drugs are placed on the pulp, which relieve tension and inflammation in it.

If the pain continues, then surgical treatment( devital and vital) is used. The vital method is based on the partial or complete elimination of the pulp without prior killing. In the devital method, a special preparation is applied, followed by amputation or extirpation of the pulp.

What does folk medicine offer for the treatment of pulpitis?

Due to the fact that inflammation of the pulp is observed in a closed and isolated bone space, and the development of pulpitis occurs quickly, effective treatment with folk remedies becomes impossible.

You can only temporarily reduce the manifestation of symptoms with inflammation and pain.

In folk medicine, there are many methods for pain relief when developing pulpitis: infusions, decoctions, lotions, rubs, etc.

. Exceptions are preventive measures( daily brushing of teeth with a special powder or paste, observance of a diet that excludes excessive consumption of sweet and acidicproducts).Also, you should avoid consuming very hot and cold food.

Treatment of pulpitis should be comprehensive: first you need to anesthetize the affected area with any available remedy, and then you need to visit the dentist to remove necrotic tissues and treat the affected teeth.

What tools and methods can be used at home to relieve the symptoms of pulpitis?

Therapeutic tinctures of

Recipes of infusions that relieve pain and inflammation:

  1. In proportion 1/5 is mixed with the crushed comfrey root with 40% alcohol, it is infused for 10 days. In the filtered solution it is necessary to moisten the cotton wool and apply to the sick tooth for 5-10 minutes.
  2. To ease the condition, pour 2 tbsp.l. grated willow bark in a glass of boiling water, insist, filter and rinse the mouth of the cavity.
  3. Tincture of mint and raspberry is done as follows: leaves of plants are poured with apple or grape vinegar for 3 days. Tincture should be diluted in the same volume of warm boiled water and rinsed with a mouth cavity composition.
  4. The same proportions of ayr and St. John's wort should be covered in a mortar, put in a jar of glass, pour alcohol before coating. The remedy should be left for a couple of hours, drain and wring out the grass. Now in the pipette should be dialed and instilled in a carious cavity. The frequency of the procedure is 3 hours.
  5. Take grass spores and flowers of black elder in equal proportions in amounts of 2 tablespoons, pour in 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 60 minutes. Infusion filter and rinse the tooth for 10 minutes with an interval of 2 hours.
  6. For the removal of puffiness and disinfection, is used from the bay leaves .To do this, take a tablespoon of grated leaves, pour them in a glass of boiling water, insist and filter. The agent rinses the mouth for several days. In the composition, you can add a tablespoon of a blood-groove.
  7. Take the same amount of eucalyptus leaves, birch buds, peppermint, alder earrings.3 tablespoons of the collection pour 0.5 liters of boiling water and insist 60 minutes. Tincture rinses the tooth every 60 minutes.

Using decoctions of

We recommend the following recipes:

  1. sage has a soothing, analgesic and antiseptic effect. The mouth must be rinsed with a decoction of the plant with an interval of 2-3 hours. Prepare a tool in the calculation of 2 tbsp. Spoons of herbs on a glass of boiling water and insist 20 minutes.
  2. Remove edema, pain and inflammation will help a decoction of pomegranate skin .To do this, clean a pair of garnets from the peel, grind it, put it in a liter jar and pour it with boiling water. The mixture is kept in a water bath for 2 hours, the broth obtained rinses the mouth cavity 6 times a day.

Therapeutic baths and lotions

Recipes of medical baths and lotions that are available for cooking at home and very effective in pulpitis:

  1. Ginger baths with water.20 grams of fresh ginger root is poured into 150 ml of boiling water and insisted for 20 minutes. In the infusion add teaspoon of soda and mix. Of the formed composition, the baths are made, the entire volume must be used for three doses for several minutes with a periodicity of 2 hours.
  2. is used as a hardwood resin or pine ( about 0.5 tsp for one serving), placed on the gum near the diseased tooth until completely dissolved. The agent should be used 3 times a day, but can not be applied at night.
  3. 2 teaspoons of salt dissolve in a glass of boiling water , add 20 ml of celandine juice. From the remedy make warm baths for a sick tooth with an interval of 3 hours.
  4. An effective remedy is paste made from lemon juice, hydrogen peroxide and soda.0.5 tspsoda is mixed with 15-20 drops of hydrogen peroxide and 5 cap.lemon juice. Blend the cotton wool and wipe the teeth.
  5. Tincture of from vodka and grated horseradish is impregnated with a tampon, applied to the gum. You can prepare a means of onion husk, aspen or pumpkin shavings and apply it as well.

Injuries and applications for pain relief

Pain caused by pulpitis can be remedied with the following tools:

  1. Removing inflammation and pain can be rubbed into medicinal plants and fresh vegetables .Since ancient times people have applied a piece of beet to the affected tooth for 20 minutes, put the plantain root in their ear.
  2. You can attach aluminated leaf to the gums.
  3. Good in the treatment of pulpitis thick composition of grated dry skin of banana, olive oil and sea salt .They lubricate the gum and hold in their mouth for 10 minutes. The procedure should be repeated twice a day( morning and evening).
  4. To a sick tooth, can apply a piece of bread or fresh lard of .Seal of garlic .Grind a clove of garlic, mix with the same volume of beeswax. A uniform plastic mass should be obtained from which the ball is made and placed in a carious hole. This means should be used after rinsing and keep no more than 24 hours.
  5. You can roll a piece of propolis and put it in a sick tooth. After the propolis has dissolved, the procedure can be repeated.

What else can I use?

Use of germinated wheat grains is recommended. From the raw material is made porridge or jelly, which you need to consume every day.

Effective is the garlic compress to the inside of the wrist of that hand, which is opposite to the pain syndrome( if the tooth of pain is on the right side, then the compress is applied to the left arm).

You should ground the garlic until the juice appears, put the composition on the bandage and take off after the pain subsides.

Alternative methods for the treatment of pulpitis are the use of laser and physiotherapy. After this the carious cavity is sealed.

Nuances and Cautions

Treatment of pulpitis is based on the removal of the affected nerve, the disinfection of the chamber and the filling of channels. Sometimes it is possible to anesthetize and remove inflammation with the help of folk methods, but the need for sealing does not disappear.

Before using any methods and recipes, you should consult a dentist, which will save your teeth and a beautiful smile.

To reduce the rate of inflammation of the pulp, preventive measures can be used: hygiene, brushing your teeth 2 times a day, rinsing your mouth after eating, and eliminating the appearance of plaque.

You also need to visit the dentist 3-4 times a year, protect your teeth from damage, monitor your healthy diet.

I would like to note that pulpitis is a serious disease that is difficult to treat at home, therefore, it is timely to seek help from a dentist.

  • Mar 27, 2018
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