Is it possible for pregnant women to treat their teeth with anesthesia?

Dental treatment during pregnancy can be accompanied by certain difficulties.

First of all, it is advisable to refrain from serious interventions in the first trimester of pregnancy.

Treatment of shallow caries can be carried out at an early stage, but sometimes there are situations where complex treatment with anesthesia is necessary.

Contents of

  • When is anesthesia necessary?
  • What can and can not be for future mothers?
  • How to choose a good anesthetic for pregnant women
  • What most often interests women?

When is anesthesia necessary?

Anesthetics in the treatment of teeth in pregnant women are necessary in the following cases:

  • nerve removal;
  • pulpitis;
  • deep caries;
  • tooth extraction;
  • periodontitis;
  • preparation for prosthetics.

During pregnancy it is not recommended to perform cosmetic dentistry procedures. To treat the teeth should be only in the case when there are serious indications for dental intervention.

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The dentist will tell about dental treatment during pregnancy.

What can and can not be for future mothers?

The following drugs are not recommended for during pregnancy:

  • lidocaine - a large number of contraindications, including difficulty breathing, muscle spasms and lowering of blood pressure, make this drug undesirable in the arsenal of anesthetics for pregnant women;
  • Novocaine - may be permitted in certain cases, especially if the patient suffers from increased blood pressure.
For future mothers, anesthetics have been developed with a minimum dosage of epinephrine, which is not recommended during pregnancy. This is the fifth generation drugs that are used in dentistry along with proven anesthetic adrenaline form.

In pregnancy, can be used with anesthesia with a low content of adrenaline or completely without it:

  1. Ultracaine is practically harmless, it is used in pregnancy, not burdened with pathological processes. When an overdose can be observed headaches, arrhythmia, rapid heartbeat. Produced in three forms with different concentrations of adrenaline.
  2. Ubistezin is an analogue of ultracaine with high efficiency. It is characterized by low toxicity and speed.
  3. Primacaine - does not cause harmful effects on the fetus when the dosage is taken. Not recommended for use in the last trimester.
  4. Septanest - is rarely used for anesthesia during pregnancy due to the high amount of preservatives.
  5. Mepivastezin( scandinavian) is a quality product of European manufacture. Does not have vasoconstrictive action. Used in cases where adrenaline anesthetics are completely contraindicated or there are pathologies of pregnancy. It has an increased toxicity, which is especially important when determining the dosage.

How to choose a good anesthetic for pregnant women

The choice of an anesthetic is directly dependent on the patient's condition and type of operation. In the absence of contraindications pregnant women may be prescribed adrenaline-containing drugs of low concentration.

It is worth noting that it is not recommended to use completely non -adrenaline preparations. This component regulates the absorption of anesthetic into the blood. In the absence of adrenaline, the anesthetic agent enters the woman's body in a fast time and in considerable concentration, which increases the risk of its penetration into the placenta.

The best anesthetics for dental treatment during pregnancy are "Ubistezin" and "Ultrakain", which are the most effective and the least toxic.

However, these drugs are not recommended for use in anemia, bronchial asthma and intolerance to sulfo groups.

In cases of heart disease, ubistezine can be used at a concentration of 1: 200,000.When endocrine diseases are not recommended to use adrenaline anesthetics, it is better to give preference to "Mepivastezin" or "Ultrakainu-D".

What are women most often interested in?

Answers to the most burning questions.

Can I do anesthesia during pregnancy?

Yes, you can. Thus it is necessary to choose a safe preparation and it is desirable to carry out treatment in the second trimester.

Can pregnant women have teeth removed with anesthesia?

Yes, the operation for the removal of teeth involves the use of anesthetics that are safe for the mother and fetus. Can be conducted at any time according to the indications.

  • Mar 27, 2018
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