For many, waking up early in the morning is an impossible task. The rhythm of the life of modern people dictates its rules - we lay down under the blanket, we are quite late, and we rise before dawn. And after a hearty breakfast, the situation is aggravated and it begins to seem that the bed is literally calling in its embrace. So what do you do?
In this article we will tell you about products that help to cheer up. Eating them or their combinations, you can turn the hateful early hours into an excellent start to the day. So:
- Orange juice.
Citrus fruit is a real find for those who always want to sleep. Orange juice contains a large amount of vitamin C, which fills the body with energy. And the smell of any "sunny" fruit stimulates brain activity. However, be careful - it is not worth while to eat such a drink on an empty stomach - it is fraught with an ulcer. - Nuts.
Nut kernels are quite nutritious and also help to "recharge".But it is not worth getting too involved, because the remains of energy that your body does not have time to process are deposited not in the brain, but at the waist or hips. - Apples.
These popular fruits contain boron, which increases the working capacity of the body. In addition, they help "include" mindfulness and better absorb information. Apples contain many other equally useful substances, so you can chew them in any quantity. - Meat
Meat is a real storehouse of protein, and it, as you know, is slowly processed, accordingly, the energy allocated to them is enough for a longer period. Naturally, if you eat a piece of boiled beef along with a cup of coffee, you will not immediately wake up, but pretty much replenish the energy reserve. Therefore, if you have a rather difficult day, eat a piece of baked chicken or other meat. - Chocolate.
This sweet favorite contains a lot of sugar and helps to produce endorphins - the so-called happiness hormones. Pairs of cubes are enough to wake up and give yourself the power for a few hours. - Oatmeal.
Oatmeal - perfect breakfast. It, as many people know, triggers a metabolism, which means it awakens the entire body. Oatmeal is a rich source of complex carbohydrates and fiber. Add a small amount of dried fruit or jam to the serving porridge and get a wonderful morning meal option. - Berries.
Any berries are very tasty and not less useful. But in the morning your preference is better given to strawberries, blueberries and raspberries, because they contain more natural stimulants. - Yogurt.
Yoghurts, especially if they are not stuffed with a variety of fillers, are a great breakfast. They are full of magnesium - a good source of long-lasting energy. - Eggs.
Eggs are a truly magical product. They are full of minerals, in particular, leucine, vitamins and proteins, necessary for the human body for full-fledged work. A couple of boiled eggs can give you so much energy that you will have enough of it before lunch. - Green tea.
This fragrant drink gives more vivacity than a favorite coffee. However, keep in mind that unlike the latter, green tea does not work so fast, you will not get an instant flow of energy.
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