Bifidumbacterin for newborns - benefit, use, contraindications

Newborns often suffer from abdominal pain caused by immaturity of the digestive system. Teething and flexing of the legs, tension, loud crying are obvious symptoms of infantile colic. Similar problems in infants are associated with the development of the gastrointestinal tract and its colonization with a useful microflora."Bifidumbacterin" with colic in newborns will be a real help to moms and kids.

  • Composition and benefits of
  • Indications
  • Applications and doses
  • Liquid
  • Powder
  • Tablets
  • Contraindications

Composition and use

This preparation contains no chemistry and synthetics. It consists of live bifidobacteria sorbed on activated charcoal particles and lactose.

Bifidobacteria are curved sticks, slightly branched at the ends, very useful for the baby's body. Getting into the digestive system, they perform several functions at once: they saturate the intestine with a useful microflora, reduce allergic reactions, stop and eliminate putrefactive processes, and also have a restorative effect.

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The sorption of bifidobacteria on activated carbon particles expands their positive effect on the formation of the newborn's gastrointestinal tract:

  • accelerates the process of regeneration of the intestinal mucosa;
  • activated wall digestion;
  • due to association in the colony, increases the permeability of beneficial bacteria through the acidic environment of the stomach.

Lactose, or in another way milk sugar, favors the development of the central nervous and cardiovascular systems and is a nutrient medium for beneficial bacteria in the intestine.

The drug is safe for newborns, including prematurity.
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Indications for use "Bifidumbacterin" for babies are:

  • various types of dysbiosis;
  • frequent regurgitation;
  • Inflammation of the large and small intestine;
  • intestinal infections accompanied by diarrhea;
  • transition from breastfeeding to artificial mixtures;
  • prophylaxis of digestive disorders when using antibiotics;
  • complex therapy in the treatment of children with anemia, hypertrophy, rickets;
  • constipation in newborns.
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Usage and doses of

The dose of "Bifidumbacterin" for newborns is usually determined by a pediatrician depending on the weight and age of the baby. But if you do not have the opportunity to consult a pediatrician, refer to the instructions. It accurately indicates how much to drink "Bifidumbacterin" to newborns in terms of duration. It is important to observe the dosage in order not to harm the baby.

The kid may refuse to take the drug, to avoid this, follow some tips:

  1. Use a syringe. Having typed in it the dissolved mixture, slowly pour the drug into the baby's mouth, trying to get on the area behind the cheek, and not into the throat itself. Do not strive to pour in immediately and sharply serving whole - this can provoke vomiting.
  2. Dosing Pig. If you have such an adaptation, then it will not be difficult for you to give the child the necessary portion of Bifidumbacterin.
  3. Soother. The tip of the pacifier is dipped in a pre-prepared mixture and is offered to the baby.
  4. Chest. If the child does not accept the pacifier, you can try applying the drug to the halo area. Such actions need to be done until the prescribed dose is over.

"Bifidumbacterin" is available in three forms: tablet, powder and liquid.

Tables for determining the sizes of clothes for newborns and toddlers up to 2 years old
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Liquid concentrate is available in pneumoflacons. It has a beige shade, is presented as a finished homogeneous emulsion, or in another way a homogeneous mixture of two non-soluble substances. In this case, it is a combination of biomass of bifidobacteria and skimmed cow's milk.

For a newborn, adaptation of Bifidumbacterin in liquid form is necessary, for this purpose, according to the doctor's prescription or according to the instructions, the concentrate is mixed with the liquid( milk, milk mixture) close to the baby's nutrition in the specified proportions.

It is important to give the necessary portion of "Bifidumbacterin" before the main meal, so that the dosage is observed. If given during meals or after, then there is a risk that the required amount of the drug will not be drunk and, therefore, there will not be the expected effect.

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Liquid "Bifidumbacterin" can be used from the first days of a baby's life. Newborn Bifidumbacterin concentrate is usually prescribed up to 1 milliliter per day, depending on the weight and age of the baby. Duration of admission is usually from two weeks to two months, depending on the prescription of the pediatrician.
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Powdered "Bifidumbacterin" - beige crystals of different saturation or gray hue. Powder "Bifidumbacterin" is produced in sachets and ampoules.

One serving of powdered "Bifidumbacterin" contains not less than 500 000 000 lyophilized dried live bifidobacteria and lactose. This type of drying involves freezing and placing in a vacuum, which completely preserves the structure of the beneficial bacteria. Lactose, used as an auxiliary substance, activates the growth of bifidobacteria.

It is important to know how to breed Bifidumbacterin for newborns. When preparing a mixture of Bifidumbacterin powder, it is best to use liquid from the baby's diet. The resulting solution should not be cold or hot. It is desirable that it reaches a warm temperature, close to the temperature of breast milk. The diluted powder is offered to the child with a measuring spoon or other methods that are most comfortable for the mother and baby.

How to give "Bifidumbacterin" to newborns in ampoules? Dilute the powder directly into the ampoule. For this it is convenient to use a syringe. Filling the ampoule with liquid, you need to shake it well to mix it. The resulting mixture is consumed immediately, otherwise after a while it will deteriorate. Storage of the solution is unacceptable.

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Powdered "Bifidumbacterin" for infants is prescribed up to 5 doses 2-3 times a day for 5 to 15 days. In order to prevent the amount of the drug is reduced to 2.5 doses, the length of the reception is preserved. Diluted 1 dose in 30-40 milliliters of fluid, close to the baby's nutrition.
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In the form of tablets "Bifidumbacterin" is produced in a jar with a lid of propylene. Filling capacity of the jar: 20, 30 and 60 tablets. The tablets consist of dried bovine live bifidobacteria. The color of tablets can be several shades: white and gray, beige, sometimes marble. The shape of the tablet is round, flat with convex surfaces.

Breastfeeding "Bifidumbacterin" in tablets is usually not prescribed.
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"Bifidumbacterin" is contraindicated in newborns with hypersensitivity to individual components of the drug, as well as to babies with lactase deficiency.

  • Mar 27, 2018
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