Differences between menopause and pregnancy

The extinction of the reproductive function often makes women careless in their personal lives. Thinking that there is nothing to fear in expectation of menopause, some cease to be protected and soon experience sensations similar to manifestations of pregnancy.

The probability of obtaining such a surprise is 7% of women. But menopause has similar signs, because with it there are serious hormonal changes. Will the pregnancy test help with menopause, can you trust his testimony?

Pregnancy and menopause: the difference in the composition of hormones

The reproductive system in women functions in a certain way due to hormones. Each state has its own composition of substances.

Pregnancy increases the amount of progesterone in the blood. This hormone is important for creating conditions for the formation of the fetus, causing changes in well-being. But it is not considered the first difference of this state, since the values ​​of the indicator increase a little later.

It is much more important that the body increases the amount of hCG.This substance is secreted by the tissues of the embryo. It can be found only a few days after conception with the help of a home test. Even more accurate will be a laboratory study.

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Climax also has a different composition of hormones. But in contrast to pregnancy, the values ​​of progesterone and estrogen are low. But the amount of FSH and LH is noticeably increasing. They become indicators that can confirm the onset of menopause. A distinctive feature is the increase in hGH in menopause, which often makes it difficult to differentiate it and pregnancy.

Therefore, for all suspicions, it is necessary to consider the totality of other sensations and external manifestations.

Sensations of a woman

It is difficult to identify the causes of changes in the state of health that both these states have a common, very important symptom - the absence of menstruation.

But all mature ladies should take into account that the ovaries do not freeze overnight, stopping the production of eggs, but do it gradually. And while rare menstruation comes, in one of the cycles it is likely its maturation, which makes it possible and conception.

It's not a gift for everyone, so it's important to learn about it at an early stage. There are some nuances how to distinguish pregnancy from menopause:

  • In both cases, a woman is often haunted by nausea. But during pregnancy, it is mostly in the morning. The period of aversion to food can be replaced by attacks of increased appetite. And there is an interest in certain foods. Climax does not cause this, the appetite either is at the same level, or worsens with respect to any food;
  • Blood supply to tissues occurs in both states unequally. Pregnancy causes blood to flow to the small pelvis. This is a natural property aimed at developing the fetus. Thanks to it, the vessels grow, and the temperature in the vagina rises. If you follow it regularly, the difference is easy to detect. The possibility, how to distinguish menopause from pregnancy, lies in the fact that in the first position, everything happens the other way round. The blood periodically flows to the upper half of the body. This causes a feeling of heat, redness of the face and neck;
  • The general condition of menopause and pregnancy is characterized by sharp emotional reactions. But in the first case they are more pronounced;
  • Allocations in pregnant women are more abundant, as the cervix under the influence of progesterone intensifies the mucus, and it is excreted outward. This can be seen on clothes and on sensations. Climax also makes allocation scarce, creates dryness in the genital tract.
Pregnancy due to the suppression of immunity sometimes provokes a rise in body temperature and signs of a cold. With menopause, protective forces are also not at altitude, but he usually does not cause such manifestations.

Will the test help?

It would seem that with modern capabilities there is no problem to learn about the possible addition in the family and independently. But the pregnancy test with the already onset of menopause does not give a clear answer to doubts about it.

Conducting a pregnancy test with a climax for the purpose of revealing the conception of

The point is that HCG, in the presence of which the functioning of the device is based in the body, also increases in menopause. It is 14-15 IU / l, which completely corresponds to the values ​​of the hormone during pregnancy in its beginning.

If you take a closer look at the finished test, the second strip will be seen indistinctly. Therefore, with his help, a woman in adulthood is even more difficult to recognize whether she is pregnant or not, than for an inexperienced girl.

If the strip on the device is bright, then hchg at menopause is even higher than the specified value. But this does not add clarity, since this also happens in diseases that may become more active in this period:

  • Malignant tumors in the small pelvis, abdominal cavity, lungs;
  • Neoplasms in the brain;
  • Kidney disease.

That is, increased hCG at a time when some are already waiting for grandchildren, an unconditional reason to be carefully examined.

We recommend reading the article on the discharge, which can be used instead of monthly. You will learn about the norm and pathology, the causes of dark and light discharge, as well as thick menstruation.

A pregnancy test performed with menopause is not always able to clearly tell about what happened in the body. And if the opportunity to give birth in adulthood for a woman is excluded, it is worth paying more attention to contraception before the onset of postmenopause.

On the other hand, the test is an additional opportunity to monitor the health status and incentive to go to the gynecologist more often for prevention.

  • Mar 27, 2018
  • 14
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