Comparative characteristics of milk mixtures

Comparative characteristics of infant formula

If we compare the milk mixtures such as Damil, Nestozhen, Bona, Pilti, Tutelli, Malyutka, Malysh and others available for saleas a result, you can identify the following features.

All these mixtures, with the exception of the "Damil" mixture, are characterized by an increased protein content, the excess of which can cause the development of an allergy to cow's milk protein, and also creates an increased load on the baby's unripe kidneys, thereby increasing the risk of kidney disease in the future.

Nestozena contains primarily protein casein( 77%), which is poorly digested and difficult to digest by the baby's body.

Mixtures "Baby" and "Baby" provide for the need for heat treatment before direct consumption, which leads to the destruction of vitamins and protein. Because of this feature, these mixtures can not be considered complete.

This substance, contained in human milk as taurine, provides the formation of vision and brain. It is contained in all of these mixtures, except for the "Baby" mixture.

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Milk mixtures "Damil", "Bona", "Pilty" and "Tutelli", like women's milk, contain only milk sugar( lactose).In contrast, in mixtures "Pagen", "Baby" and "Baby" contains regular sugar( sucrose), which can cause bloating, dysbiosis and stool disorders.

All the mixtures under consideration have the composition of minerals and vitamins, which is close to the composition of human milk. The mixtures "Damin" and "Pogenen" favorably differ from the others in the presence of L-carnitine, responsible for the improvement of vision. In addition to L-carnitine, these two types of mixtures contain iodine and selenium, which also improve their quality, and due to low osmolarity, these products reduce the burden on the kidneys.

Such commercially available dairy products as "Mamex Plus", "NAS from birth", "Nutrilon", "Nutrilon Omneo", "Fresolac" are characterized by the maximum approximation to the female milk in the composition of the protein contained. They contain no more than 15 g of protein per 1000 ml of the mixture, which consists of 60% of whey proteins and 40% of casein. In addition, these mixtures contain only vegetable fats, which have a positive effect on vision, brain and have the property of normalizing the stool. The carbohydrates contained in these products are lactose. They are also well balanced in terms of vitamins and trace elements, and the best of them contain trace elements such as selenium, iodine and iron lactate.

Milk mixture "NAN" in its composition contains nucleotides that possess such properties that determine the improvement of immunity and maintenance of normal intestinal microflora.

The "Nutrilon Omneo" product contains oligosaccharides( dietary fibers), which ensure the proliferation of beneficial bacteria in the intestines, resulting in a normalization of the stool and a decrease in constipation.

Phospholipids, which, along with nucleotides and oligosaccharides, are contained only in the Mamex Plus formula, contribute to the improvement of digestion and assimilation of fat.

Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy Nutrition"

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