Nail fungus on hands treatment at home

  • 1 Nail fungus on hands treatment at home
    • 1.1 How the nail fungus looks on the hands
    • 1.2 Causes of the appearance of the nail fungus on the hands
    • 1.3 Inexpensive but effective preparations
    • 1.4 Treatment with folk remedies
  • 2 Why fingernails dissolve on the hands of the causes and treatment
  • 3 How to take care of nails in your arms at home

Nail plate stratification, unpleasant stains with a hard and loose crust, discoloration and other troubles can be evidence of a seriousdisease. Today we propose to discuss the topic: a fungus on the hands, the manifestation of symptoms and treatment. During the publication, you will learn how it looks, consider the causes and options for treatment at home( folk remedies) and inexpensive drugs that can cure the disease, and also provide you with a photo on the topic.

Nail fungus on hands treatment at home

Fungal infection is one of the most common forms of diseases, which is quite difficult to cure. One of the first symptoms of this problem is itching, which especially annoys after the adoption of water procedures. The defeat of the skin and nearby tissues refers to mycosis diseases( onychomycosis), which is caused by fungi dermatophytes. Experts argue that fungi in small amounts already exist on our skin and do not bring any harm to human health. However, with weakened immunity and when the skin is exposed to infected surfaces or people, they penetrate deeper and begin to have their destructive effect. The presented photos perfectly show what the disease looks like.

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How nail fungus looks on the hands of

Fungi affect mainly the interdigital cavities, fingers and the nails themselves. At primary stages, this disease can go unnoticed, since the manifestations are very smoothed and do not cause any visible changes except itching. In the second stage, the fungus begins to manifest itself externally. This can be seen at the fingertips and the changes in the nail plate( there is discoloration and delamination) or in problem areas of the body with high humidity( interdigital area, feet or heels) - there are longitudinal cracks, suppuration( inflammation can burst), skin peeling,the plates peel off( a void appears inside) and fragility, white or yellow stripes( smooth or wavy) and itching appear.

The presented photos clearly demonstrate the external manifestations of the problem. Cure the disease can be folk remedies or medications.

Causes of the appearance of nail fungus on the hands of

Fungus is a very contagious disease - enough contact with the infected surface or a person who is progressing this disease. Especially susceptible to infection are people:

• with weakened immunity;
• patients with diabetes mellitus;
• with cardiovascular diseases, etc.

We will add - onychomycosis is a dangerous disease and requires serious treatment, as mycosis fungi spread toxins not only to the infected area, but throughout the body. If you find the described violations, it is necessary to immediately call a specialist and start a course of drug treatment. The specialist will recommend inexpensive, but effective drugs. Note that similar manifestations give psoriasis and other diseases, so before starting independent actions( treatment at home with folk remedies or using medical products) it is necessary to put an accurate diagnosis and to reveal the true causes. The external similarity can be traced on the presented photos.

Inexpensive but effective drugs

Nail fungus treatment preparations are inexpensive but effective on the hands and feet:

• Nystatin and Levorin ointment;
• Clotrimazole, Nicosan, Triderm;
• Diflucan, Fluconazole, Nystatin and Mycosyst.

Ointments and solutions are usually applied to problem areas no more than twice a day, the internal preparations are used exclusively according to the doctor's prescription taking into account the clinical indications( after the cause is identified).Treatment with folk remedies does not give such a massive impact, but it is permissible for joint use with medications.

Treatment with folk remedies

Why fingernails are cracked on the hands of the causes and treatment of folk remedies is one of the most popular queries on the Internet. On the first part of the question can give two answers: the cause of stratification can be a strong lack of vitamins or fungus. In the first case, you need to drink a course of vitamin preparations, and also make vitamin baths. Get rid of the second cause can only be treated.

We offer several folk ways:

• home ointment from the fungus - put a whole hen's egg in a bite( 70%) and put it in a refrigerator for a week, add 200 g of butter to the mixture after a week( during this time the egg is dissolved with vinegar).The finished product is stored in the refrigerator;

• Novocaine lotions or compresses with iodine - novocaine from the ampoule moisten a cotton swab and put it on a problem place, apply overnight;

• strong black tea and brewed coffee( both beverages without sugar) are also an excellent way to ease the condition, and sometimes completely cure the nail fungus. To do this, you need to keep your hands in the solution of one of these drinks for 10-15 minutes. It is recommended to do this at night.

Described folk remedies, undoubtedly, help at home to get rid of the symptoms on the hands and feet, but completely cure this disease is not always capable of, which is confirmed by both user reviews and photos provided. It is recommended to consult a doctor and prescribe a full medication( the doctor can advise effective and inexpensive drugs).

Why the nails are cracked on the hands of the cause and treatment of

Why nails are cracked? The reasons for the problem that is duplicated on the submitted photos may be several, the main one is the nail fungus on the hands and feet.

An additional cause of such manifestations may be:

• lack of vitamins;
• drying the nail plate with aggressive agents( detergents, for example);
• nail traumatism( clicking your finger on the keyboard, filing the nail file with wet nails, bruising your fingers, etc.).

If you notice that your nails are puffed up, as shown in the photo, take care of their health at home: drink vitamin inexpensive drugs, try not to injure your nails, when cleaning the apartment and while washing dishes use protective gloves, etc. At more seriousproblems, for example, a strong detachment, when almost half of the upper part of the nail plate departs - it is recommended to turn to traditional medicine and prescribe full-fledged treatment.

How to take care of your fingernails at home

Nails on your hands and feet, like skin require special attention. That they pleased you with their even surface, uniform and correct color, and also did not become flaky follow simple rules at home:

• do vitamin and salt baths for hands and feet at least once a week( it is recommended to alternate);
• use creams( nourishing, moisturizing);
• make baths with the use of oils( excellent olive, castor, burdock, etc.).

In addition to these rules, try to avoid possible injuries. Even an insignificant trauma at first glance may be the reason that they will begin to separate. Do not forget about your legs, a beautiful pedicure is impossible without healthy and beautiful nails. These recommendations are relevant for the child, and for the woman and for the man.

  • Mar 28, 2018
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