The drug Extravas with menopause 1

Menopause syndrome sometimes requires normalization of health with the help of hormonal drugs, so it worsens in this period. But before using synthetic substances with side effects, it is worth turning to herbal remedies. Extravellium is a remedy for the climax of the latest generation of phytopreparations. It is much more effective than its predecessors.

Composition of extrasound

The preparation consists of plant components, which can make up for the lack of substances that decrease in the body. All climacteric manifestations are caused, first of all, by a drop in the level of sex hormones. But along with them, many other substances that control the vital activity of the organism are also quantitatively reduced. Extravel is able to replace some of them, as well as stimulate the natural production of the necessary components by the tissues due to the presence of:

  • Extract of the cymifuge. The plant is known as natural estrogen;
  • The root of wild yam. Another source of plant hormones;
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  • Isoflavone soy. This is a set of phytoestrogens;Nettle extract
  • .The component contains many vitamins necessary for the reproductive system;
  • Organic boron, which is a natural sedative;
  • Calcium in combination with vitamin D, mandatory for bone strength;
  • Vitamins E, B6 and B9, necessary for tissue rejuvenation and restoration of immunity;
  • Phenylalanine, which is needed to improve the emotional state, pain relief, normal metabolism;
  • Folic acid, which contributes to the production of hormones, in addition to genital and serotonin, noradrenaline, as well as the assimilation of amino acids;
  • 5-hydroxytryptophan. Amino acid affects the processes in the brain processes, in particular, extinguishes irritability, anxiety, as it promotes the production of serotonin;
  • Indole-3-carbinol. The component slows the aging process, actively resists the appearance of cancer cells.

How the phytopreparation

works Due to the presence of these substances, extravale is a medicine that can affect the well-being of the climax in this way:

  • To reduce the number of hot flushes, reduce weakness after them, headaches, cardiac dysfunction;
  • Get the endocrine glands to normalize their activity, which helps to eliminate increased sweating;
  • Do not let the state of mind change. A bad mood, fears typical of women in menopause, with the intake of extravale, go away;
  • Restore a night's sleep. Thanks to soothing effects and elimination of restless factors, a woman will not have to suffer from sleeplessness and daytime fatigue ;
  • Stimulate mental activity. Extravellium is a suitable remedy for menopause for those who need to improve memory, acquire new knowledge, increase efficiency;
  • Stabilize menstrual function in premenopause. Monthly with the use of the drug less painful, without the severity and feeling of raspiraniya in the mammary glands, more regular;
  • Relieve the discomfort in the vagina and perineum, stimulating their hydration and restoring acidity;
  • Do not allow the weakening of bone tissue, thereby preventing the occurrence of back and leg pain, muscle cramps, joint destruction;
  • Improve appearance. The product helps to develop the necessary for the freshness of the skin and tonus of collagen muscles. Stimulation of blood circulation with it leads to improvement of complexion.

Do not expect that the result will be instant and pronounced. But extravene with menopause, if you use the full course of therapy, is able to significantly reduce the negative signs of the condition, and at their weak and medium intensity, stop altogether.

We recommend to read an article about the intake of phytoestrogens in menopause. You will learn about the composition and action of drugs, the effectiveness of herbal remedies, the use of homeopathy.

How to take

Herbal preparation requires mandatory prior consultation with a gynecologist, as some of its components may not be well tolerated by everyone. Another contraindication to use is phenylketonuria.

Extravel is produced in the form of tablets of 500 mg, which are taken with food for 1 piece at breakfast and dinner. Its impact will be complete with the whole course, which should last at least 3 months.

But the first effect in eliminating climacteric signs will be noticeable after 14 days of use. If it is not available, doctors allow the dosage to be doubled. But this, again, after consulting with a gynecologist.

Extravel is a remedy for menopause, which may not be the only one taken in this period.

It does not affect the assimilation of other necessary drugs, it can be used together with hormone therapy, antihypertensive drugs, sedatives and antidepressants.

  • Mar 28, 2018
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