Cyclodinone is a herbal medicinal product that is widely used to correct various disorders of the menstrual cycle, improve the fertility of a woman, normalize the hormonal background and some pathologies of the reproductive system. Cyclodinone for menstruation is used very often and has a complex effect on them, due to its so-called "plant estrogenic effect."However, despite the fact that the preparation contains a natural basis, its reception is possible only for the purpose of the gynecologist.
- 1 Cyclodinone drug
- 2 Indications and contraindications for taking
- 3 Undesirable side effects
- 4 Effects on the menstrual cycle
The effects of cyclodinone
The main active ingredient in the cyclodinone( fruit extract) has the effect of so-called "plant estrogens" or phytoestrogens. The essence of their action is that these substances help to balance the levels of sex hormones in the blood. In particular, the extract of the rod is able to correct the level of prolactin in the blood, which in turn leads to a normal ratio of the concentration of estrogen and progesterone.
Prolactin in excessive production is able to influence the production of gonadotropic hormones in the pituitary gland, thereby unbalancing the menstrual cycle.
In addition, cyclodinone causes monthly if there is a pathological absence. This is due to the fact that the most common reason for the violation of the cycle is the lack of estrogen.
Indications and contraindications for taking
Cyclodinone has a number of medical indications for use:
- As an additional remedy for infertility. Especially important is the appointment of phytoestrogens, if it is proved that infertility is the result of a violation of the maturation of the follicle, anovulatory menstrual cycle and other functional disorders.
- Imbalance of female sex hormones and the whole range of disorders associated with this.
- Disorders of the menstrual cycle of all kinds: dysmenorrhea, algomenorrhea, cycle failure, irregular menstrual cycle and so on.
- Mastodynia( pain and swelling of the mammary glands due to excessive production of prolactin).
- Negative manifestations of premenstrual syndrome.
- Functional and follicular ovarian cysts.
Of the entire number of indications, cyclodinone is usually administered in the absence of menstruation. This is just related to its regulatory function and its ability to increase fertility. The drug is released in the form of tablets of 4 milligrams or a solution of 50 and 100 milliliters.
Due to the fact that cyclodinone is a phytopreparation based on natural components, it has practically no contraindications to the use. The exception is allergic reactions to the main active substance or form-forming components of the drug, as well as hereditary lactose intolerance. However, the advisability of appointing cyclodinone to pregnant or lactating mother should be consulted with a gynecologist. Cyclodinone in the form of drops contains ethyl alcohol, so it should not be taken to children who are alcoholic and other categories of people.
Undesirable side effects of
Despite the vegetable origin of cyclodinone, like any other drug, it can cause side effects. Basically, they are associated with an allergic reaction to the extract of the fruit of the rod and are manifested in peripheral edema, reddening of the skin, itching. Less frequent are disorders in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract( dyspepsia, constipation, bloating) and general signs of malaise - headache, dizziness and nausea.
Effect on the menstrual cycle
Many women have noticed that taking cyclodinone, the monthly go longer. This effect is often manifested in the first month of taking the drug, and it does not need to be frightened. This is due to the fact that the hormonal system adapts to a new drug, and until the concentration of estrogen and progesterone is regulated, small disruptions are possible. Since cyclodinone is usually prescribed for long-term use, this effect usually does not cause discomfort and quickly passes.
Often the question arises, why do not come monthly with the reception of cyclodinone. Again, it is necessary to understand that the drug does not act immediately, and the target level of concentration in the blood is reached in a few days. Secondly, even after the peak concentration has been reached, a certain amount of time must pass before cyclodinone to fix the hormonal imbalance. After all, interaction with prolactin and releasing factors, synthesized by the pituitary, requires considerable time, and balancing of the fine hormonal system is even greater. Therefore, if the situation arises, "I drink cyclodinone, but there are no monthly ones," it is not necessary to sound an alarm, you just have to be patient. Only if the desired effect does not occur within two or three months, it is necessary to repeatedly contact the attending physician.
If a woman is planning a pregnancy and taking the drug, there may be a problem such as cyclodinone and a delay in menstruation. In this case, it is easy to confuse a small hormonal failure or adjustment of the body under the medicine with the desired conception. The elementary test for pregnancy will help to solve the problem or it will just be necessary to wait a couple of weeks.
We recommend to read an article about the violation of the menstrual cycle. From it you will learn about the deviation from the norm and the causes of the malfunction, the diseases that cause the violation of the cycle in a woman, as well as treatment with drugs and surgical interventions.
To summarize, it can be summarized that cyclodinone is a useful preparation of natural natural origin, which is produced by an authoritative German pharmaceutical company. The medicine has a lot of indications, a wide field of application and has practically no contraindications. Cyclodinone during menstruation is not necessary, it is well tolerated and has a well-pronounced effect. Nevertheless, before taking it is necessary to consult with a doctor without fail, since the treatment scheme is prescribed only by a qualified gynecologist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient.