Hemoglobin in menstruation 14

The process of menstruation is subject to all kinds of influences. And although it lasts only a few days, the body prepares for this period the entire cycle. One of the factors that can affect the critical segment, low hemoglobin, monthly with it can change unrecognizably. But the very process of menstruation has the peculiarity of decreasing this index of blood.

Content of

What is so dear to hemoglobin

  • 2 Before critical days
  • 3 Hemoglobin and cycle
  • 4 What happens to the level of hemoglobin with monthly
    • 4.1 Relationship between hemoglobin level and discharge intensity
  • 5 Blood after menstruation
  • What is so dear to us hemoglobin

    Hemoglobin is a pigment givingblood red color, but not this is its main purpose. It contains iron( heme) and protein( globin), is a part of red blood cells. The main task of hemoglobin is the supply of tissues with oxygen. With its help, the body functions normally, since this compound provides oxidation-reduction reactions and release of the necessary energy. Its deficiency leads to disruptions in the vital activity of all systems, including reproductive and hormonal maintenance.

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    Does hemoglobin affect monthly? Of course, yes. This iron-containing pigment is an integral part of the blood. And when menstruation is lost, some of it. After all, the endometrium segregated in critical days is permeated with vessels that are damaged in the process.

    But most importantly, the menstrual cycle depends on hormones. And their production - from the state of many organs, which is determined in part by the intake of oxygen molecules to them, the rate of exchange and recovery processes. That is hemoglobin affects the monthly, because it participates in all the listed processes. Deviation of its values ​​from the norm can prevent sufficient production of hormones. Therefore, doubts about whether low hemoglobin affects monthly are clearly untenable. Everything that happens in the body has a character of mutual dependence. The reproductive and hormonal spheres in this regard are particularly sensitive.

    Before Critical Days of

    Most of the signs of PMS have obvious manifestations. But they all come from internal changes that are inevitable in the female body at a given time:

    • Estrogens and progestins still exist in a fairly high concentration, but decrease;
    • The vessels, including the endometrium, are compressed and somewhat spasmodic;
    • Hemoglobin before monthly is higher than a few days ago, as the number of red blood cells carrying it grows.

    All changes in the female body are of a cyclic nature. This applies to blood, its indicators throughout the menstrual period are different. At the end of the cycle, it becomes more viscous.

    The biological meaning of this is that for the upcoming menstruation, the energy that oxygen generates is needed. And it is carried by erythrocytes. Nature has taken care of this in such a way that women have an increased appetite before critical days. Many products help increase the amount of iron in the blood. Therefore, doctors attach great importance to nutrition these days and the critical ones that come after them. The correct diet, that is, food with B vitamins, helps to survive them with the least problems for well-being. But it concerns more healthy women. If there are diseases, such measures are also necessary, but not enough.

    Hemoglobin and cycle

    In connection with what has been said, there is no doubt that low hemoglobin can affect the monthly hemoglobin. First of all, it will respond to the well-being of a woman: weakness will increase, she will always want to sleep. Normally, these signs of PMS and so many do not pass, but they are caused by hormonal changes and are not apparent in everyone. Low hemoglobin before critical days can also change the duration of the period and the parameters of menstruation.

    Negative effect, which may have a low hemoglobin, a delay in menstrual cycle. Deficiency of the substance interferes with the normal functioning of the brain, which is responsible for the production of hormones. In conjunction with him will be and the ovaries, which also slow down their work. The sex cell will ripen longer, the endometrium will linger in development. This happens in supporters of hard diets, as well as experiencing stress. In both cases, the formation of erythrocytes is difficult. And if so, the amount of hemoglobin, too, will not match the norm.

    What happens to the level of hemoglobin with monthly

    When hemoglobin falls during menstruation, there is no pathology in this. The decrease in the level of hormones occurs with cyclic changes in blood. Its viscosity decreases, the vessels dilate to ensure that the discharge is freely removed from the uterus. Menstrual mucus contains blood, the compensation of which does not occur as quickly as loss. Low hemoglobin during menstruation is normal also because it is a sign of body renewal. But still it should not go beyond certain limits.

    However, if a blood test is required, you will have to wait until the menstrual period is over. As long as the monthly analysis goes, it can show low hemoglobin, regardless of whether the girl is healthy or not. Therefore, the blood for a general study to get the correct information about its components is taken outside the critical days.

    Relationship of hemoglobin level and intensity of

    precipitates Characteristic of some abundant monthly low hemoglobin capable of leading to critical values. Menstruation makes most women vulnerable to health, but repeated cycles of intensive discharge almost always provoke anemia. When the hemoglobin falls strongly during menstruation, the girl

    • feels a strong decline in strength;
    • Notes the deterioration of the appearance or hair loss, brittle nails, pallor and dry skin;
    • Detects a slight causeless increase in body temperature.

    These manifestations are also found at other times of the cycle, but on critical days they will be marked especially brightly, up to the impossibility of getting out of bed. At the initial stage, the symptoms may sometimes not be obvious. But increasing the volume of menstruation often becomes the first call for ill-being.

    If the hemoglobin during the monthly falls more than the allowable values, a woman can detect clots in the secretions. This is also evidence of a large loss of blood. Most likely, the primary cause here is not a reduction in this blood indicator, but a gynecological disease.

    Hemoglobin in menstruation and itself can be the cause of copious discharge, and not just a consequence of this. Because with the reduction of the number of red blood cells, the blood becomes more liquid, respectively, it is easier to excrete from the body.

    And scant excretions may be due in part to the increased hemoglobin. In this case, the viscosity of the blood increases, it quickly folds and flows more slowly. But this situation is much less frequent, since natural mechanisms work against it. If this is found, this may be a manifestation of a cardiovascular ailment or diabetes mellitus.

    State of blood after menstruation

    During critical days, 15 to 30 mg of iron is required. This means that hemoglobin after menstruation may remain slightly underestimated, especially if they go intensively and for a long time, up to 7 days. But a healthy body quickly replenishes this loss. And the fact that the hemoglobin after the menstrual period may fall depends on the general condition of the hemoglobin. It is normal to reduce the figure to 110 hl. Anything less than this value can be considered an anemia. But in the absence of pathologies after menstruation, the indicator should rise to the usual for women figures in 120-140 hl. Its value of 150 hl is acceptable in smokers, since the constant presence of tobacco tar in the body provokes oxygen starvation, and therefore, the protective reaction of blood.

    Among gynecological ailments that can be suspected by this indicator, low hemoglobin after menstruation may be a sign:

    • Growth of fibroids;
    • Endometriosis;
    • Malignant tumors;
    • Polyps in the uterus;
    • Endometritis in chronic course;
    • Salpingo-oophoritis;
    • Endometrial hyperplasia;
    • Hormonal disorders.

    If the signs of anemia are the only thing that bothers you, it makes sense to be examined. The fact that low hemoglobin changes monthly, gives a chance to identify the disease in the early period. Among them may be not only gynecological diseases, but also cardiac, as well as lying in the field of endocrinology. The latter also have a strong influence on the reproductive sphere.

    Low hemoglobin and monthly are directly dependent on each other. If menstruation makes a woman literally sick, interferes with work and just living, do not write off everything on critical days. Because with each cycle the condition will worsen, since blood loss in this case is not replenished. Do not help and iron preparations, if not eliminated the root cause.

    Therefore instead of self-treatment it is necessary to be surveyed, first of all at the gynecologist. Elimination of the main culprit for reducing hemoglobin will help to normalize the index and improve well-being.

    • Mar 28, 2018
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