Harvest berries for the winter

Summer and autumn are berry time! The season of some berries comes to an end, others start to sing. From them we get not only pleasure, but also a lot of useful substances.


  1. Methods of harvesting berries for the winter
  2. How to use berries prepared for the future in winter

In summer and in autumn, use berries to the maximum. Eat them from the bush, use them as a dessert, decorate them with confectionery, make them cocktails, put on your face as a mask, add to the porridge. This is not the whole list of berries. You can make a fruit-fruit salad. To do this, mix the berries that you have. Large berries can be cut. Add the fruit to your taste and fill it with yogurt. This is not only very tasty, but also useful.

How to prepare berries for the winter

In winter and spring, you can enjoy fresh berries by purchasing only in a store, but not everyone can afford it. But to stock berries in the season of their ripening and to please themselves in the winter-spring period under the power of everyone. The following tips will help you to do this:

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  • The traditional option of harvesting berries for the winter is cooking jam. But when brewing berries lose some useful properties. In particular, the content of vitamin C. is sharply reduced in them.
  • The most convenient and practical is the freezing of berries. You can freeze them by simply scattering them in sacks, or in the form of mousse. For this, the berries must be mixed with sugar in a proportion of 1: 1 and, using a blender, turned into a homogeneous mass. This mass can be drained into small plastic bottles and sent to the freezer. It turns out a very delicate dessert.
  • Such berries as strawberries, currants, irgas, honeysuckle, bird cherries can also be dried. Dry berries can be in the sun, pouring them on paper or cloth in a thin layer, or in special dryers for berries. Read more about how to properly dry the currant and cherry.

How to use the harvested berries

in winter In winter and spring, take out supplies and enjoy the taste of summer. Of course, the berries after defrosting do not look as appetizing as the ones just collected, so decorating them with something will be quite difficult. But all other options for use are quite appropriate.

Berries frozen in pouches can be added to cereals and served under yogurt, and the frozen berry mass can be used as a separate dessert or as a syrup for a cocktail. Berry mousse can be defrosted and eaten as jam, and can be squeezed out in a frozen form - so it is very similar ice cream ice.

Speaking of ice cream. Bought plombir can be supplemented and decorated with berries or jam. Especially to taste it will have children.

Frozen and dried berries can also be used for making compotes and kissels. If the jelly or compote when cooking was added raspberries, then at the end of cooking it is better to strain. Otherwise, bones with pulp will float in compote / kissel.

Eat berries all year round and forget about such phenomenon, as an avitaminosis!

Blanks for the winter
  • Mar 28, 2018
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