Useful physiotherapy with adnexitis and other women's problems: what doctors advise

In the modern complex of treatment of acute and chronic diseases of the female genital area, a worthy place is occupied by the method of influence on the body by various physical factors or physiotherapy. This method of treatment allows to achieve serious results with minimal risk to the woman's health, since the physicians used by the doctors simultaneously include in the treatment process not only the internal genital organs, but also the CNS of the patient.

When using this therapy, it should be remembered that a weak physical effect on the female body can do more good than excessive irritation of the nerve endings. In this, the influence of physiotherapy on cells and tissues is similar in nature to the mechanism of operation of most drugs.

Contents of

Features of the effect of physiotherapy on the body

  • 2 Methods of physiotherapy for the removal of inflammation in the small pelvis
    • 2.1 Use for the treatment of special devices
    • 2.2 Thermal procedures
    • 2.3 Other types of physiotherapy
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  • 3 Physiotherapy with spasms in the small pelvis
  • 4 Physiotherapy methods for salpingo-oophoritis
  • 5 Physiotherapywith chronic adnexitis
  • 6 Contraindications to physiotherapy for diseases in the small pelvis
  • Features of the effect of physiotherapy on the body

    Appropriate treatment is rarely used by specialists to combat acute pathology. If a woman is diagnosed with severe inflammation accompanied by fever, severe pain syndrome, and possible involvement of the abdominal cavity in the process, then physiotherapy is recommended only as an auxiliary method.

    Most often, this method of treatment is prescribed when the acute period of the disease is already over. But in the presence of chronic inflammation of the uterus and appendages, as well as if the patient is experiencing stagnation in the pelvis, then without the use of physical factors of treatment can not do.

    This method allows:

    • Significantly enhance the anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect of conventional medications.
    • Normalize the metabolism not only in the cells and tissues of the affected organ, but also in other systems of the patient's body.
    • Physiotherapy methods of treatment contribute to the restoration of the immune forces of a woman spent in the fight against the disease.
    • This therapy is widely used to restore the ovarian and menstrual function of a woman, which is always important for chronic processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes.

    Among other things, most experts note the beneficial effect of physically active factors on the normalization of the hormonal sphere of women. This effect of the method on the body is an excellent substitute for most of the hormonal drugs that are used to treat adhesions and stagnation in the small pelvis.

    We recommend that you read an article about menstruation with adnexitis. From it you will learn about the disease and its impact on the menstrual cycle, the causes of pain, treatment and recovery cycle.

    And here is more about the ovaries during menstruation.

    Many gynecologists with great success use physiotherapy to enhance the therapeutic effect of using standard techniques in the treatment of diseases of female genital organs. Specialists identify the following positive results:

    • Physiotherapy techniques do not have a dramatic effect, so they can be used for a long time. By the way, the result obtained with combined treatment can be noticeable from 2 to 9 months.
    • The time needed to completely defeat chronic diseases, or at least achieve a stable remission, is reduced by about 30-40%.
    • Physiotherapy methods of treatment can be used in a complex. They perfectly combine not only with standard therapy, but also with other techniques, for example, acupuncture.
    • The considered way of physical influence on cells and tissues of internal genital organs of a woman is often used both as a means of preventing possible repeated inflammations, and as a method of recovery after gynecological operations.

    Despite the fact that this type of treatment is quite aggressive by its nature, doctors believe that with the skillful use of physiotherapy it has a therapeutic, tonic, stimulating and restoring effect on the patient's body. Almost all the techniques included in the complex of active physical factors are widely used in all modern gynecological clinics.


    Methods of physiotherapy for the removal of inflammation in the small pelvis

    The basic techniques that experts use to treat chronic processes in the internal genital area, gynecologists usually separate into several groups, depending on the main acting factors.

    Use for the treatment of special devices

    To carry out physiotherapy, specialists apply:

    • Light therapy or phototherapy. This method allows you to achieve good results in diseases of the ovaries, vagina and external genitalia. Infrared rays are most commonly used to infiltrate tissues, however, in order to achieve anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects, specialists prefer short ultraviolet irradiation or DUF.Recently, laser radiation has been increasingly introduced into gynecological practice.
    • Perfectly recommended itself in the removal of edema and to reduce the symptoms of chronic inflammation in the small pelvis magnetotherapy.
    • Do not forget about the regular use to treat the adhesive process in the ovaries and uterine tubes of ultrasound. Under the influence of ultrasonic vibrations, local micro-massage of damaged tissues takes place, which enhances metabolic processes in them, stimulates the intensity of oxidative mechanisms, and increases the permeability of cell membranes.

    Among other things, ultrasound helps to increase the allocation of female sex hormones, which can not but affect positively the menstrual function of the patient.

    The most common method of physiotherapy is the various methods of applying electric current. The most famous of them is electrophoresis. With its help it is possible, for example, to introduce into the female body medicinal substances that pass the gastrointestinal tract and get directly into the bloodstream.

    This method makes it possible to reduce the concentration of the drug as much as possible, thereby reducing the likelihood of various pathological reactions. But in gynecology widely used and other methods of treatment with electricity.

    To similar techniques it is possible to carry assignment to patients galvanic and diadynamic currents, currents of high frequency of Darsonval. These methods of treatment improve the blood flow in the pelvic area, enhance tissue metabolism, accelerate the absorption and excretion of exudate.

    In addition to the listed ways to combat chronic processes in women, doctors also use superhigh-frequency currents and short-wave diathermy. This application of electricity can significantly increase heat exchange in the affected area, which will result in softening of scars and adhesions in the small pelvis.

    Look at the video about adnexitis:

    Thermal procedures

    Treatment of female diseases with the help of warm mineral springs and therapeutic mud is known for a long time. Doctors recommended similar procedures to women with the presence of adhesive process in the field of internal genital organs, chronic problems of ovaries and fallopian tubes.

    Currently, paraffin and ozocerite have been added to the usual methods. These special substances, in addition to anti-inflammatory effects, still affect the increase in the level of female sex hormones.

    Other types of physiotherapy

    Any external influence on the patient's body in order to relieve her from chronic inflammation in the pelvic area can be considered physiotherapy. Specialists refer to such techniques gynecological massage, special water procedures, various complexes of physiotherapy exercises.

    Do not forget about the great benefits of health resorts. For the therapy of such diseases, there is a whole network of sanatoriums where experienced professionals will help women choose the type of physical impact that is most suitable for the treatment of a particular disease.

    Physiotherapy with spasms in the small pelvis

    The formation of adhesions in the pelvic region is evidence of relapses of inflammation in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The cause most often becomes a chronic infection, which at one time doctors or the woman herself did not pay proper attention.

    This disease is difficult to diagnose, but if the cause of the female ailment is found, then modern gynecology offers several options for specialized therapy. In the appointment of treatment of adhesions in 90% of cases do not forget about physiotherapy.

    Most often, in such a pathology, a woman is prescribed thermal procedures in the form of applications of paraffin or ozocerite on the anterior abdominal wall. The treatment session lasts up to 20 minutes, and for one course there are 7 to 14 procedures.

    The specialists noted a good curative effect when using electrophoresis with magnesium and zinc salts, inductothermy, microwave therapy. Often used to treat adhesions in a small pelvis of diadynamic currents, assigning the patient a two-stroke wave current in an alternating mode up to 10 sessions.

    Methods of physiotherapy with salpingo-oophoritis

    Salpingoophoritis or, as most gynecologists say, adnexitis is an inflammatory process in the ovaries and fallopian tubes. The disease is usually lingering and often leads to infertility in women.

    If the process is in an acute stage, then the methods of physical impact are primarily aimed at removing inflammation of the tissues, reducing edema of the ovaries, arresting the pain syndrome. When the process goes into a chronic phase, physiotherapy helps doctors to reduce the amount of adhesions and restore the patency of the fallopian tubes.

    To relieve inflammation and swelling of tissues, most women are prescribed electrophoresis with specific drugs and UHF therapy with low intensity. To restore the full metabolism in the affected organs, first of all, the result will be the use of thermal procedures, most often using paraffin and ozokerite on the abdomen.

    Ultrasound treatment will help reduce the density and thickness of the formed adhesions, and ultraphonophoresis with preparations of iodine, lidase and calcium salts will help restore the texture of healthy tissue in the patient's appendages.

    To improve the functioning of the immune system, women recommend sunbathing, UFO problem zones, baths with bromine and hydrogen sulphide for patients. A good result can be obtained by applying diadynamic currents to the area of ​​the appendages and sacrum. The number of sessions should not be less than 10.

    One of the most modern methods of treating salpingo-oophoritis is the use of infrared laser radiation. This method enhances the metabolic processes in the cells of the ovaries and fallopian tubes, contributes to the restoration of healthy tissues. The procedure itself takes 10 minutes.

    Physiotherapy for chronic adnexitis

    Because chronic adnexitis is practically the same disease as salpingo-oophoritis, the methods of its treatment will be approximately the same. But physiotherapy with chronic adnexitis has a number of its features.

    Active physical action in chronic inflammation of the appendages is aimed at resolving the adhesions and restoring the normal functioning of the ovaries and fallopian tubes. Most often for these purposes, patients are prescribed ultrasound therapy sessions and ultraphonophoresis, however, it can be replaced if necessary with conventional drug electrophoresis. In this case, the use of lidase and iodine is mandatory.

    Recently, a wide spread in the treatment of such diseases have received special mud wraps. Experts recommend using dirt based on silt or peat, heated to 40 - 45 degrees, and using special gauze napkins imposed on the area of ​​the sacrum or abdomen. Duration of treatment is usually 2 weeks of daily 15-minute sessions.

    With chronic adnexitis baths of iodine and bromine are shown. Using such procedures, they try to achieve an increase in metabolism in the body, the excretion of waste products, acceleration of regeneration processes in the appendages. In addition, bromine is an excellent antidepressant, and many women, having problems from the genitals, simultaneously suffer irritability and excessive aggression.

    Contraindications to physiotherapy for diseases in the small pelvis

    Despite the apparent complete safety of the use of physiotherapeutic methods for the pathology of pelvic organs in women, these techniques also have a lot of contraindications.

    Doctors do not recommend appointing sessions with the following pathologies:

    • First of all, physiotherapy methods are not used in the acute period of the disease, or apply them with greater restrictions.
    • Physical effects on the body of women are prohibited in the presence of cancer, tuberculosis, problems with the blood coagulation system.
    • Contraindication is acute and chronic renal and hepatic insufficiency, depletion of the body, severe diseases of the cardiovascular system.
    • Do not recommend these methods of treatment in the presence of a patient with diagnosed endometriosis, uterine bleeding, various benign formations of external and internal genital organs.

    We recommend that you read the article about adnexitis: the code for microbes 10. From it you will learn about the disease and its causes, symptoms of acute and chronic course, methods of treatment.

    And here it is more detailed about pains in the bottom of a stomach or belly at monthly.

    Physiotherapy, like any method of treatment, can only be carried out under the supervision of specialists. It is they who must determine which method of physical exposure is appropriate for a particular patient, and assess the level of his threat to the health of a woman.

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