Sage for Hair Beauty

Salvia has long been used as a medicinal plant, but it is not only used in medicine. The lion's share of herbal raw materials goes to cosmetology needs. From it, masks, creams, ointments, lotions are made. In pharmacies, you can also find essential oils, therapeutic shampoos, balms, rinses. Such a variety of caregivers speaks about how useful a hair salon is. It stimulates their growth, strengthens the roots, restores the structure, makes them obedient, shiny and silky.

Useful properties of sage

Sage is a plant with a very ancient history. The Romans revered it as a sacred plant, the Egyptians treated them infertility and believed that it prolongs a person's life. We will try to find out what is useful for hair sage. To do this, consider its composition and therapeutic properties.


The chemical composition of sage strikes with its wealth and variety. It contains a large number of vitamins, minerals, phytoncides and other biologically active substances.

Chemical composition:

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  • vitamins - C, A, K, E, PP, B1, B2, B3, B6, B9;
  • macronutrients - calcium, potassium, phosphorus, sodium, magnesium;
  • microelements - manganese, copper, iron, selenium, zinc;
  • flavonoids;
  • tanning agents;
  • phytoncides;
  • organic acids;
  • alkaloids;
  • phytohormones;
  • essential oils.

Depending on the season, the composition may vary slightly. So, for example, the greatest concentration of essential oils the sage will have during the flowering period. Tannins multiply by the fall.

An interesting fact! In the 15th century, sage was so valued in China that two drawers of leaf tea were given for a box of dry shredded plants.

Salvia retains its useful properties even in dried form

Hair benefits

This rich chemical composition explains why sage is often found in body care products. For hair, the benefit is increased by the fact that the phytohormones in it stimulate the germination of "sleeping" hair follicles. Thus, it is possible to achieve a greater density of hair and prevent the development of alopecia - baldness.

There are other useful properties of sage, for example:

  • anti-inflammatory
  • antimicrobial
  • wound-healing
  • tonic
  • strengthening.

Infusions and tinctures will help get rid of excessive fat content. Broth from the leaves will strengthen the roots of the hair. Balsams and masks, in which he enters, will accelerate their growth, will be cured of dandruff. A regular rinse of hair with sage will help restore their lost shine, make silky and smooth.

Tip! To get all the maximum benefit from sage, it is not recommended to subject it to prolonged heating. To get the decoctions, simply pour the dry ground raw material with boiling water and leave to infuse.

Regular application of sage will make your hair beautiful and dense!

Ways of using

There are many ways to prepare various masks, infusions, tinctures, in which sage is used. For hair, their use will vary slightly depending on the form of the drug.

Mask for fragile, split ends of hair

For the mask use essential oil of sage, lavender, castor oil and burdock. The last two are taken in equal proportions, approximately 2 tbsp.spoons. They are heated in a water bath, then mixed with four drops of sage oil and two lavender. The resulting oil mixture is rubbed into the skin still warm.

To enhance the therapeutic effect, the head is wrapped with a plastic wrap, covered with a towel from above. The mask is held for about half an hour, then washed off with a mild shampoo. This procedure should be repeated at least 2-3 times in 7 days. The recommended course of treatment is 5-6 weeks.

Mask for enhancing hair growth

Sage oil for hair can also be used as a means to stimulate their growth. In this case, use a mixture of burdock and almond oil for 2 tbsp.spoons each. Also take sage oil and chamomile in an amount of 4-2 drops, respectively.

The mask is prepared in the same way as in the first case. The mixture is applied to the head, then covered with a polyethylene cap. Hold also about half an hour. Treatment course - 16-17 procedures.

Sage hair mask helps strengthen hair and strengthens its growth.

Decoction strengthening

. Sage broth is prepared as follows. Dry leaves of a sage and a root of a burdock are taken in equal quantities on 2 items.spoons. They are ground, add chamomile and lavender flowers to 1 tbsp.spoons. The mixture is poured with hot water, allowed to boil and leave to be infused. When the broth cools down, it is filtered and rinsed with hair after washing.

Since the sage broth has a dark color, it can dye blonde hair. Blondes in this case it is recommended to take a mixture of sage and chamomile for 2 tbsp.spoons for 300 ml of water. If the decoction is to tint the gray hair, then the amount of sage in it is doubled.


Strengthen the growth of hair and get rid of seborrhea will help spirituous tincture of sage, rosemary, nettle. To make it, you need a bottle of vodka, half a liter of apple cider vinegar, 6 tbsp.spoons of sage, rosemary, as well as 12 tbsp.spoons of nettle leaves.

Grasses are ground, placed in a bottle of dark glass, then poured into a vodka-acetic mixture. Tincture is put for 2 weeks in the refrigerator. Every day you need to mix it. After insisting, it is filtered. The mixture is applied to the roots of the hair. With normal hair, the mask is kept for about an hour. If the hair is fat, then it can be done at night. The course of treatment is 3-4 weeks with interruptions in one day.

How to make a herbal tincture of sage, you will learn from this video:

  • Mar 28, 2018
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