There are very few women in the world who are 100% satisfied with their appearance. Especially a lot of claims women make to their figure, because to give it the right forms is so difficult. Although there are many ways to do this. For example, the use of teas for weight loss. The main thing is to choose the right drink for yourself so that your choice is successful and considered.
Tea for weight loss: what tea to choose?
Teas for weight loss do not provide a large and rapid loss of excess weight, but help to lose a few pounds they are capable of. Just be aware that every kind of such "magic" tea is more effective in this or that duel with "fat".
Green tea for weight loss
Green tea is one of the most easily accessible ways that you can use to lose weight. Only you need a real product and not at all what you can find on the shelves of shopping centers.
Green tea must be deciduous. This kind has a huge amount of microelements and vitamins, which are very relevant for the body. In addition, it can help speed up the metabolism. Green tea is good at removing harmful elements, toxins and toxins from the body.
For weight loss, you must drink at least 5 cups of green tea a day. Such tea-drinking will help reduce appetite by normalizing blood glucose levels, which is responsible for feeling hungry. And as soon as you want something sweet, drink a cup of green tea and this desire will disappear. Only use it without sugar and milk.
This simple method of losing weight will give its first results after half a month, when you see on the scales positive dynamics. The disappearance of extra 1-2 kg is guaranteed to you.
On green tea it is recommended to do unloading days and weeks. But it is worth noting that the use of such a drink for weight loss should be combined with a balanced and proper nutrition. And then all your efforts will have a positive effect. Do not hope for a miracle and think that you can drink tea, eat anything and the excess weight will disappear itself.
Tea with ginger for weight loss
Ginger is a product that has a warming effect. It stimulates metabolism, blood circulation and warms. Therefore, ginger tea is very long used for weight loss. It has a good effect, because it contains essential oils that activate the metabolic process in the body. Ginger tea can be combined with a green or black variety and drink daily, not only on days when you are about to lose weight. Do not put a lot of lemon in ginger tea, and honey is better to eat directly from the spoon.
As ginger invigorates, it is better to drink this tea in the morning. For example, before the start of the working day. Be sure to strain it before use, or the tea can be tart or bitter. Ginger tea protects you from a feeling of severe hunger. And if you combine it with proper nutrition, then the weight will decrease much faster. And do not wait for the momentary effect, it must take at least a month to see at least the first result.
Ginger tea for weight loss( recipe)
30 grams of ginger rub on a medium grater, put in a thermos bottle and pour in a container of 250 ml of hot water, but not boiling water. Let the tea steep for thirty minutes. Drink it is recommended to drink before eating. Constant ginger tea stimulates the production of gastric juice in the body, which in turn promotes faster digestion of food.
Phytotea for weight loss
Phytoteas are prepared simply. You need to take the boiling water and pour the necessary grass, cover the container with a lid, and wait for 3 to 8 minutes. The exact brewing time depends on the type of grass and the effect that you wish to achieve. But wait more than 8 minutes is not worth it, because the roots, leaves or flowers of the plant will lose their useful qualities.
Special phytotea for weight loss must be purchased only in certified pharmacies or collect herbs with her own hand and cook them at home. Such a collection has its own unique, carefully selected composition( blackberry, fennel, peppermint, mountain ash, dandelion root, etc.).Each component of this tea positively affects the figure, and in the complex gives the desired result.
Milk for slimming
Slimming tea according to this method can be used any. It can turn out to be black, and green, and a variant with a variety of additives. One essential criterion - tea should be drunk with milk. You can make any tea and understand which species you like best. It is worth remembering that a good mood in the period of losing weight is also important. A tasteless meal or in this case a drink is unlikely to lift the mood.
The main advantage of milking is that it is tolerated by almost every woman normally and does not cause harm to health. Just do not use tea with milk for a long time. It is suitable only for a fasting day once a week. Thus, in a month you can throw off one or two kilos. And in order to extract the most positive effect, it is advisable to drink milk not in a hot or cool form, but drink warm.
It does not hurt to consult a doctor or a nutritionist about the use of tea with milk for weight loss. Teas can be contraindicated to pregnant and lactating mothers, as well as those who have problems with the intestines, stomach and kidneys.
Every tea is more effective to use, as an addition to a comprehensive program of weight loss, which should include a balanced diet and a set of physical exercises.
Oolong slimming tea
Oolong slimming tea appeared on the CIS market not so long ago. But, nevertheless, he instantly gained incredible popularity among those who want to lose a few extra pounds. Oolong has a number of positive properties for the whole body. After drinking just one cup of this drink, you can eliminate the headache, stomach pain, cheer up, calm down, regain strength and improve your well-being after a sunstroke.
Oolong tea is also known as a "turquoise" drink. The inhabitants of the East use it as a remedy for many diseases. By fermentation, it refers to teas of medium degree. After the leaves of this type of tea are torn off, they are still kept under the sun for 10 hours. As a result of such processing in natural conditions, the middle leaf remains almost untouched, but at the edges it dries up. This feature and allows you to save all the useful qualities of tea. And even after you brew the same tea seventh time, the aroma and taste of the drink remains the same as the first time.
If you want to lose weight with Oolong tea, you should drink 5 cups a day. Do not need anymore. This amount of a useful liquid is enough to achieve a positive result. Thus, you also reduce the risk of developing atherosclerotic disease, as Oolong on all vascular walls makes the layer of fat deposits more subtle. And also the "turquoise" drink excels and splits the fats in the body perfectly.
It should be added that there is another useful quality of Oolong tea - it contains vitamins such as E, D, K, B1, B3, B12, selenium, iron, manganese and phosphorus. These substances regulate the process of metabolism, as well as strengthen the vascular walls.
But it's not enough just to drink Oolong tea and wait for the scales to show the treasured numbers soon. You should also discard fatty, smoked, excessively salty, canned foods, limit alcohol consumption and increase exercise.
Tea with cinnamon for weight loss
If you want your figure to look more slender and attractive, then tea with cinnamon will contribute to this. Such a flower is considered very effective in losing weight, as it improves the metabolic process, which has a positive effect on the fight against hated kilograms. In addition, tea with cinnamon and honey will strengthen your health. Cinnamon can also be brewed with ginger, which will only double the effect of losing weight.
Cooking tea with cinnamon is easy: just brew your favorite tea and add there half a teaspoon of cinnamon. And it is better not to buy it in the form of a ready-made powder. Do not be too lazy to look for cinnamon sticks and chop it yourself for further use in tea. This guarantees you the promised effect.
- Slimming chocolate here
- Slimming vinegar here
- Slimming coffee here
- Slimming ginger here
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