Easter cake. Recipes for the oven

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  • What does cake mean?
  • Recipe for Easter cake in oven
  • Cooking cheese cake
  • Tips for experienced housewives

Very soon the great Easter festival will come, which will be the final point of the Orthodox fast. On this day on the table you can see a lot of all kinds of dishes and dishes, but the honorary place of priority is, of course, Easter cake.

At its preparation the hostess throws all the reserves of her strength and energy, taking out from the huge baggage of knowledge various secrets that help create delicious air baked goods. If you have less extensive knowledge in cooking and are afraid to admit any oversights, do not worry: this article will tell in detail how to bake cake in the oven and what basic subtleties should be taken into account.

What does cake mean?

Let's talk a little about the meaning of Easter baking. The festive Easter cake serves as a real ritual symbol and is a relative of the Orthodox church bread of artos.

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It is the artos set before the icon during the church service to consecrate the Easter dish on the first day of the festival.

The symbol of the same home and comfort on Easter day was a woman, baked from a lavish dough, which we all are accustomed to call a sacred holiday cake.

Of course, not everyone has enough time and desire to cook Easter cake in the oven on their own. Therefore, various store options come to the rescue, which do not always differ in taste and aroma. Much nicer when the table is decorated with fresh, freshly cooked pastries with the love, soul and light thoughts of the mistress enclosed in it.

We offer you interesting recipes for Easter cakes in the oven so that your family can enjoy this delicious and, above all, homemade pastries of their own making on this great holiday.

Recipe for Easter cake in oven

By all rules, bake should be done on Pure Thursday or Saturday, the day before Easter.

This cookie recipes in the oven will help you prepare delicious appetizing pastries using the following ingredients:

  • 11 g dry yeast;
  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 1 kg of flour;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 200 g of butter;
  • a pinch of salt;
  • 300 g of sugar.

For glaze you will need:

  • 100 g of sugar;
  • 2 protein;
  • 100 g raisins.

When all products are prepared, you can proceed:

  1. We are starting with the preparation of opary. We pour out the milk into the pan, put it on the fire and warm it up a little. Then add the yeast and dilute them in warm milk.
  2. Next, we begin to carefully pour 500 g of flour, stirring the mixture carefully, so that it gets a uniform structure without lumps. Covered with a towel we leave the sponge. Another 10 minutes she must brew.
  3. We break eggs so that the yolks are in one container, and the proteins in the other. Yolks whisk with the addition of sugar. Proteins must be cooled first, after which they are thoroughly beaten until a thick white foam forms.
  4. After our lobster has stood, pour in it the yolk mass and rhythmically stir everything. Then put the butter in the dough, which must be heated beforehand, so that it softens a little.
  5. Pour another 100 grams of sifted flour and again thoroughly mix the dough.
  6. In the next step, pour the prepared protein mixture, mix well, and then slowly begin to pour the flour until you see that the dough no longer sticks to the hands. Add the flour and mix the dough together. There is one important point. The main thing is that you do not go too far with the amount of flour. If it is too much, the dough will turn out to be excessively tight, and the cake will not practically rise in the end. Therefore, it is better to put less flour than to add it too much.
  7. Fans of baking with raisins can add a mixture of well-washed and dried dried fruits. The dough is again kneaded, then left for 60 minutes.
  8. When the mass is doubled, the dough is again kneaded and put aside for 20 minutes.
  9. In the baking container, place the parchment paper and spread the dough to half the volume, so that within 10 minutes it will rise slightly. You can bake cakes in silicone form, which does not require to use special paper for baking.
  10. Cookies are cooked for 35-40 minutes in the oven, heated to 180 degrees.
  11. At the final stage, the glaze is prepared. To do this, you need to beat two proteins to a thick white mass, gently adding sugar during whipping. Tops cooled cakes decorate the prepared glaze, and the top of the beaten protein mass - colored powder.

Such a recipe for a cake with dry yeast will please you and your loved ones with delicious lavish pastry.

Cooking curd cake

Easter is one of the main church holidays, thanks to which the whole family can gather together at the same table and together celebrate this sacred day.

Before preparing the cake, the hostess should bring home cleanliness and order, and bake the products only in a good mood and with kind, bright thoughts.

A wonderful addition to your holiday table will be an air cake with cottage cheese, the recipe of which includes the following ingredients:

  • 500 ml of milk;
  • 6 chicken eggs;
  • 300 g of butter;
  • 200 g of sour cream;
  • 2.5 cups of sugar;
  • 50 g of vegetable oil;
  • 1 pack of vanilla sugar;
  • 50 g of compressed yeast;
  • 200 g of cottage cheese;
  • 1 tsp.lemon juice;
  • 200 g raisins.

Preparation consists of several stages:

  1. In a convenient bowl, you should thoroughly crush the yeast, diluting them in 70 ml of slightly heated water. In the resulting mixture add 2 tsp.granulated sugar, carefully mix the mass and leave it for 5 minutes.
  2. After this time, we turn to cooking the spoons. It is best to choose a pan as much as possible, because during cooking, the dough will rise significantly.
  3. Pour the milk into the pan and heat it on low heat to 30 degrees.
  4. As soon as the milk warms up, add the previously diluted yeast into the water, and then pour 50 g of granulated sugar and mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Raisins pre-washed in water, and then pour it with cognac, so that the dried fruits had time to infuse. It is advisable to do this a few days before cooking.
  6. In a separate bowl, beat the yolks with sugar. In the mixture add vanilla and beat it well again.
  7. Then beat the whites, adding a pinch of salt to them.
  8. Preliminary butter is placed in a warm place to melt a little. As soon as the oil warms up, add it together with the beaten yolk mass in the dough and mix everything thoroughly.
  9. In a separate bowl we spread cottage cheese, fill it with sour cream, then stir the curd mass and add it to the dough. Mix well the resulting mass.
  10. Pour in the sunflower oil, stir everything and add the prepared whipped proteins. Once again, we mix everything thoroughly.
  11. We merge all the cognac, in which dried fruits were insisted, and put the raisins in the dough.
  12. In the next step, we begin to enter the flour carefully. You need about 1-1.5 kg of the product. Here you must see for yourself when there is enough flour. If the dough does not stick more to your hands and is well kneaded - then you have added a sufficient amount. Try to pour it in small portions, previously sifted with a sieve.
  13. The finished dough should still stand for 2-3 hours. You should periodically knead it, after which you can turn on the oven 180 degrees.
  14. While the oven is warming up, special paper should be placed in the molds, which is smeared in refined oil. The dough is laid on one third of the height of the mold and let it stand a little to make it come up.
  15. Put the filled molds in the oven and bake the cakes for 1 hour.
  16. At the final stage, we prepare the frosting of the cooled proteins, whipped with sugar powder and lemon juice.
  17. As soon as the cakes are ready, we remove them from the oven and let them cool down a little. Then water the tops with prepared glaze and decorate with powder.

This simple recipe for curd cake is very popular among housewives, and the baking turns out to be very gentle, airy and surprisingly soft.

Advice for experienced housewives

  • Do not forget that in the baking process it is not recommended to open the oven. Only after the time has elapsed can you check the status of the cakes to know when they can be reached.
  • Experienced hostesses offer you their secret. To inadvertently not to pull out of the oven raw dough, just stick a cake to the cake before you put the dish to bake. As soon as an hour has elapsed from the moment you sent the test to the oven, you can check the baking and get a straw out of it. In the event that the straw is completely dry and no dough sticks to it, you can safely get the cooked fragrant Easter and decorate them.
  • In an oven with convection, the products are always well baked from the inside and do not burn. The fact is that the fan located at the rear of the oven evenly distributes the heated air, so that the cake and other flour products are well baked on all sides. Another important plus of such ovens is that to save time you can use just two pans. Especially this is the way, when it is necessary to cook a considerable amount of Easter cakes.
  • Do not forget that the quality of the ingredients will depend on the taste of future baking. Therefore, give preference to flour of only the highest grade, and eggs and dairy products are better for choosing home. Bright color cakes give fresh yolks saturated orange. If yolks do not have a bright hue, you can add saffron to the dough. He will not only give the dish a luminous color, but also give the cakes an interesting specific flavor.
  • The oven door during baking should be opened and closed carefully, so that the lush risen dough does not settle down due to sudden incautious movements.

Take into account all of the above nuances, and your Easter baking will please the whole family with its delicate taste and will not leave anyone hungry.

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