Tavolga( labaznik, labazka, tavolnik, white-head, medusnik, viper) is a medicinal plant with about 15 species. Travniki believe that labaznik is a "forty-pripytochnikom" - a plant that heals from forty diseases. All mibazniki belong to the perennial plants of the family Pink( dog-rose).Depending on the species, the height of the plant varies from 80 centimeters to 1.5 meters.
- Chemical composition
- Useful properties
- For women
- For men
- Application
- Infusions
- Traditional from flowers
- Traditional from roots and stem
- For eyewash with conjunctivitis
- With hypertension
- With diabetes
- From edema, cystitis and kidney diseases
- From the flu and cold
- For the treatment of trophic ulcers
- Decoctions
- For the improvement of hair growth
- For the treatment of cold
- From asthma
- From rheumatism
- From infertility
- Ointment
- Classic recipe
- For burns and skin diseases
- For joint pains and edema
- For boils, ulcers and insect bites
- Prophylactic drink
- Tea with honey
- Compote with the devil
- Contraindications
- Procurement and storage
There is a difference between the coloring of small fragrant flowers,collected in fluffy panicles. The inflorescence of the meadow is ordinary, Kamchatka, vyazolistnoy, dlanevidnoy, have a white, cream, yellowish color. But there are also pink, yellow, purple species.
The root of the thicket is powerful, branched, creeping. In the thicket, the vulgaris on the rhizome is tuberous thickenings, called peas in the people.
Labrading honey has a strong aroma and is highly valued for its medicinal properties.
Chemical composition of
The main supplier of medicinal raw materials on the territory of Russia are ordinary or six-petalled( Filipéndula vulgáris) and tamolga vyzolistna( Filipéndula ulmária).Their flowers, roots, leaves contain:
- tannins;
- phenolcarbon, fatty, oleanolic, ursolic, chlorogenic, ascorbic acids;
- catechins;
- chalcones;
- coumarin;
- flavonoids;
- benzene and nitrogen-containing compounds;
- salicylates;
- alcoholic alcohols and spiratin;
- β-carotene;
- ellatonaniny;
- polysaccharides;
- wax;
- is a complex essential oil with a strong honey aroma.
Useful properties
The officially approved set of standards for medicinal raw materials( State Pharmacopoeia of the Russian Federation in 2016) recommended the use of extracts from the twill as:
- anti-inflammatory agent;
- immunostimulant and restorative;
- nootropics( neurometabolic stimulant);
- antioxidant;
- substance, improving metabolic, regenerative processes of the liver( hepatoprotector);
- means to enhance the body's resistance to adverse environmental effects of the environment( adaptogen);
- antihypoxant, a drug that optimizes the oxygen content and consumption of tissues and the body as a whole;
- natural antiseptic.
Extract from flowers, roots, leaves and stems of the twig has a number of useful properties:
- restorative;
- antibacterial;
- antifungal;
- antiulcer;
- antihemorrhoic;
- antirheumatic;
- anticarcinogenic;
- diuretic;
- blood sugar lowering;
- sedative;
- analgesic;
- wound healing;
- diaphoretic;
- anticonvulsant;
- anthelmintic.
For women
Labrador is widely used in female gynecology for treatment:
- infertility,
- mastopathy,
- erosion,
- thrush,
- uterine bleeding,
- hormonal disorders,
- endometritis,
- fibroids.
Grasshopper herb is added to decoctions and infusions for treatment:
- prostatitis,
- with a significant decrease in testosterone,
- for normalization of pituitary function,
- for normalization of adrenal function,
- for thyroid disease.
In folk medicine, the Tovolg is used to treat:
- Urogenital, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
- Gastrointestinal.
- Diseases of the joints and spine.
- Bleeding, wet ulcers, neurodermatitis, eczema, burns, wounds, diaper rash, pressure sores, furunculosis, herpes, psoriasis, shingles.
- Catarrhal diseases and lung diseases, bronchial asthma, asphyxiation.
- Migraine headaches with high pressure.
- Bites of snakes and animals, infested with rabies.
- Periodontal disease, gingivitis, stomatitis, scurvy.
- Diabetes mellitus.
- Diarrhea, dysentery.
- Epilepsy.
In folk medicine use all parts of the plant: roots, flowers and buds, leaves and stem, pollen. From the fresh and dry mladasnik make broths, tinctures, butter, ointments.
to table of contents ^Infusions
The following recipes are suitable:
to the table of contents ^Traditional of flowers
A tablespoon of dried or fresh flowers is poured with two glasses of boiling water. Infuse 3 hours. Strain. Keep in the refrigerator for no longer than 2 days.
to the table of contents ^Traditional from roots and stems
To prepare the infusion of roots and stems( take in equal proportions), one teaspoon of raw material per cup of boiling water. Infuse 3 hours. Strain. Stored infusion on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator no longer than 3 days.
to the table of contents ^To rinse the eyes with conjunctivitis
With conjunctivitis and computer fatigue, the eyes should be washed with tincture, it is better to apply the infusion in the form of a compress.
Infusion is prepared from dried flowers: 4 tablespoons per glass of water. Flowers pour boiled and cooled to 70 degrees with water. I need infusion for 4-5 days in the dark. A filtered solution can be used, diluting it with water one to one.
to table of contents ^With hypertension
The course of treatment of hypertension with a traditional( choice) infusion is at least a month, followed by a one-week break, after the reception resumes. Drink two glasses of medicinal liquid per day in small portions.
With severe hypertension, the course is repeated 3-4 times, and a one-time infusion is increased to half a glass. Reduction of blood pressure by 30-40 percent occurs within half an hour after taking infusion.
to the table of contents ^With diabetes
A teaspoon of crushed dry roots is poured into a glass of cold boiled water. Insist about 8 hours. Drink a day in several receptions. Every day a new infusion is made from the evening. The course of treatment is a month. Alternate courses with monthly breaks.
From edemas, cystitis and kidney diseases
A tablespoon of peanut powder is poured with a glass of boiling water, it is insisted for 2 hours, heated on a steam bath for 10 minutes without boiling, removed from the fire and held for 2 more hours. For treatment of diseases of the bladder and kidneys, with cystitis, swelling infusion take half a cup 3 times daily before meals for a month.
to contents ^From flu and cold
One cup of spoon is enough for a glass of boiling water. Take strictly before meals.
You can take and pharmacy tincture: twenty-five drops for two-thirds of a glass of boiled warm water.
to contents ^For the treatment of trophic ulcers
Rapid healing of burns, trophic ulcers, purulent wounds can be achieved using compresses with decoction. For compresses, it is better to use an alcohol-containing tincture of the mildew( except for eye diseases).
Raw materials from any part of the plant are filled with medical alcohol in a ratio of 1 to 5. Insist 5-7 days in a dark place.
to contents ^Decoctions of
On the decoction for internal use, the proportion of water and raw materials is 1 to 10, to prepare a concentrated decoction - 1 to 20. For external and cosmetic - 1 to 5. The resulting liquid is diluted to the desired concentration with boiled water.
Decoction of roots containing tannins, after cooling, immediately filter.
It is better to drink freshly prepared decoctions. In the fridge herbal decoctions and infusions lose their properties in three days.
to the table of contents ^To improve hair growth
Rinsing hair with a decoction of grape improves their structure, strengthens hair follicles, removes hair salinity. For broth take a tablespoon of green raw materials and half a liter of water.
to contents ^For the treatment of cold
The broth is made from flowers. The easiest way to soak the broth in a thermos.2 tablespoons of raw material for a glass of water. Take the broth should be small doses( up to 50 milliliters), but often. The better the patient begins to feel, the more there must be a frequency between doses.
Broth can be drunk with honey.
to the table of contents ^From asthma
Decoctions of roots, the green part and flowers of the medicinal mucus are used in folk medicine for the treatment of the respiratory tract( asthma, bronchitis, tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, pneumonia).Inside take on a third or half a glass 3 times a day before or during meals.
to the table of contents ^From rheumatism
For rheumatic and joint pains, the broth is taken 3-4 times a day for 2 tablespoons. To prepare the decoction, take 3 parts of the chopped roots of the mulberry, 1 part of the green mass of the spring adonis and sweet clover, 2 parts of the leaves of the forest strawberry, half of the bitter wormwood. Prepare a decoction of 5 spoons of the resulting collection per 1 liter of water. Another decoction can impregnate the compress and impose on the problem site.
to table of contents ^From infertility
With female infertility, the harvesting of equal parts of flowers of the twill, clover and linden is struggling. A liter of boiling water take 3 tablespoons of the flower mixture. Insist 3 hours. Drink a glass 3 times a day for half an hour before meals.
to the table of contents ^Ointments
Classic recipe
2 tablespoons of powdered root, chopped green part of the plant and 100 grams of fat base( cream, sea-buckthorn, olive oil, lanolin, petrolatum) mixed, stored in a glass container.
to table of contents ^From burns and skin diseases
Mix 1 part of root powder with 5 parts of lean oil. Let stand about half a day in a warm place. Strain. Impregnated with an ointment gauze napkin is applied to a sore spot, fixed with a bandage. After 8 hours, repeat the procedure.
to the table of contents ^For pains in the joints of edema and injuries
Ointment from the powdered root and butter( 2 tablespoons per 100 grams of oil) is applied to rheumatoid joints and tumors after bruises. The procedure is carried out 3-4 times a day.
to the table of contents ^For boils, ulcers and insect bites
In the summer you can use fresh raw materials.1 part of the juice squeezed from the flowers is mixed with 3 parts of the fat base. If not the season, then the ointment from the powder of the root and oil is applied to the damaged area( the previous recipe).The best way of applying is in the form of a compress.
to the table of contents ^Preventive drink
Thanks to the rich aroma, the oriental grapes are used as a drink or an additive for tea, compotes, kvass, beer.
to contents ^Tea with honey
Labradoramic tea strengthens immunity, is a preventive remedy during an epidemic of influenza. The constant use of aromatic tea prevents the disease of joints, prevents the onset of cancer.
The tea is brewed in the usual way. To enhance the taste and aroma of brewing bring to a boil and boil on low heat for 5-10 minutes. A liter of water is enough for 50 grams of dried flowers. Honey is added to taste.
to the table of contents ^Compote with the oriental
The compote is made from any dried fruits, fresh fruits and berries.2-3 tablespoons of dry flowers of the twig are steamed in a small amount of water, allowed to stand for 30 minutes, filtered, poured into a ready cooled drink.
to table of contents ^Contraindications
Tavolga is a low-toxic and hypoallergenic plant, but its individual components can cause unwanted reactions.
- for women during pregnancy, feeding and children under 12;
- for chronic constipation due to strong astringent properties;
- with thrombocytopathy, hypotension, with increased blood coagulability;
- for individual intolerance.
Labaznik has a strong diaphoretic effect, do not take it before going out.
to the table of contents ^Harvesting and storage of
Flowers and leaves of the twigs harvested from the middle of June to the end of August. Leaves and inflorescences are dried separately in well-ventilated dark rooms or dryers( ovens, ovens) at a uniform temperature of about 40 degrees Celsius.
Store raw materials in canvas bags or tightly closed glass( clay, porcelain) dishes, carton in a dark cool place. Floral-sheet raw materials are stored no more than a year.
The rhizomes are excavated in September-October or early May. Purify from the ground, cut off the stems and root leaves, washed in cold running water. Cut into pieces in length of 10-15 centimeters. Well-dried roots acquire a brown color, a tart taste and aroma.
Dry roots in fresh air under cover. Store in cardboard boxes, glass jars or bags of cloth. Healing properties of roots last up to three years.