Headache with menopause 1

The hormonal adjustment associated with menopause adds a lot of hitherto unaffected complications. Pain in the head is one of them. Although, it would seem, these feelings happen at any age, and there may be several reasons. But the headaches with menopause have a completely different nature, nature and symptoms.


  • 1 Why does headache affect menopause?
    • 1.1 How is the pain in menopause: the symptoms of
  • 2 How to get rid of the heaviness in the head?
    • 2.1 How to help yourself without medication?
  • 3 Menopause Lifestyle

Why does headache affect menopause?

The main cause of sensations in the head area is the change in the hormonal status. The decrease in the volume of estrogen forces all organs and systems to work differently, not only reproductive. The metabolic processes are violated, which causes a whole complex of negative features:

  • Vascular manifestations. Tides, present even in mild climax, provoke alternate stretching and contraction of the walls of the vessels. Pain can arise already because of this alone. But the group of reasons can also be attributed to jumps in blood pressure and worsening of oxygen metabolism;
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  • Emotional instability. Pain syndrome often occurs after a woman is fidgety that in menopause it happens without any reason. A bad mood, reaching a depressive state, is facilitated by this, as does insomnia;
  • Changes in muscles and bones. Decreased collagen in tissues with menopause, calcium consumption leads to the fact that degenerative changes in the spine are intensifying. Deteriorated posture, being in a vertical position requires a lot of effort. This loads the muscles of the back and neck. Pain in the head is often caused by their tension and fatigue.

The difference in pain in menopause: the symptoms of

The agonizing sensations provoked by hormonal alteration are different from those that have been disturbed from time to time. Headache with menopause symptoms and features has these:

  • Comes unexpectedly, beginning with the temples, moves to the forehead area;
  • Accompanied by irritability, hostility to others, which gives the person the appropriate expression. This also contributes to the typical for menopause muscle tension of the face and neck;
  • Can take place against the background of increased anxiety, fear. This is manifested by dryness in the throat, difficulty with swallowing, although there are no objective reasons for the latter;
  • Some people with a headache darken in the eyes, there is a feeling of tightness, heaviness in the back of the head.
Sometimes a headache can take the character of a migraine. Then annoying bright light, loud sounds, there is nausea and even vomiting.

How to get rid of the heaviness in the head?

Given the severity of manifestations in some women, the deterioration in the quality of life, those who suffer from headaches with menopause, treatment is primarily interested. It is worth saying that analgesics and antispasmodics are in most cases useless to alleviate its symptoms, all the more complete elimination. Because the causes are hidden in the field of hormones. And the treatment consists in restoring the balance of these substances, that is, taking medications:

  • Divina;
  • Premarin;
  • Divisse;
  • Climen;
  • Climodeine;
  • Vero-Danazol;
  • Climonorum;
  • Individual;
  • Cleiests;
  • Ovestin;
  • Pause;
  • of the Climart;
  • Triaclim;
  • Livial;
  • Femoston;
  • Nemestran;
  • Cyclone-Proginova;
  • Divergent;
  • Midian;
  • Estrofem.

If it is not possible to use artificial hormones, phytoestrogens are prescribed in the media:

  • Climadion;
  • Climadion uno;
  • Estroel;
  • Femivell;
  • Qi Klim;
  • Ladies formula "Menopause";
  • Menopace;
  • Inoklim;
  • Femicaps of the Life;
  • Remens;
  • Climatoplan;
  • Climaxan;
  • Lefem;
  • Ovariamine;
  • Climatic;
  • Feminal;
  • Bonisan;
  • Epiphany.
Any of the products containing hormones or pushing their production by the body should be prescribed by the doctor after studying the hormonal profile of the particular patient.

Otherwise attacks of a headache will amplify, to them other climacteric displays can be added.

If it is caused by high blood pressure, you may need to take ACE inhibitors:

  • Lysinopril;
  • Enalapril;
  • Captopril;
  • of fosinopril.

How to help yourself without medication?

In menopause, treatment of headache should not be limited to taking medications only. Moreover, some of them are used temporarily. And when the reception ends, the sensation of aching in the temples and the back of the head can return. It is necessary to learn how to remove pain with folk remedies:

  • Sage infusion.2 tablespoonsraw materials for 500 ml of boiling water, cooked for 2 minutes, relieve anxiety, set up a sleep, as a result, and spasm will also go away. This amount of money is drunk all day;
  • Carrot-mint tea. Spoon a crushed dried vegetable with a pinch of herbs, boil in 200 ml of water for 2 minutes;
  • Raspberry drink. The leaves of the plant are added to regular tea. If you drink 2 glasses a day, the tides will visit less often, and, accordingly, the pain manifestations will decrease.

We recommend reading an article about the work of ovaries with menopause. You will learn about the functioning of the reproductive system of a woman during this period, the size of the ovaries, the prevention of various diseases.

Lifestyle in menopause

Headaches that suffer from menopause often occur through the fault of the woman herself. Many do not give up their old habits in food, continue to work hard, forgetting to alternate with rest, or, on the contrary, indulge their own laziness. Meanwhile, sometimes to eliminate the pain syndrome, it is enough to establish a normal lifestyle and nutrition:

  • Remove from the diet salty, smoked, fatty, alcohol. Its basis should make up vegetables, fruits, cottage cheese, lean meat, fish. Incorrect food clogs blood vessels, increasing circulatory disturbances;
  • Move a lot. Physical activity should not consist only of household chores; gentle, but more serious activities are necessary: ​​pilates, dancing, swimming. If the headache is caused by muscle spasms, it will disappear from the physical culture quickly;
  • Do not grab a little for sleeping pills and painkillers. The benefits in this case from them a little. Walking in the fresh air will help you fall asleep more quickly.

Headaches that occur with menopause may be very serious for health. To suffer them it is impossible, for sensations will be aggravated so, that the woman during an attack can not manage without the help.

  • Mar 28, 2018
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