The main causes and characteristic signs of hemorrhoids in men

signs of hemorrhoids in men Hemorrhoids are a common disease in men.

Despite the fact that this ailment is not considered deadly, it will still complicate normal life activity. Sometimes with serious consequences and complications.

Guilty to search here is inappropriate, because the patients themselves, due to the delicacy of the problem, often turn to specialists in the late stages of hemorrhoids, and this significantly complicates the treatment.

In neglected forms - it will require a surgeon's scalpel. And what is most offensive - in many ways, the patients themselves are to blame.

Untimely treatment in the clinic to the proctologist, lack of proper treatment only aggravates the problem. At the initial stages, hemorrhoids are much easier to overcome than in neglected forms.

Contents of

  • Men, you are at risk!
  • At each stage the disease manifests itself in different ways
    • Internal and external nodes
  • What you need to know about the treatment of
  • How to avoid illness
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Men, you are at risk!

The risk group includes, first of all, men whose activities are related to hard physical labor: movers, builders, sportsmen. And also those who spend most of their working hours in a sitting position: long-distance drivers, businessmen, computer workers, office workers.

The addiction to beer and stronger spirits, high-calorie and unsafe for food snacks, including fast foods, also provoke the disease.

The age peak of incidence in men is 30 to 50 years. Moreover, it is men who are often inclined to neglect the first signs of the manifestation of hemorrhoids at an early stage. Visit to the Proctologist

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Visit to the proctologist is constantly postponed for later, and the disease in the meantime progresses and goes into a chronic form, and then into a neglected one.

Knowledge of the symptoms of the disease will make it possible to recognize hemorrhoids at the initial stage of development. Visit a doctor immediately, throwing back unreasonable fears.

After all, the disease itself at the initial stage is well suited to conservative therapy, but its consequences are much more terrible and dangerous.

Remember! The use of hot drinks contributes to the expansion of the vessels and veins of the small pelvis and the formation of hemorrhoids.

In addition to sedentary work or heavy physical exertion, the causes of hemorrhoids in men may be:

  • heredity;
  • absence in the hemorrhoids of the valve;
  • chronic constipation;
  • alcohol and tobacco;
  • violations of blood outflow;
  • infection with infectious diseases;
  • inflammatory processes and tumors of the liver or intestines.

Proper nutrition In an absolutely healthy man, the veins in the anus are elastic. But, constantly undergoing pressure and other stresses, they begin to lose it, contributing to the formation of blood stagnation.

Further in these places are formed seals, passing into the hemorrhoids.

If the first signs occur, you should contact the clinic for the purpose of complex therapy.

Otherwise, the disease goes to the neglected stage, and this is fraught with:

  • by the prolapse of the intestine;
  • with thrombosis;
  • paraproctitis;
  • fistula formation;
  • gas gangrene and other severe consequences.

In the small pelvis, over time, blood begins to accumulate in the venous plexuses. The vein is deformed, the outflow of blood from it does not occur and as a result, seals develop that grow into hemorrhoids.

A man, unlike women, is very difficult to disaccustom from habits that have been established for years and make him follow a healthy lifestyle: go to work on foot, and do not drive cars, drink beer and hot drinks along with a high-calorie and unhealthy snack;principle( men do not use diets for weight loss, and if they use, then a few).

It is very important to observe the measure in everything, do not overload the body, it would seem, completely harmless habits.

At each stage the disease manifests itself in a different way

Each symptom that manifests itself during hemorrhoids refers to a certain phase of development.

Hemorrhoids have 4 stages, characterized by the severity of the course of the disease and certain consequences.

The earliest signs of hemorrhoids, both in men and women, represent a slight feeling of discomfort, burning or itching in the anus, especially after defecation.

Together with the feces, small amounts of blood can collect together. This is due to an inflamed hemorrhoids vein. Within a few hours the feeling of discomfort disappears by itself, with repeated evacuation of the intestine everything is repeated anew.

Stages of hemorrhoids

Characteristics of hemorrhoids in men depending on the stage of the disease

Characteristics of symptoms depending on the stage of hemorrhoids development:

  1. At the first stage of the development of the disease, the nodes of hemorrhoids can be detected only by a doctor. The presence of blood secretions may indicate either the presence of internal hemorrhoids, or other abnormal processes in the body of a man. Therefore, this fact should not be neglected and left without due attention. Because frequent bloody discharge can cause anemia.
  2. At the II stage of , the pain sensations increase, the burning and itching in the anus become more intense due to the infiltration of the inflammatory fluid from the rectum and irritating the mucous membrane. A man can feel the presence of an alien body inside the rectum. This is the direct evidence of the presence of nodes of hemorrhoids. With strong physical activity, the nodes can independently leave the anus and return back at complete rest. On feces we can see blood veins. This affects the psyche of a man: he becomes irritable and nervous.
  3. At the III stage of , the cones increase significantly, they often go outside, they do not return back, they are already filled manually. Painful sensations become constant at rest, and under physical stress.
  4. The IV stage of pain is unbearably strong. This phase of the development of the disease is characterized by the presence of both internal and external hemorrhoids. Bumps may fall out of the anus even with a commonplace cough. It is not possible to insert them back for a short time or at all. Conservative treatment in this case is simply useless. This is just the case when you can not do without a scalpel of a surgeon.

Internal and external nodes

Hemorrhoids are internal and external:

  1. Internal is characterized by an expansion inside the rectum of the cavernous vein. Hemorrhoids are located inside the intestine, near the anus.
  2. Outdoor .In this case, the lower row of cavernous veins undergoes expansion. As a result, nodes of hemorrhoids are formed, covered with skin, protruding outward from the anus.
Internal and external hemorrhoids

How does internal and external hemorrhoids look like

At each stage of the disease, a man has the risk of forming necrosis of hemorrhoids or their thrombosis.

What you need to know about the treatment of

At the initial stages of the development of the disease, conservative therapies can be used in the form of tablets, ointments, gels, or candles administered by Treatment of hemorrhoids.

Special attention should be paid to the ration and personal hygiene, to the regulation of the frequency of acts of defecation.

It is necessary to try to completely eliminate the intake of alcohol, spicy food and fast food.

Because the effectiveness of the course of treatment will be effective and effective, the patient's future health and the chances that the disease will return to his life will depend.

How to avoid the disease

The main preventive measure is targeted action to eliminate predisposition and provoking factors to the development of constipation.

For this you need to clearly monitor the diet, take exceptionally healthy and fortified with fiber, vitamins and micronutrients useful food.

Symptoms of hemorrhoids Observe the hygiene rules after each defecation. To do gymnastics, for this purpose there is a complex of special exercises, and also it is necessary to reconsider a way of life, rest less, move more, avoid heavy loads on the body.

If you have any of the symptoms of hemorrhoids, you need not hesitate to seek help immediately.

Any person can get hemorrhoids. There is nothing to be ashamed of in this disease, but complications, in case of wasting time, can cause more serious health problems, and deprive a man of a full life in the future.

No need to engage in self-medication - this can not give positive results, but will exacerbate the problem almost certainly.

Only timely access to specialists, qualified examination, as well as proper treatment will help get rid of this very delicate disease.

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