The taste of salt in the mouth can appear in every person. This is a fairly common problem. Someone has unpleasant feelings for a short time, others torment months and even years. To salty taste in the mouth does not spoil the mood, and also did not provoke serious complications in the future, you need to identify and eliminate the causes of pathology.
Many people do not even try to understand why they have a constant taste of salt in their mouths, but simply try to get rid of it by interrupting other tastes. For example, eating more sweet.
But this can lead to a set of excess weight and diseases of the digestive system. Some people generally lose their appetite because of such unpleasant sensations. And this eventually leads to the exhaustion of the body and the weakening of the immune system. Therefore, this symptom, harmless at first glance, is not normal and lowers the quality of life.
The reasons can be very different. Most of them are not dangerous to human health, but they should not be ignored. Let's consider each of them in more detail.
This cause can be called one of thethe most basic and most common. To the body functioned well, a person should consume at least two liters of liquid per day. Most of us do not feel thirsty and drink only about three glasses of water a day.
But the best chemical composition of saliva directly depends on the amount of fluid that enters the body. As a result, from the lack of water, the quality of saliva changes, and the person begins to feel a salty aftertaste. The process of dehydration is also affected by those who use diuretics, as the urinary process intensifies.
With long diarrhea and vomiting, there is also a risk of water balance disturbance. Lack of water in the body can be observed in pregnant women in the period of toxicosis, in lovers of different diets, and also in extreme heat.
Therefore, it is very important to ensure that enough fluid enters the body. And it should be clean water, and not carbonated drinks, coffee and broths.
Poor oral hygiene
Poor oral care can also lead to a taste of salt in the mouth. If the teeth are not cleaned properly, or if low-quality hygiene products are used, the body can be harmed. There will be plaque and bacteria that will accumulate on the gums, tongue and all hard-to-reach places of the dentition.
This is one of the main causes of stale breath and unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth.
If there is a violation of the microflora of the mouth, dysbacteriosis may develop. That in turn will contribute to the appearance of bleeding gums, dryness and redness of the mucous, puffiness, plaque formation and other unpleasant symptoms.
To avoid all this, you should properly take care of the oral cavity. Brush your teeth regularly and twice a day. And for the proper level of hygiene, dentists recommend using also dental floss and high-quality mouthwashes.
Effects of medications
Taste receptors may be disrupted due to side effects from drug use. There may be a sensation of dry lips, unpleasant discomfort in the tongue, a salty taste. This is due to a change in the chemical component of saliva. All individually for each organism and the reaction of all is different.
Aggressive therapy of cancer affects many body systems, as the impact of chemotherapy is very powerful. Tastes may also change, especially when using a large number of medicines.
The occurrence of this effect should be reported to the physician. He can replace the drug with another drug, or advise to suffer. After the end of the course of treatment, the side effects should disappear.
Salt in the mouth and lips
In addition to the reasons mentioned above, the taste of salt in the mouth and on the lips may arise due to other disorders in the body:
- inflammation of the salivary glands;
- brain disease, which is responsible for the operation of all systems;
- infectious diseases in the advanced stage, so during sinusitis and sinusitis, brackish mucus gathering in the sinuses of the nasopharynx can descend into the oral cavity;
- problems with the nervous system;
- tears that can penetrate into the oral cavity with strong lachrymation;
- allergic manifestations;
- after the teeth have been removed.
Saline in the mouth in women
During pregnancy, women have a salty taste in their mouths. And all because after a long toxicosis the body strongly is dehydrated. Dysgeusia can also be observed.
This is a change in taste when the taste sensation is distorted or absent. Such processes are subject to future mothers against the background of strong changes in the body.
Another reason for the taste of salt in the mouth is ordinary tears. And this can arise not only as a result of the emotional state of a woman. Tearing often occurs if there are eye diseases, seasonal allergies or simply as a reaction to dust and bright sunlight.
Men's salt
Men may experience a salty aftertaste after excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages. Alcohol has a powerful dehydrating effect, which contributes to the appearance of this not very pleasant symptom. There is intoxication and loss of a large amount of moisture.
In order to cope with such a terrible condition, it is recommended to replenish the body's fluid reserves. The best means - mineral water.
Children's issue
In children, the taste of salt in the mouth can be associated with various causes. With poisoning and severe diarrhea, dehydration of the body occurs, resulting in unpleasant sensations. It all depends on the situation. When the difficult period passes and the child goes on the mend, his condition will improve and the symptoms will disappear.
If the baby has any problems with the nervous system, or he often cries, this symptom may also occur. Therefore, it is very important to treat any provoking disease in time and consult a doctor to avoid such alarm signals. Children's health is above all.
Correction methods
The first step is to identify the cause of the salty taste. Then proceed to the method of elimination. If this is the result of dehydration, then the water balance should be normalized. Water is the unique solvent, which removes toxins, salts and slags.
If this is a consequence of taking medication, you should wait until the course of therapy is over, or ask the doctor for an analogue of the drug.
If you have a bacterial infection in your mouth, you should consult your dentist. He will prescribe a treatment that will eliminate the disease and the attendant symptoms. It is also important to take care of your teeth, gums and your entire oral cavity in a timely and careful manner. This will not only take away the unpleasant taste and smell from the mouth, but will also reduce visits to the dentist.
It is very important to monitor the diet. The menu should not contain foods in which there are harmful carcinogens. Fat, spicy and fried better to eat in moderation. But natural products should always be in the diet.
Prevention measures
If you take preventive measures and lead a healthy lifestyle in time, most diseases can be avoided. The main thing is not to be lazy, and watch yourself.
Prevention measures include:
- eating healthy food, especially in the season in the diet should be present fresh fruit, greens and vegetables;
- quality oral hygiene, which includes brushing your teeth twice a day, rinsing your mouth after eating, using dental floss;
- a timely visit to the dentist at least once a year;
- calm attitude to stressful situations, control of negative emotions;
- drinking diet, it is so important to monitor that the body receives enough water, which is the basis of life;
- alcoholic beverages should be consumed in moderate doses, since they have the effect of dehydration;
- conducts an active lifestyle and walks in the fresh air.
If you follow these recommendations, the salty taste in your mouth will not bother you. Well, if this symptom made itself felt, it is better not to ignore this body signal.
Because it will lead to a deterioration in health and a decrease in immunity. And if this is the cause of some serious illness, then you can start the process and lose valuable time. Timely access to a doctor and treatment of any disease at an early stage - a pledge of longevity.