Tincture of gooseberry on vodka: a drink for pleasant feasts

Among a variety of alcoholic beverages, a special place is occupied by those that are cooked at home. After all, they are as natural and safe as possible. Fruits and berries make alcohol the most pleasant to taste. For example, an unusually good tincture of gooseberry on vodka. It can be prepared both from ripe, and from slightly unripe berries of any sort.

Gooseberries are good for tinctures

How to prepare gooseberries?

To begin with, the fruits need to be washed, sorted and discarded. But it is not necessary to remove the stems. They will not affect the taste of the ready-made drink in any way.
If berries are heavily soiled in the ground, they should be soaked for 5-10 minutes in cold water, then thrown back to a colander and rinsed again under the tap.

Alcoholic base

For tinctures from gooseberries the most inexpensive vodka is quite suitable. Just do not risk your health by buying cheap counterfeit products!
It is not advisable to insist the gooseberry on alcoholic beverages is already anything tinted or flavored, even if these supplements are declared on the label as fruity. Most likely, they are of an artificial origin.
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Tincture of gooseberries: home preparation recipes

We bring to your attention the best recipes collected on the expanses of Mother Russia.

Tincture on gooseberry: the traditional recipe

1 kg of gooseberry put in a glass bottle and pour 1 liter of vodka. Infuse 2 months. Strain, discard the berries.
Boil the syrup from 1 cup sugar and 230 ml of water, cool, mix in the tincture.

"Aromatic" tincture

  • 0,5 l clarified gooseberry juice;
  • 500 g of sugar;
  • bottle of vodka;
  • sachet of vanillin.

To get juice from gooseberry, you need to pass the berries through a meat grinder, squeeze out and allow the liquid to settle. Ready juice to combine with sugar and heat in a water bath until the sugar dissolves completely. Do not boil! In hot syrup, dissolve the vanillin and pour in the vodka. Insist for 10 days.

Tincture of gooseberry on spirit "Emerald"

  • 1 kg of gooseberry green;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 3 cups of boiled water;
  • 600 ml of alcohol.

Bake berries with a metal tolkushkoy or pestle, add water and sugar. To sustain in the corked utensils of 2 days. Pour 1 cup of alcohol and leave for another day. Strain through gauze, pour the remaining alcohol.

Tincture of gooseberry "4 × 4"

  • 4 cups of berries;
  • 4 glasses of vodka;
  • 4 cups of sugar;
  • 4 cups of mineral water without gas. Put gooseberries in a jar. Water boil with sugar, cool, pour berries. At the edge of the dishes pour the vodka, cover with a plastic lid. Remove for 3 months in a dark place, drain.
    Gooseberry on vodka

    Tincture "For lovely ladies"

    • 60 berries of gooseberries;
    • 0.5 liters of vodka;
    • 1 tbsp.a spoonful of citric acid;
    • 800 ml of water;
    • 50 pieces of currant leaves;
    • 1 glass of sugar.

    Water and currant leaves boil for 15 minutes. Strain, add sugar and citric acid. Once again bring to a boil. Cool, add vodka and gooseberry. Infuse 1 month.

    Tincture "Gooseberries + strawberries"

    • 2 cups gooseberries;
    • 1 cup of strawberry or strawberry;
    • 1 cup sugar;
    • 400 ml of boiling water;
    • sprig of mint;
    • 0.5 liters of vodka.

    At the bottom of the cans of sugar, throw mint. Carefully pour boiling water. Pour a layer of gooseberry, then strawberries. Pour the vodka. Cover and keep for 24 hours at room temperature. Put it in a cool place. After 40 days strain.

    Tincture of gooseberry with lemon on brewing

    At the bottom of the 3-liter jar, put the sliced ​​lemon with the peel, put the berries on top - to the level where the jar begins to taper. Then pour the sugar almost to the top. All pour a good brew to the very neck, close the lid. Insist in the dark for at least 3 months. Strain and pour into bottles.
    Tip. If the house does not have gauze, you can strain the drink in the following way. In the bottle, install the kitchen hopper. On its opening, apply a cotton swab and gently pour liquid in a thin trickle.

    Gooseberry tincture in folk medicine

    Gooseberries are well known for their useful properties, because they contain organic acids, vitamins, macro and microelements. And all these substances necessary for the human body are perfectly preserved in alcohol tinctures. Alcohol in them acts as a reliable and natural preservative, allowing for a long time to save all the most valuable.

    Tincture of gooseberry is useful for health

    Tincture of gooseberry on alcohol is effective in the following cases:

    • to activate physical and mental performance;
    • during fatigue and overwork;
    • for exhaustion;
    • when there is sports and physical activity;
    • after supercooling.

    Just one spoonful of drink in the morning and evening energizes, tones up the whole body, improves digestion, strengthens the immune system.
    Specialists in the field of traditional medicine recommend taking tincture of gooseberry in winter for one month. This will serve to prevent many problems, such as:

    • reproductive harm in men and women;
    • anemia, loss of strength;
    • frequent colds;
    • slowing metabolism in the body;
    • heart disease and blood vessels;
    • changes in the endocrine system.

    How to use and contraindications

    You need to use tincture for medicinal purposes in 25-30 minutes after breakfast and one hour before a night sleep. Drink 20 ml, in pure form or diluted with water. It is allowed to add the drug to the herbal teas.
    A contraindicated tincture of gooseberries to all who can not take alcohol, namely:

    • for children;
    • for pregnant and lactating women;
    • to persons with unstable psyche;
    • suffering from epilepsy;
    • taking medication;
    • people with diseases of the digestive system in the acute stage;
    • to those who struggle with alcoholism.

    But even absolutely healthy people who drink home-made liquor from gooseberries only during the feast to raise their spirits, do not forget about the harmfulness of excessive drinking. Observance of the culture of drinking is the main thing, even when the tincture of own production is on the table.

  • Mar 28, 2018
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