Folic acid in menopause

The attenuation of the reproductive function carries great changes. For some women, they manage more easily, for others they become painful. And if you do not know that there are means that can support the body during this period, the consequences of restructuring all of his work can be very unpleasant. But folic acid in menopause improves well-being and eliminates potential health hazards.

Some details about folic acid

This substance is found in many vegetables, herbs, fruits, but there is also an artificial form. Folic acid is nothing else than vitamin B9, necessary for the body at any age, beginning with the period of intrauterine development. It provides the process of cell division, development and assimilation of other necessary substances: amino acids, serotonin, noradrenaline.

To replenish folate, you need:

  • Spinach;
  • Broccoli;
  • Legumes;
  • Citrus fruits;
  • Bananas;
  • Apricots;
  • Melons.

But not always it is enough for normal state of health. And then prescribe folic acid preparations.

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How does B9 work with menopause?

Folic acid in menopause is needed more than ever. This is the period of loss of the body of female hormones. It occurs smoothly, but since it starts, it causes many severe manifestations, it increases the likelihood of the occurrence of ailments.

Most of all, it affects the body by reducing the number of estrogens. This lack of them causes hot flashes, dry mucous membranes, exacerbation of nervous reactions.

Folic acid has an estrogen-like effect, but lacks the drawbacks inherent in hormone replacement therapy.

This means that the usual contraindications for the latter do not interfere with the intake of vitamin B9.In addition, there are no side effects associated with the use of hormones. If it is necessary to smooth out the symptoms of menopause, folic acid is able to:

  • Defeat the hot flushes. They arise because of a violation of blood circulation, which the vitamin actively prevents. The woman has fever and sweating;
  • Normalize the pressure. Due to the decrease in the amount of homocysteine ​​acid, vitamin B9 does not allow cholesterol to be deposited on the walls of the vessels, and restores the work of the kidneys. Urinary organs sometimes cause high blood pressure;
  • Eliminate dry mucous membranes. Folic acid regenerates the cells of the epidermis, so that discomfort disappears in the vagina. This allows you to continue a normal intimate life, which in itself helps to reduce all climacteric manifestations. Similar restoring properties it has in relation to skin cells, hair, nails;
  • Maintain the nervous system and heart. Folic acid used in menopause eliminates anxiety, irritability. The development of serotonin, provided by its presence in the body, helps pacify other negative emotions, restore sleep. The threat of getting a nervous breakdown with menopause, depression is reduced several times;
  • Cope with a headache. In menopause, it can have different causes of appearance, but folic acid equally well fights with everyone. Vitamin maintains the connective tissue in the spine, joints, retains the elasticity of the muscle, that is, the tension headache will no longer arise. Free, thanks to him, from cholesterol, the vessels also do not cause gravity in the nape;
  • Restore working capacity. Rapid fatigue, impaired memory and attention characteristic of menopause, are amenable to folic acid. The energy returns to the woman, the immunity rises, thanks to the fact that the vitamin improves blood composition, increases hemoglobin;
  • Slow the loss of calcium with bone tissue. Vitamin B9 interferes with the production of homocysteine, which just helps the release of this trace element;
  • Reduce the likelihood of cell degeneration into malignant cells. With menopause, the threat of a tumor increases, but folic acid prevents the destruction of DNA.This reduces the danger not only for the reproductive organs, but also for the lungs, larynx, digestive system. Some doctors are sure that it was B9 who helped them cure their patients from cervical dysplasia.

We recommend reading the article about postmenopause in women. You will learn about the main manifestations and symptoms of this condition, the extinction of the reproductive function, the need to take medications to improve well-being.

The right reception is the key to the success of

The important point that requires to find out folic acid in menopause is how to drink medications with it. Many are afraid of overdoing, harming an already weakened body.

The dose for an adult woman depends on the general condition of her body. Smoking can cause it to increase, since nicotine interferes with the absorption of folate. An increased dose is necessary for those diagnosed with anemia or a violation of absorption of intestinal walls, chronic gastritis, enteritis. And women with established atherosclerosis should reduce it. The right amount of folic acid can be 200 μg, and 400.

The choice of the required dose should be entrusted to the doctor. But in principle, healthy women are afraid to "eat" it should not, folic acid quickly and independently is excreted from the body. Do not be afraid to drink drugs with her diabetics, with hypoglycemia, high blood pressure.

Preparations of folic acid are taken in the morning, so that its action was necessary for the active phase of the organism's existence. To achieve the desired effect, 1-3 months of use will suffice. Long-term use as a therapy against menopausal syndrome should be combined with the use of vitamin B12.It is also needed by the body, but folic acid has the property of washing it off. Alcohol destroys the nutrients formed with its intake, so during the intake it should be excluded.

Folic acid used in menopause should not be considered a panacea. But it will help ease this transient stage of the development of the body.

It is taken with and together with hormone replacement therapy. And if you can not use these substances in the treatment of menopause, folic acid becomes a real salvation.

  • Mar 28, 2018
  • 22
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