- Characteristics of the pathology of
- Useful properties of honey in pancreatitis
- The right choice of honey
- Application of the product of beekeeping
The diet of people with pancreatitis is extremely poor. Especially difficult is sweet tooth, because when splitting complex sugars pancreas is experiencing serious stress. To restore its functional activity, gastroenterologists prescribe to patients digestive enzymes, and in case of acute inflammatory process, antibiotic therapy is performed. Strengthen the action of pharmacological drugs, accelerate recovery through the methods of folk therapy. The treatment with pancreas honey can stimulate the production of enzymes and reduce the severity of the pain syndrome. The sweet beekeeping product will enrich the daily menu of the person, will strengthen local and general immunity.
. Characteristic features of
pathology. Gastroenterologists in the course of diagnosis find out the form of pancreatitis and the stage of its course. These criteria are the basis of treatment, determine the therapeutic scheme and the likelihood of a full recovery. They also affect the possibility of normalizing the pancreas with honey. Already at the stage of examination, the doctor will make a verdict on the expediency and safety of using folk methods of treating pancreatitis.
Warning: Honey improves peristalsis due to pronounced laxative effect. Therefore, it should not be used frequently in pancreatitis accompanied by chronic diarrhea.
The pancreas consists of a number of exocrine cells that produce enzymes necessary for digesting food. Also for this organ is the presence of islets of Langerhans. The so-called accumulation of endocrine cells that produce insulin - a hormone, on the amount of which in the human body depends on the metabolism and absorption of glucose. In the formation of its deficiency in the systemic circulation, a serious endocrine pathology develops - diabetes mellitus, which is a frequent companion, and sometimes a complication of pancreatitis.
If the gastroenterologist has discovered that the active functioning of the islets of Langerhans is not violated, then the pancreas will cope with the processing of a small amount of honey. Its chemical composition contains simple carbohydrates:
- fructose;
- maltose.
For their cleavage, the pancreas produces few enzymes, since insulin is responsible for the metabolism of simple sugars. When the endocrine part of the body remains fully operational, then the treatment with honey will only benefit. If the patient is diagnosed with diabetes mellitus or acute inflammation with a strong puffiness of pancreatic tissue, then this method of folk therapy will cause deterioration of the human condition.
Useful properties of honey in pancreatitis
The pancreas is often inflamed as a result of penetration of infectious agents caused by blood flow from other organs. Flower honey shows antibacterial and antimicrobial activity, which allows using it in the treatment of pancreatitis as an antiseptic. Regular use of honey contributes to reducing the inflammatory process and reducing the number of infectious foci. A simple sugar from its chemical composition is involved in the synthesis of biologically active substances that have bacteriostatic and bactericidal effects.
Recommendation: For treatment of pancreatitis, you should buy honey from proven beekeepers. Unfair producers add dyes and flavors categorically forbidden in this disease to the finished product. Sometimes beekeepers feed bees with ordinary sugar, significantly reducing the medicinal value of honey.
The course treatment with honey allows to achieve a diverse complex effect on the digestive system, including the pancreas:
- normalizes the production of pepsin and gastric juice, which avoids excessive loads on the pancreas;
- accelerates metabolic processes, facilitating rapid regeneration of inflammation-damaged tissues;
- improves blood supply to internal organs, thus eliminating the deficiency of molecular oxygen, nutrients and biologically active substances;
- increases the resistance of the organism to infectious bacterial pathogens, participates in strengthening local immunity of the pancreas;
- prevents the spread of inflammation to healthy tissues and nearby located internal organs;
- removes from the gastrointestinal tract slags and toxins, and from the pancreas products of the inflammatory process and pathogenic microorganisms.
Regular use of honey increases the functional activity of the central nervous system. This plays an important role in the therapy of pancreatitis, because its aggravation is often due to depressive states, emotional instability, anxiety and anxiety.
The correct choice of honey
For the treatment of pancreatitis, not every honey is suitable. Folk healers advise not to buy buckwheat, which can greatly increase the acidity of gastric juice. Excellent taste and therapeutic qualities distinguish linden honey, which is characterized by such properties:
- gentle viscous consistency;
- has a mild effect on the pancreas.
It's pretty hard to buy a sweet beekeeping product called zabrasovy. This is the most useful form of honey for pancreatitis. It contains fewer simple and complex sugars, as well as substances that irritate the mucous membranes of the digestive system. The structure of zabrusovogo honey includes biologically active compounds, which bees are harvested from tree kidneys and pollen. Such ingredients show a powerful regenerative effectiveness, have the ability to quickly stop the inflammatory process in the pancreas and reduce the severity of pain.
Application of the beekeeping product
Before starting the treatment with honey, it is necessary to measure the glucose level in the systemic blood flow for several days. And only at its stable values it is possible to proceed to this therapeutic technique of a pancreatitis. Honey is not used to normalize the functioning of the pancreas, if a person has an individual sensitivity to the products of beekeeping. This is also true for propolis, the particles of which are part of zabrusovogo honey. Therapy should be stopped immediately in such cases:
- occurrence of excessive gas formation, belching, heartburn, bloating;
- appearance of a sensation of severe burning in the stomach;
- development of pain syndrome in epigastrium of any character and severity.
Treatment of the pancreas with honey lasts about two weeks, after which it is necessary to take a ten-day break. If a sweet product is used as a sweetener, then it can be consumed continuously 1-2 tablespoons daily.
Advice: During treatment with pancreatic honey, it is necessary to adhere to proper nutrition. It is necessary to include in the diet baked vegetables, boiled lean meat, sour-milk products, chamomile tea and a weak broth of hips.
Chronic form of pancreatitis
The principle of therapeutic action of honey for chronic inflammation of the pancreas is based, first of all, on the improvement of microcirculation of the affected tissues. The pathological process negatively affected the blood supply, therefore at the initial stage of therapy it is necessary to eliminate the formed deficiency of microelements and vitamins. To do this, about 30-40 minutes before breakfast, you should eat a teaspoonful of thick honey, constantly listening to your sensations.
In the absence of discomfort, this dose can be increased to 2 table spoons divided into several doses. Course treatment with honey beneficially affects the pancreas:
- form new healthy cells;
- disappear symptoms of iron deficiency anemia;
- is restored parenchyma.
In general, there is an improvement in hemopoiesis, which is an excellent prevention of recurrences of chronic pathologies, including pancreatitis.
Warning: For the treatment of chronic pancreatitis, it is better to use honey in its natural form. Traditional healers recommend not to dilute it with water and other fluids, do not supplement products, even those with therapeutic properties.
Pancreatitis aggravation
With relapses of chronic pathology, gastroenterologists diagnose highly developed pancreatic puffiness. The functional activity of its exocrine and endocrine parts is significantly reduced. In the treatment of this form of pancreatitis, pharmacological drugs and complete starvation are used for 1-3 days. Any food consumed during this time will remain undigested due to the lack of digestive enzymes in the gastrointestinal tract.
Honey is also categorically prohibited and can be entered into the daily menu 3-4 weeks after the relief is relieved. The sweet beekeeping product is not used in the therapy of acute pancreatitis because of the high probability of serious deterioration of the human condition. Only 2-3 months after recovery, a small amount of honey is allowed.