Lemon juice - its benefits in cosmetology and weight loss

Lemon is a small hybrid evergreen fruit tree from the genus citrus. The native land of lemon is India, China and tropical islands in the Pacific Ocean. For today this fruit is widely used not only in cooking, no less popular due to its useful properties, lemon and lemon juice itself in medicine and cosmetology.

Lemon is a fruit with a lot of useful properties

Useful properties

In addition to its pleasant aroma and round shape, the lemon is very useful for health, because it is a storehouse of organic acids, phytoncides and, of course, vitamins. All these substances in the juice of lemon have a lot of useful properties:

  • helps us cope with a lot of viruses and microbes;
  • strengthen immunity, normalize metabolic processes occurring in the human body;
  • normalizes the hormonal background;
  • provitamin A, which is a part of the lemon, supports the vision of the elderly, and those whose activities are related to a permanent stay at the computer monitor;
  • promote the production of gastric juice and improve appetite;
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  • normalize blood pressure and fight with atherosclerosis;
  • eliminates nerve overexertion and reduced performance;
  • lemon juice helps to eliminate toxemia in pregnant women;
  • is used as part of a comprehensive treatment aimed at fighting urolithiasis.

Lemon in cosmetology

Lemon is an almost universal remedy in the field of home cosmetology, because it prepares budget, but no less effective, facial, hair and even nail care products.

Lemon for face, legs and nails

Aging skin, mimic wrinkles, freckles, age spots, pimples - all these problems will help to overcome our lemon.

  • Mixed in proportions 1: 1 olive oil and lemon juice - an excellent face mask on which the first wrinkles already appeared.
  • Freshly brewed green tea with the addition of lemon slices is a wonderful refreshing tonic for the face.
  • Lemon juice also helps to get rid of pimples, freckles and age spots.

Important! Applying lemon juice to the face skin in its pure form is still not worth it, cosmetologists recommend diluting the juice of this fruit with a little water.

Lemon juice applied to the skin, diluted with water, will help make your freckles invisible

In addition, lemon juice is useful not only for facial skin, but also for the skin of the legs. A few minutes spent in a warm foot bath, which contains the juice of this fruit, will eliminate the fatigue of your feet and remove their puffiness.
The use of lemon juice to strengthen the nails is to rub it once every 5-6 days in the nail plates or in the preparation of medicinal trays, which have a lemon.

Lemon for hair

For more than one decade lemon has been widely used as a hair care product. Its rich in useful substances composition greatly affects the hair follicles and on the scalp damaged by seborrhea and some other diseases.

  • 4 tablespoons of lemon juice mixed with a glass of vodka - an excellent natural lotion for greasy, strongly shiny hair. It is recommended to soak the roots of hair daily for 6-7 days.
  • For combating dandruff, juice of half a lemon is mixed with two yolks and 5-10 drops of burdock oil. This mixture is recommended to rub into the scalp for several days or until the dandruff disappears.
  • Tincture based on the roots of burdock and lemon juice is useful for hair falling out. In addition, this remedy reduces itching, eliminates dandruff and helps strengthen hair follicles.
  • Mask made of lemon juice and olive oil, made at night, will strengthen the split, dry hair.
  • Rinsing hair with lemon juice diluted with some water( most often one medium lemon takes 1 liter of water), makes the hair shiny and soft. In addition, such rinses can lightly lighten the hair.

For weight loss

People suffering from extra pounds and wishing to bring their weight back to normal, also pay attention to this fruit.

Important! Lemon juice for weight loss is allowed only in diluted form.

According to some data, days off on cocktails from lemon juice, honey and water allow you to lose from 1 to 3 kg per week. Also, this drink, in addition to smooth weight loss, contributes to the removal of harmful substances from the human body. Take lemon juice for weight loss preferably on an empty stomach.

Lemon juice cleans the body of toxins and promotes weight loss


Despite the full range of its useful properties, the lemon has also a number of contraindications:

  • , first of all, this fruit is not recommended for people suffering from gastritis, stomach ulcer or duodenal ulcer;
  • also needs to be used cautiously by people prone to allergies;
  • excessive consumption of lemon juice can adversely affect the state of tooth enamel;
  • abuse of lemon in inflammatory diseases of the mouth and throat can lead to the fact that the damaged areas become even more inflamed;
  • is also not recommended for lemon juice for children under 3 years due to its possible negative impact on the delicate mucosa of the children's stomach.

As you can see, lemon juice can bring not only good, but also harm. Nevertheless, the positive effect of this fruit on the human body is difficult to overestimate.

  • Mar 28, 2018
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