Any woman periodically starts to struggle with excess weight. In the course are various diets, sports complexes and folk remedies. Since all these procedures take a long time, many women wonder whether they lose weight during menstruation, is it worth interrupting the process for this period?
Any attempt at independent intervention in the physiology of the body is always fraught with immune and hormonal disorders. And if the procedure of forcible weight reduction is carried out during menstruation, such actions can provoke a number of serious diseases in young women.
- 1 How the body weight depends on the critical days
- 1.1 Features of the first phase of the cycle
- 1.2 What affects the woman in the second half of the
- 2 When it is optimal to lose weight
- 3 Lose or not at critical days
- 4 Nutrition rules during the monthly
- 5 monthly
How the body weight depends on the critical days
It has long been known that the menstrual cycle of a woman and the changes taking place at that time in her body are directly related to the impact of female sex hormones. It turns out that they can influence the weight changes of young ladies.
Features of the first phase of the
cycle The main role is played by the sex hormones estrogen from the end of the last menstrual bleeding to the release of the egg in the blood of the patients. These substances improve the work of the heart of a woman, take part in regulating the functioning of the genitals, uterus and urinary system.
In the first phase of the cycle, a woman is less susceptible to mood swings, as estrogens increase the production of substances of "good mood" - serotonin and endorphin. Excellent well-being allows many ladies to keep themselves in shape and not indulge in gluttony.
It should be said that estrogen redistributes a woman's accumulated subcutaneous fat layer in the thigh and abdomen. At the same time, almost 20% of the accumulations are burned and, correspondingly, the weight of the woman can decrease.
We recommend to read an article about why you want to eat before your months. From it you will learn about the features of the work of the female body, the causes of increased appetite before menstruation, ways of losing weight.
What affects the woman in the second half of
After the release of the oocyte in the hormonal system of patients, a major restructuring begins. The effect of estrogen fades into the background, its percentage in the blood of women decreases, and "first violin in the orchestra" becomes progesterone.
The action of this substance is aimed at the increased accumulation of nutrients in the body. Progesterone stimulates the release of a special enzyme that facilitates the production of proteins, fats and carbohydrates from the food and the retention in the tissues of patients. That is, every piece eaten brings ladies extra weight.
Among other things, in the last days before menstruation, the body tries to hold up excess fluid in the tissues to compensate for losses from menstrual bleeding. Similar physiological fineness can also increase body weight.
When is it optimal to lose weight
So when is it better to lose weight - before or after the month? If you carefully look at the change in the hormonal activity of various substances in a woman all over the menstrual cycle, then the conclusion suggests itself.
Excess weight can also be considered a violation in the work of the female body. Especially if the patient does not have diseases, the symptom of which can be weight gain. Therefore, you need to lose weight during this period, especially since most methods are designed for 12-14 days, and a woman can perfectly cope with a set of measures to lose weight before the onset of ovulation.
Lose or not in critical days
A separate topic is the attempt of some women to continue fighting weight after the onset of menstrual bleeding. This practice is quite vicious and can be detrimental to a woman's health.
During menstruation, in addition to the hormonal burst, which usually causes a sharp decrease in the patient's immune forces, the amount of red blood cells in the blood decreases. This leads to a decrease in the intake of cells and tissue nutrients and oxygen.
Anemia causes a woman's weakness, irritability, even short-term loss of consciousness. If at this time to reduce the intake of nutrients in the body with food or allow yourself increased physical exertion, then it is possible not only to malfunction the entire menstrual cycle, but also the development of a more serious pathology.
The overwhelming majority of specialists will sharply negatively answer the question whether it is possible to lose weight during menstruation. Critical days require a woman to maximize the sparing regimen and increased nutrition, which does not coincide with the attempt to lose weight.
Nutrition rules during menstruation
Almost all women have experienced severe pain during menstruation or with increased blood loss. In addition to special drugs, a well-chosen diet can help a woman overcome this difficult period.
Experts advise patients during menstruation to adhere to the following rules:
- Women in this difficult period should completely abandon animal fats. It is their increased consumption during menstruation increases the weight of the lady and increases the pain. All this is due to the increased release of estrogen in the blood of patients with abuse of acute and fatty foods.
- Many doctors recommend that their patients for the time of menstruation completely switch to fish. For sale, there is a sufficient selection of fatty varieties, including trout and sardines, which will help support the female body and compensate for the loss of calories in menstrual bleeding.
- Full ban of butter. Salads and other dishes should contain only olive or linseed oil. These varieties give the woman the opportunity not to gain excess weight, but at the same time give the majority of dishes an exquisite taste.
- Food should be rich in trace elements and vitamins, is especially important to a woman during this period, a large amount of calcium, magnesium and vitamin B6.The list of products for replenishing the body with these substances is quite wide. You can include in the diet cottage cheese, yogurt, buckwheat porridge, beans or beans. Even an ordinary banana can alleviate the condition of the patient.
- Most experts agree that when menstruating it is extremely important to include in the diet dishes from soy. It contains special substances - phytoestrogens, which are able to kill a surge of hormones and reduce the dependence of the female body on PMS.
- Well, of course, a complete rejection of alcohol, coffee, black tea, tobacco.
Understand whether losing weight with a monthly girl, is not so simple. The fact is that if you follow the rules of nutrition and avoid edema, you simply do not gain excess weight in the "critical" days. The doctor must offer patients a list of products for this period of time. Peas, beans, potatoes, walnuts will help decorate any table and at the same time eliminate excess calories.
All pickles and smoked products fall under the ban. Excess salt does not allow the fluid to escape from the cells, leading to swelling. And since a woman should compensate for the loss of fluid during menstrual bleeding, most experts recommend that during the entire period, use medicinal floral tea or broth rose hips.
Balanced nutrition is extremely important during menstruation, so the question of reducing weight during this period does not even have to face the lady. For this, a woman has a different time in her life.
See video on nutrition during menstruation:
Physical activity during menstruation
It should be remembered that menstruation causes a significant decrease in the protective forces of the female body, the immune and nervous systems fail. Exercising or just physical activity at this time can provoke increased pain, increased blood flow, weakness and even loss of consciousness.
In principle, it all depends on the health of the patient and the intensity of menstruation. A large number of patients actively engaged in sports simply reduce the load for the first 2 to 3 days, and subsequently increase physical activity.
However, there are exercises that are completely banned for ladies at this particular period of their life. This includes:
- Active operation of sports simulators and work with weights. The use of dumbbells, devices for strengthening the press or an exercise bike can cause an increase in the pain syndrome or an exacerbation of bleeding from the uterine cavity.
- Women during this period are completely banned any gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the abdominal cavity. Any slopes or twists are quite dangerous exercises on critical days.
- It is not recommended at this time and aerobic exercise. Intensive dance exercises can lead to a tidal flow of blood to the pelvic organs, which is likely to cause bleeding and pain. Running long distances or sprints can also cause irregularities in the menstrual cycle.
But this, whether losing weight after menstruation, depends already on the behavior in this period. If a woman observes a diet and maintains her body with dosed physical exertion, then she does not face sharp fluctuations in weight during the menstrual period. Under the available physical exercises during menstrual bleeding, specialists mean a light version of morning exercises, jogging at medium distances, walking and various stretches.
The period of menstruation does not become an obstacle to the healthy and active lifestyle of a woman, but imposes certain restrictions on it. One of these taboos are attempts to lose extra pounds in the second period of the menstrual cycle. Moreover, the samples are absolutely forbidden to lose weight during critical days.
We recommend reading the article about the diet during menstruation. From it you will learn about the causes of changes in appetite and flavors during menstruation, recommended and forbidden products, the effect of the diet on the monthly.
The menstrual cycle of women's representatives is very dependent on various conditions. This can include the patient's health, external factors, etc. Therefore, all attempts to lose weight should be agreed with the doctor in advance. Independence in such a case can affect not only the childbearing function, but also cause various diseases of the female body.