When is it better to examine the chest with ultrasound?

Breast examination using ultrasound is sometimes necessary not only planned, but also extraordinary. It will identify problems or make sure they are not there. But to get the correct result, you need to know when to conduct diagnostics. After all, the breast is susceptible to the influence of hormones, and it is different at the beginning, middle and end of the cycle. Whether there is a sense to go on uzi mammary glands at monthly? When is the cycle period irrelevant?


  • 1 Carrying out procedure during critical days
  • 2 When it is better to do ultrasound
  • 3 Calculating the best days
  • 4 Method for conducting a breast examination

Carrying out procedures during critical days

Sometimes waiting for the completion of menstruation for carrying out ultrasound of the mammary glands is not required. And in some cases, a specialist appoints him on critical days. Changes occurring in the breast in a given period, allows him to observe the development of different parts of it and tissues in dynamics. This allows for more accurate diagnosis in the case of a disease, as well as the purpose of treatment.

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Breast ultrasound during the menstrual period is done in the following cases:

  • when there are pronounced edema on the skin of the breast, hyperemia;
  • if purulent discharge from the nipple( or both) is detected;
  • for any changes in the mammary glands that caused a general deterioration in well-being, fever, nausea, drowsiness;
  • for clarifying the nature of cystic education, if there is a possibility that it exists;
  • with a changing cyst value, when it is noticed that it grows or shrinks;
  • on the basis of mammography of mammary glands that do not correspond to the norm;
  • for manifestations of postpartum mastitis;
  • when there is a need to prescribe hormonal contraceptives;
  • if a woman has suffered a breast trauma, or there is a chest damage;
  • for various kinds of abnormalities in ovarian function and gynecological pathology;
  • if it is necessary to examine the condition of the breast tissue after the implantation operation.

Most of the above circumstances can be called urgent. It does not happen until the days of the cycle are calculated. But many women, despite the presence of one of the manifestations, there may be doubts about whether it is possible to do uzi breasts with menstruation. No wonder they are called critical days, the reproductive organs in this period are particularly vulnerable and sensitive to outside influences. And ultrasound should be considered.

But to fear that the study, especially in the mammary glands, will interfere with the functioning of other female organs, will cause, for example, a delay in the next cycle or another type of disorder, not worth it. Ultrasound - the procedure is safe. After all, it is done several times during pregnancy, without fear of negative effects on the fetus. And when examining the breast area of ​​the ovaries, the uterus does not fall under the influence of ultrasound.

When it is best to do an

ultrasound A planned examination of the breast or due to the need to clarify the nature of the tumors that appear in its tissues requires a different approach to timing it. The most accurate result of ultrasound in this case is obtained when the body is in the state as stable as possible in hormonal terms. In fact, shortly before or during critical days, significant changes are taking place in this area. On breast they directly affect: the tissues swell, lobules widen, the milk ducts squeeze. That is, the picture that is visible to the doctor on the screen does not allow us to examine its sections properly. And neoplasms of small size may be hidden from the view of a specialist. So if there is no urgency in the survey, the breast ultrasound after the menstruation is spent most of the time referring to a doctor. The list of reasons for visiting a diagnostician is as follows:

  • during visual or manual examination, the patient has enlarged under the arm lymph nodes;
  • the skin of the mammary glands in any zone has become too dry, flaky;
  • a woman feels unexplained soreness or other discomfort in the chest;
  • there was a visible asymmetry of the right and left mammary glands;
  • in one of them a densified area is probed;
  • when moving hands up, dents appear on the mammary glands;
  • nipples retracted or, on the contrary, become more prominent and dense;
  • of them is secreted fluid, although the woman is not lactating;
  • during menstruation in one of the mammary glands there is pain, both breasts swell;The
  • patient needs a routine examination.

Calculate the best days of

When making breast ultrasounds after menstruation, depends on the time length of the cycle. The optimal length of the cycle is before ovulation. And in this period the best time is in that:

  • stromal tissue is quite dense, which allows you to consider all the nuances, including neoplasms;The milk ducts of the
  • are narrowed;
  • alveoli have a maximally reduced size.

If the cycle in a woman is 28 days, then ovulation occurs about 12 to 14 days. That is, it is expedient to conduct the examination from 5 to 11 days. With a shorter cycle, the time interval in which the chest ultrasound gives the most accurate results is reduced. After all, ovulation will come sooner. If the menstrual period is longer than 28 days, the time for examining the mammary glands with ultrasound will be longer. But in each case it lasts from the last day of the month to a few days before the ovulation occurs in the middle of the cycle. Later, mammary glands under the influence of hormones are prepared for the onset of a probable pregnancy. That is, the blood supply to the alveoli is increased, there is swelling. An increase in breast tissue will not allow you to see small changes that are important for establishing a correct diagnosis.

There are in the definition of the timing of the procedure and some features:

  • Sometimes, experts appoint ultrasound in the second half of the menstrual period. It will be most useful for collecting information for hormonal disorders. But in this case, the procedure is carried out shortly after ovulation, without waiting for the manifestations of a woman's PMS.
  • If the cycle is unstable, which happens with some gynecological pathologies that require and examination of the breast, you may need a blood test for hormones( especially important is the level of estrogen).Only in this way will it be possible to accurately calculate the speed of onset of ovulation, and therefore, the optimal time for examination.
  • You do not have to worry about what day of the month the uzi of the mammary glands are made, pregnant and lactating women, and menopause who have entered the age. There are no menstruation for the two mentioned categories for known reasons. But with feeding, menstruation can go. And yet, due to lactation, breast tissue at different periods of the cycle almost does not change: the ducts are expanded, the alveoli actively produce food for the baby. Therefore, on what day the breast of the nursing mother will be studied by a specialist, does not matter.

We recommend reading the article on mammography with menstruation. From it you will learn about the timing of the examination, the method of its conduct, the dose received, as well as the recommended cycle days.

Method of conducting a breast examination

Even going to the procedure for the first time, it is not necessary to prepare specially( except for calculating the most favorable time for it). It does not require a diet, cancellation of medication, breast ultrasound is done without any preliminary manipulation and absolutely painless. Its algorithm is as follows:

  • in the specialist's office, the woman undresses to the waist, exposing her breasts, lying on the couch with the belly up;
  • on her breast is applied a gel, providing the conductivity of the ultrasonic signal;
  • by a special sensor the doctor leads over the skin of the mammary glands, examining all the zones of the location of the lymph nodes;
  • if there is a breasts pathology, first study healthy areas, then more thoroughly and longer in time problematic.

While the process continues, the image is broadcast to the computer screen, so the doctor has the opportunity to immediately assess the condition of the organs. All manipulations take 15 - 20 minutes for a healthy woman. When mastopathy, abscess or the need to separate tissue for biopsy ultrasound can last up to 45 minutes. The results will be given to the patient's hands the next day.

Whether mammary gland ulcers are done at monthly intervals depends on the situation. This, of course, is possible, and sometimes even necessary. Therefore, if the breast suddenly began to bother, delay with a visit to the mammologist and the office of functional diagnostics is not worth it. Most diseases of the mammary glands are safely cured at an early stage. And in neglected form they are able to bring to a serious state and the most terrible consequences.

  • Mar 29, 2018
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