Psychological preparation for fasting
Psychological training should be held on the eve of starvation. We need to tune in to free the body of toxins and toxins. Set yourself up for the return of strength, health and youth. During the period of fasting, it is not advisable to pay attention to food, persuasions and advice from the surrounding people. You can do everything that is usual, ie, the daily routine can not be changed. But it is desirable to lead a moderate lifestyle. At the same time, it is more to be outdoors and outdoors. It is necessary to avoid heavy loads, noise, not to be soared in the bath( you can wash yourself).During the period of fasting, one should think of a pleasant, sublime, less talk. It is recommended to think about harmony with nature and the cosmos. Yogis also recommend total silence once a month on a comfortable day. Silence is a kind of starvation for the central nervous system.
natural and normal sensation in the fasting period are clear in the head, the ease in the body, a slight cooling in the limbs. This cooling in the extremities is explained by a more economical redistribution of blood and a decrease in heat production. In the cold season in the period of fasting, you need to dress warmer, so as not to get hypothermia.
Fasting, which lasts for 36 hours( day and night) is carried out according to the following procedure: the day before you need to eat dinner, and then the whole day did not eat, drink, must be according to the method of yogis( at least 10-12 glasses of water).By the end of the day, do not swallow saliva, because it has a lot of toxins, it should be spit out. The next morning you can eat fruit or raw vegetables( cabbage, carrots, apples).It is important not to overeat and chew well. Lunch and dinner - as usual. It is recommended that you follow a raw food diet, at least one day, after a 36-hour fasting.
With 24-hour fasting, everything happens in the same way as in 36 hours. The only difference is that it is interrupted in the evening, and you eat a light supper( vegetables, fruit, juice).
It is necessary to get used gradually to a one-time weekly fasting. You need to start from once a month, then in the next month already 2 times and so on. And already from 4 months to starve weekly. And continue throughout life.
If you have to force yourself to fasting, or if it is badly tolerated, then it is better to refuse it. Until then, until there is a voluntary desire to cleanse your body in this way from toxins.
Yoga is not advised to clean the bowels with enemas a day of fasting, although some enthusiasts starvation insist on it. Yogis cleanse their intestines with food that is rich in fiber, and also drink enough water on the day of fasting itself.
Materials used:
Shilov VN, Mits'yo VP"Healthy food"