Is it possible to consider the purchase of bottled mineral and key water as another trend of fashion, or is it still necessary? Is it permissible to use the water that we get from the tap, for cooking and everyday drinks?
Many of us tap water contain more minerals than some mineral waters, and are highly polluted. But this does not mean that it can not be used. Instead of spending large sums on another bottle of water, it is better to invest in a household filter that will purify tap water from polluting substances. A very convenient and inexpensive option for water purification is a jug with a filter.
How the jug-filter
works The principle of operation of such jugs is as simple as their device. Each of them is equipped with a filter( usually coal), which is easy to change if necessary. This filter delays various kinds of substances that can spoil the taste of water or be harmful to the body. Filters are changed every two to four weeks.
What does the jug-filter for water do?
Filtered water, most often, is cleaned of organic compounds, heavy metals, chlorine and rust. Thanks to this, the water becomes healthy and acquires an acceptable, pleasant taste. In addition, the filter softens the water, reducing the content of calcium and magnesium in it, and this already relieves our kettles and pans from the formation of scale.
What to look for when choosing a filter in the
store If you do not talk about very expensive design solutions, then most water filter jugs do not differ too much in parameters and, therefore, offers the same quality of the final product. Most of them are different in price, availability and performance. And it is worth paying attention to these elements.
Jug capacity
When selecting, it is necessary to find out how much water is put in the jug, and follow the simple rule - the more households, the greater the capacity of such a vessel.
Availability of filters on sale and their price
When buying the chosen jug model, you should think about whether there will be problems with the purchase of filters when they need to be changed. This is especially important when buying jugs of lesser known companies. It is also worthwhile to clarify the price of the filter, so that it is not too high and unprofitable for the home budget.
Material of the jug
When buying, it may be a question of which material the jug should be made from. The glass or plastic models are widely available for sale. Which is better to choose? The latter have proven themselves in large families, where there are small children. However, not everyone fits the water in plastic containers, as it often acquires a characteristic taste. But it is worthwhile to understand that nowadays glass jars with a filter are more difficult to buy, but it's much easier to break them.
Filter cleanliness indicator
Most jugs are equipped with a special indicator of filter wear, which makes it easy to check when to change the filter to a new one. It should, however, be borne in mind the principle of the operation of such an indicator. After resetting the indicators, it again measures the time remaining until the next replacement. But this does not reflect the actual level of contamination of the filter. On average, one filter is enough for 2-4 weeks, depending on the amount of water being filtered, its hardness and the degree of contamination.