"Varix" means bloating. Varicose expansion, respectively, is a pathological swelling of the veins.
The appearance( and progression) of varicose veins is possible due to the presence of several contributing conditions:
- movement of blood in the veins from the bottom up( against the force of gravity);
- absence in the walls of the veins of a rigid muscular framework( available in the arteries);
- presence in the veins of the valve system.
- Mechanism and causes of violation
- Where can I expect trouble?
- Asterisk, knot. .. and then what?
- Small pelvis full of sensations
- Oh, this hemorrhoids. ..
- A blow to the health of men
- To women too hard
- The esophagus that became the void of the bloody volcano
- The diagnosis is fixed - what's next?
Mechanism and causes of violation of
Movement of blood in the veins occurs by jerks: a portion of blood moving in the direction of the heart( up), squeezes the valves of the venous valves against the wall of the vein - and rises to a height equal to the distance between two adjacent valves.
By passing the blood upward, the valve pockets are filled with the aspirant to drain back down with blood - and close.
The strength of a portion of the blood in the vein wall is very high. This "hammer", beating around the clock in the weakest place, causes the vein to stretch out - and its protrusion outwards, once started, does not stop. The protruding wall of the vein resembles a hernia, but it is, in fact, it is.
From now on, the valves on this segment of the vein lose the ability to close tightly - and the blood "falls" down. Stagnating and accumulating both here and in neighboring areas, the blood stretches the vein on an increasingly greater extent - and structures resembling the shape of a rosary are formed.
This is the varicose process in the vein, or its varicose extension.
The following causes of varicosity:
- genetic predisposition( congenital weakness of the venous wall);
- considerable physical exertion( straining, lifting weights);
- is not sufficiently mobile;
- overweight( obesity, pregnancy);
- factors that enhance blood viscosity.
Where can we expect trouble?
Vienna can exist not only in the form of single "tubes", as in the limbs. There are places in the body where instead of a single vascular bed there is a whole unified network of them - it's a plexus.
And this network is formed around the bodies of particularly loaded - so, "braided" her stomach resembles a melon, laid in a net-string bag. And it is in such places that varicose develops most often.
To such densely braided venous network structures are:
- small pelvic organs: uterus, ovaries, spermatic cord, rectum;
- esophagus, stomach, intestines;
- head and spinal cord.
The peculiarities of varicose veins of each vein or plexus are determined by the location of the organ they serve - whether it is in the body cavity or located outside of it.
So, afflicted with varicose veins of the spinal cord or vein of the spermatic cord, there is nowhere to expand, they pass in narrow canals, and this creates both additional difficulties for blood circulation in these areas and for the blood supply of the structures located here.
Asterisk, knot. .. and then what?
Symptoms of varicose veins on the legs are different depending on the stage of development of the pathology:
- In the initial stage of the , the person applying for help can be considered as a simulator: for all the abundance of complaints( various pains in the legs - from numbness and "crawling cunt" to cramps, edema and a feeling of "gravity"), neither external examination nor hardware researchcan.
- In stage 1 of , the first "stars" or "meshes" appear on the skin, resulting from the widening of the smallest subcutaneous veins. Complaints of the patient have the same character.
- In 2 stages of the , already sufficiently large veins become visible on the surface of the skin or the first nodules of bluish color become swollen, swelling from a long forced sitting or walking in shoes with high heels. What can such a bundle say, why did it start? He reminds that it is not too late to pay attention to one's health, because already from this stage the risk of thrombogenesis becomes quite real.
- From stage 3 of , in addition to painful sensations and the first visible signs of varicose veins, a tidal system is formed: during the day, the swelling of the limbs increases, becoming maximum by night. There are no edema on resting legs during the night, but by the evening the tidal wave floods them again, even if the load on legs was less than usual( on a day off).
- In 4 stages of , the phenomena of circulatory insufficiency in the skin become noticeable-trophic changes manifested as skin pigmentation and the beginning of its destruction: small areas of redness inevitably turn into damp, flat "troughs" with pale undermined margins-trophic ulcers.
- 5 stage is characterized by the presence of both active trophic ulcers and characteristic whitish scars from ulcerated heals.
- 6, final, stage is a sad picture of a chronic, no longer healing trophic ulcer and the phenomenon of significant heart failure: swelling, shortness of breath, enlarged liver.
Small pelvis full of sensations
Of pelvic organs, whose venous plexuses are susceptible to varicose veins, the rectum is most indicative.
Oh, this hemorrhoids. ..
Her varicosity, called hemorrhoids, passes in 4 stages: from the perplexing sensations of incomplete bowel movement, the feeling that "there something was stuck" in stage 1 - to the appearance of the first hemorrhoids kneaded by finger researchrectum in stage 2.
The third stage of hemorrhoids - these are emerging at defecation and yet podpravlyaemye nodes, it inevitably goes into the 4th stage.
At 4 degrees, huge clusters of hemorrhoids, already uncontrollable, are powerless from the anus, bleeding, causing painful pains and threatening the owner of the rectum with death from a blood clot that formed in this place and set off for a dangerous voyage along the bloodstream.
A blow to the health of men
Male genital glands - testicles, or testicles - also attributed to pelvic organs, although only its seminal cord passes through its cavity and is also susceptible to varicose dilatation.
Varicocele, which means "a bunch of venous nodules", is the so-called male disease, like the hemorrhoids, passes through 4 stages of development: the veins are not detected - they are probed standing up - they are probed lying down - they are visible to the eye.
Having reached a certain stage in adolescence, varicocele does not usually pass into the next stage and it rarely happens on both sides.
The condition of the veins of the testicle( the venous plexus around his body, as well as the veins that pass along with the spermatic cord in the inguinal canal) can be judged from an available overview of the scrotal veins.
If they are unnaturally full, sharply protrude above the skin, and the more painful, the pain in the testicle or in the groin is most likely due to stagnation of blood in these areas due to varicose veins.
Women too hard
appear. Sexual female organs( uterus and ovaries) are more difficult to examine, since they are hidden completely in the cavity of the small pelvis.
But the varicose lesion can be judged by the labia on the surface - thanks to them the symptoms of varicose veins and other sexual organs of the female can not be concealed.
Feeling of heaviness, tension, soreness, irritation symptoms - and the more bleeding - in the places where the part of any pelvic organ available for examination comes to the surface, one can make an assumption about the condition of the whole organ hidden in the bowels of the pelvis.
Esophagus, become the void of a bloody volcano
Bleeding from varicose veins of the esophagus may one day become fatal.
Characteristic symptoms of varicose veins of the esophagus:
- pain when passing through food, which is increasing with time;
- an admixture of blood in the food ejected out for some reason or another;
- difficult passage of food through the esophagus.
The diagnosis is fixed, - what's next?
After diagnosis, further development of the disease can be stopped using conservative or surgical treatment of pathology.
Tactics of therapy depends on the localization of the disorder and the stage of the disease: in the early period, it is enough to revise and change the rhythm of life in combination with wearing compression knitwear( with external process localization), taking venotonic drugs and electromyostimulation( stimulation of gastrocnemius muscles improves blood circulation in the extremities).
In severe cases, treatment is strictly surgical. Its essence consists in withdrawal from the bloodstream of a varicose-affected area or several channels of the venous plexus( phlebectomy).Either turning off the vein from the blood circulation - sealing the lumen of the vein in one way or another( laser coagulation, sclerosing).
Blood circulation with these methods of treatment is carried out through other( roundabout) veins, taking on the role of trunk.
If possible, the method of microsurgical revascularization is used - creating a new blood channel( bypassing the wasteland) by vein transplantation.
Only after stopping "running around" from illness, showing attention to yourself and to the opinion of doctors, you can do everything possible to fully cure the violation.
It's unlikely to come up with varicose on Everest, but if every day without a joke, joking, to hunt up to the nearest gentle hillock, in a few years you can easily go the way equal to the way to its top!