How correctly to do massage for eyes to improve vision?

You can be treated with various medications or resort to folk remedies that can cause many side effects such as itching, redness, etc.

One of the safest treatments is massage.

Of course, not for all diseases, it is effective, but often doctors recommend to undergo a massage course, using it in combination with basic treatment.

There are many different techniques from specialists from different countries, working on any part of the body.

Any person knows about such an impact on the hands, feet, etc., but about the massage of the eyes and for the eyes of many have not heard. However, it exists and is successfully practiced.

Contents [Hide]
    • 1. Why is an eye massage used?
    • 2. Massage with myopia
    • 3. Deep-eye massage
    • 4. Just restorative massage for the eyes
    • 5. Reviews of people
    • 6. Tips for using
    • 7. Useful video

Why is an eye massage used?

Massage allows you to quickly normalize your eyesight or alleviate unpleasant symptoms from unfavorable conditions that somehow affected the eyes.

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Often it is used after any illness or surgery, as part of the rehabilitation process.

If the procedures are carried out regularly, the blood supply improves, there is relaxation, and even headaches can occur, which are caused by overstrain of the muscles in the eye.

The fatigue accumulated over the day is removed, especially for people who are used to spending a lot of time at the computer or doing precise work that requires concentration.

The skin becomes more elastic, small wrinkles disappear, bruises under the eyes, the face takes a more healthy appearance. But this is by no means the whole benefit of a massage - it can also promote a better vision.

The following picture shows the points, the stimulation of which will help to cope with certain disorders in the work of our body:

Massage with myopia

Now you can see an increase in the number of people suffering from myopia. This disease is transmitted genetically and is not manifested in one generation.

Often myopia makes itself felt even in childhood. With this kind of visual impairment, acupressure helps well, not only to those who already have the disease.

It is recommended for those who are predisposed to it. When performing this massage technique there are no unpleasant sensations, on the contrary - it is pleasant, which is important if the effect is on the child.

Due to this massage, a significant flow of blood to the eye occurs, fatigue is removed and vision is improved.

How to perform acupressure?

Find point number 1 , it is on the inside of the wrist( although it is not directly next to the eye, the interaction of this point with the eyes noted by specialists), press it with your thumb.

A slightly painful sensation should appear. After that, stop pressing and proceed to stroking the place with your thumb, without lifting it from the wrist, 2 minutes on 1 arm and 2 minutes on the other.

We pass to the point number 2 .She is on the transition from neck to neck. On both sides, at the same time with both hands, we find these two points and massage them with the pads of the fingers, too, for 2 minutes.

Next point number 3 .The point is near the inner edge of the eye closer to the bridge of the nose. On both sides we apply the pads of the fingers simultaneously to both sides of the nose and massage for 1 minute.

Point number 4 is located under the eye directly in the middle. Massage it with a pad of one finger for 1 minute.

Point number 5 .It lies outside the eye closer to the temple, but point number 6 is next to it, but slightly higher at the end of the eyebrow. Massaging them is necessary in turn simultaneously from both sides for 1 minute.

The whole massage takes no more than 10 minutes. The course of such massage - 10 days, adults should perform the procedure 2 times a day, and children - 1 time. Then a break is made, after which the course can be repeated.

In addition to the above, there are still massage techniques and exercises, applicable for myopia, the patient can choose the most suitable for him.

Hypertension massage

Hyperopia is an eye disease in which it is not possible to focus on a subject that is near.

As well as myopia, can be transmitted by inheritance and manifested in older age, in most cases. With such a visual impairment, the technique of acupressure is also effective.

To perform it, you do not need to have any special skills, it is easily done on your own at home.

All points are paired and they need to be massaged with fingertips at the same time. Before you start the massage, you need to sit comfortably and relax.

1 pair of points is on the outside of the wrists. Massage should be on each hand for 1 minute. When pressing, there should appear slight painful sensations.

2 pairs of points are at the outer corners of the eye. Here it is necessary to do circular pinches by pads of fingers during 2 minutes. The main thing is not to apply pressure and do not delay the skin.

3 pair of points is above the eyes closer to the eyebrows. Movements at this point should not be circular, but stroking, from one corner of the eye to the other.

Although massage works well on its own, it is much more effective in combination with exercises. Before using the massage for farsightedness, it is recommended to consult with a doctor, as it happens in different degrees, and not always it will have sufficient impact.

Just restorative massage for the eyes

This massage is recommended simply to relax the eyes and then, when the eyes require recovery from disease. It is allowed to do people of any age, there are no contraindications.

Each movement done for 2 minutes:

1 fingertips lightly pressing massaging eyebrows, without causing discomfort, then gradually move to the lower part of the eye and hold
2 same movement kneads his nose, and then press down on the inner corners of the eyes, and then - on the outsideseveral times
3 close my eyes and push them 10-12 times, it is important not to push too hard. Next 1 minute we massage the interbrow part on the forehead

Reviews of people

Most reviews about different massage techniques are positive. Even after the first sessions, people felt better in the eyes.

They not only did not start to get tired so quickly, but the vision became better if there were any problems with it. In addition to the healing effect, the skin around the eyes improved, which is especially important for people of the age.

It is a smart cosmetic action noted as one of the most important positive characteristics along with the absence of strict contraindications and side effects.

Tips for using

  1. If eye diseases are present, it is recommended to consult a specialist, since although massage can not do much harm, in some cases it is undesirable.
  2. Massage is necessary only in a relaxed state, and what kind of manual therapy is chosen is absolutely not important.
  3. If after a session there were some unpleasant feelings, which previously has not been noticed, treatment should be stopped.
  4. It is useful to use in addition to massage exercises for vision.

Useful video

We present to your attention the following video:

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