Most of my subscribers are women.
They are constantly engaged in the search for the solution to the problem of " How to become happy and rich ?"
This does not surprise me, because it is the beautiful sex that constantly strives for self-improvement, many men, alas, live by the principle "And so come down!".
And, if it is still possible to forgive successful gentlemen for this, the insignificance living at the expense of wives or parents obviously needs to change something in their life.
Dear men, believe me, your brain will not suffer from useful information.
On the contrary, he will be immensely grateful to you that you have ceased to stuff him with television and junk.
Pity your brains! And while you do this, I will share advice with women who want to get everything from life.
Happy and rich: are not these mutually exclusive concepts?
I do not write any of the articles at random.
Before the creation of the text itself there is a preparatory period: I study useful materials on the Internet, magazines and books.
Looking through the comments on one of the articles that interested me, I came across an indignant kilometer review of one young lady.
Like, how can anyone in their right mind write texts about how is to become happy and rich .After all, money for happiness does not have anything to do.
You can starve and at the same time feel happy and vice versa: bathe in gold, but suffer at the same time.
And so on in the same spirit.
About 10 years ago I could have agreed with this young lady.
But now, being a wise experience, I know for sure: the lack of material problems makes you much happier.
Besides, I remembered the unsuccessful marriage of my friend.
7 years ago the clever and beautiful Lena surprised everyone by marrying some pathetic pain artist who created horrible pictures, imagining himself as an unrecognized genius and happily jumped from the neck of his parents to the neck of my friend.
Lena, wearing pink glasses, urged everyone around that money meant nothing to her, she would be happy to earn them herself.
For her it will be fortunate to serve as a muse and sponsor for such a brilliant artist as her husband.
We all just do not understand how gentle and caring.
And anyway, he will soon become famous, and the issue of money will disappear by itself.
The ideal woman: how do men see her?
It turned out that he was considered useless mediocrity not only by us, but also by people who understand something in art. The paintings were not sold, they were also refused to take them to exhibitions.
Lena plowed two jobs, and, having come home, was torn between domestic duties and struggle with the creative crises of her genius.
The marriage lasted a year.
For more my girlfriend did not have enough.
She divorced, changed her hair and brought a rich lover( in a year and a half he became her second husband and they still live soul to soul), proving by his example that happiness without money is impossible.
What should I buy to become happy and rich?
Ladies can quite follow the example of Lena.
It's not in the sense to marry a vile artist without talent, but simply to find yourself a man who will support you.
If the marriage is for love, and not just for calculation, then you will win both happiness and wealth in one bottle.
If you are not looking for easy ways, you will have to punch the way to happiness and wealth by yourself.
You can do this by assembling 5 components:
A successful career in your favorite work.
Yes, that's right.
Do not just find a place where you will pay well, but which you will passionately hate. To get to the top of the career ladder, forcing yourself to come to the office every day is almost impossible.
The second option is to become rich - start your own business.
This can be a business in the traditional sense of the word( open a store, a cafe, a company for the production of something, etc.), profitable investment, Forex and much more.
Yes, you can be a thrice successful business lady or have thousands of people under your control, but if your personal life is limping on both legs, and at home, except for a cat, no one waits for you, then happiness is hard to name.
My grandmother often repeats: "What a happiness it is: to wake up in the morning, and you do not hurt anything."
Take care of your health from the youth, do not ignore preventive examinations, take vitamins, do not bring colds to a chronic illness.
Arranged life.
A wealthy and successful woman should return after a hard day into a cozy place, equipped to her taste, to travel around the city on a good car.
If you do not have all this, then what the hell are you, happy and rich? !
The inexhaustible source of new impressions.
Many people scoop them up on travel, but they are not limited to them.
Live not only richly, but also interesting.
What should I get rid of to become happy and rich?
Often it is bad habits, complexes and other stuff that prevents us from finding the desired.
If you want to become happy and wealthy, it is worth to get rid of some ballast:
Insecurities and complexes.
Enough to coordinate each step with the opinion of others!
Enough to believe that you do not deserve money and happiness.
Look to the future with optimism, believe that you will necessarily succeed and spit on your head to those who convince you of the opposite.
External flaws.
Have you seen a lot of happy and rich women with crooked teeth, fat folds, dirty hair, bitten fingernails, cracked heels?
I'm not one!
You have to double your efforts to take care of your figure, hair, nails, teeth, skin, if you want to be like them.
Yes, it is this bad quality that ruins the aspiration for success.
Do not go on about laziness.
Do through "I can not" and soon diligence, early ups and self-discipline will enter into your habit. -
Time thieves.
TV shows, social networks, tabloid novels, glossy magazines - all this takes away precious time from you, without giving anything in return.
All of the above may be present in your life as a discharge material, but it should be given no more than 1 hour per day.
Interesting reasoning on what is female wealth,
, see the video below.
Just a couple of minutes separate you from happiness:
I think that after reading this article there are people who will say: "Well, and where is the real advice, how to become happy and rich ?".
They simply do not understand that no useful site, no super-psychologist will tell you the step-by-step secret of success.
You must open it yourself, focusing on your knowledge, skills and characteristics of the character.
My goal is to tell you the direction.
If you scour the sites in an attempt to find money and happiness, without exerting effort, then do not waste time, go better Vkontakte climb.
To such as you, success does not come.