Many unpleasant sensations cause a person with an aching aching or sharp pain, giving away in the anus.
Some patients, even those who themselves suspect a presence of a particular pathology, for a long time postpone the trip to a medical institution.
The reasons are different:
- constraint;
- an unshakable confidence that "it will pass by itself";
- confidence in often unskilled self-treatment.
Required actions
To treat negligently to the occurrence of such pains is impossible in any case. Such feelings can point to the already neglected stage of many diseases, which simply did not prove themselves in advance.
Diseases of the rectum or anus must be disposed of only by a narrow-minded doctor. This is feasible only after a thorough examination, allowing the doctor to understand the causes of pain and discomfort in the anus.
If you consciously lose unnecessary time and with it money, without visiting a specialist-proctologist, then the disease is very easy to start and give it to develop in severe form.
Before going to the doctor, the patient should be informed in advance that the specialist will ask a lot of seemingly uncomfortable questions. It is worth responding as detailed as possible.
The better the proctologist will be aware of the patient's feelings, the quicker and more correctly the diagnosis will be made and the treatment performed.
Usually, do not worry only adolescents who, at night, suffer from the periodic occurrence of muscle spasms around the anus, and office workers who spend a considerable part of their time on a stiff chair.
Statistics say that in these cases, pain in the anus often does not have a pathological cause, but a visit to the doctor will also not be superfluous. Physical exercise is the only thing that a doctor can prescribe.
It can hurt in many ways
During a visit to the doctor, you must tell the doctor as much as possible about your present pain. It is divided into acute phase and chronic.
Acute flows more noticeably, but all the time passes quickly enough. Chronic pain is usually weaker, but worries a person for a long time.
It is necessary to define more in detail in the sensations, in fact each disease in a rectum causes an original pain in an anus: pricking, cutting, pulling, whining, blunt, pulling and much other.
A preliminary diagnosis can be made even before the laboratory tests and an unpleasant instrumental examination.
We say hemorrhoids - mean pain
Discomfort and pain in the anus are often the main symptoms of hemorrhoids. A quarter of the adult population throughout the world at least once showed signs of this unpleasant disease.
Hemorrhoids need to be treated, because its course without medication can lead to a chronic phase, and in the most neglected stages cause more severe concomitant diseases.
Features of painful sensations are quite diverse. When walking, during defecation and sometimes in a sitting position, there may be acute or aching pain in the anus, sometimes pain is seen in the lower abdomen, tingling and burning sensation can also be felt, as well as a feeling of fullness of the intestine.
Often after excrement, blood discharge appears. Such, at first glance, specific manifestations can only be with inflamed hemorrhoids, however, this is not so.
Anal fissure
Acute pain and blood in the anus often also causes anal fissure. This pain symptom differs from the similar hemorrhoidal only in that the patient feels the strongest discomfort not in the rectum itself, but immediately in the anal area.
Such a crack is a defect in the mucosa present. Call it can too hard stool, frequent constipation or, conversely, diarrhea, as well as injury to the mucous membranes of solid foreign bodies.
These include, for example, fish bones and seeds made of fruits and berries, which were not originally needed to swallow.
Thrombosis of hemorrhoids will provide pain and itching
In men and women, pain in the anus can cause not only hemorrhoids and anal fissure. Exacerbation of hemorrhoids may be the cause of thrombosis of hemorrhoids.
In this case, the patient complains of a sharp shooting or pulsating pain and a constant sensation in the rectum of a strange foreign object.
Infringement of the hemorrhoidal node also does not lead to anything good. When falling out, he goes out and gets stuck in the sphincter, swells and turns red.
Severe pain is fraught with fever and prolonged constipation. Anal itching is also a complaint that is common to almost all patients. With systematic combing of the skin, there is pain with concomitant inflammation.
Diseases are much more
Diseases of the rectum that cause pain in the anus are numerous:
- Proctitis .This is an acute inflammation of the mucous membrane located in the rectum.
- Paraproctitis .It is characterized by inflammation of adipose tissue in the pelvic cavity, often rapidly and sharply immediately appears in a purulent form.
- Helminthiases .So called a variety of diseases caused by a variety of worms-parasites.
- Malignant tumors of .They show a sharp pain, often many years develop almost asymptomatically.
Male and female
There are diseases of the rectum, present most often in patients of only one sex.
For example, prolapse of the rectum - this is a frequent ailment of women who have given the world many children. At the same time, they experience such torments, which often have to be taken out of the state of shock.
During pregnancy, many women experience severe pain in the anus. The uterus grows in size, thereby compressing all the organs around it.
There are vessels, lumps of nerves and the notorious rectum. The growing fetus causes the shape and size of the pelvis to change in the woman, which also can often cause pain.
In men, pain from the rectum and anus, erectile dysfunction and frequent urination manifests itself as prostatitis.
Dangerous symptoms of terrible diseases
A variety of ailments can be indicated by the case when pain is given directly to the anus.
With cystitis and tumors, the bladder becomes inflamed, and the pain due to this can become just this kind. Often even a specialist from the first time can not determine its localization.
Inflammation of the sigmoid colon, which actively participates in the digestion of the ingested food, can result not only in prolonged constipation or diarrhea, bloating, vomiting and rumbling. Pain in this disease also radiates into the rectum.
These sensations can also speak about inflammation of appendicitis, so the first thing the doctor does in this case is to conduct a rectal examination as soon as possible.
Prostatitis, testicular disease in male patients and all kinds of gynecological diseases in all women often manifest painful pain in the anus.
Acute pain in the rectum can cause STIs. There are many signs of such diseases.
Only a professional doctor, having appointed the necessary tests, can confirm or deny a terrible diagnosis.
Prevent, treat or tolerate
In any case, the pain that arises is a signal from the body that something unpleasant happened. The disease is easier to prevent than treat.
Warm baths are always useful before going to bed, rest only on one side, refusal from spicy food, observance of thorough hygiene of genitals, areas of anus and struggle against constipation.
In such a case, as soon as a similar symptomatology is revealed, you should immediately visit a doctor who will prescribe the necessary examinations. If for any reason it is not possible to do this quickly, then you should try painkillers or anti-inflammatory creams and ointments, as well as rectal suppositories.
Each disease is treated differently, there is no single way to get rid of all the symptoms at the same time. Only after the appointment of a proctologist colonoscopy of the rectum will it be possible to begin treatment.
It is worth not to engage in self-medication, do not take advice from ignorant people, and urgently visit a specialist.
It should be remembered that there can be no place for shame in the current situation, because even the life can depend on the speed of the patient's actions and the establishment of trusting relations with the doctor.
Benign tumor in the absence of treatment can easily become malignant, and abscesses form where minimal, but rapid surgical intervention was required.