It is known that hearing loss is a decrease in the level of hearing, sometimes leading to complete deafness. However, not everyone knows that this disease still has several kinds and degrees. One of the most common types of deafness is conductive. In the article we will consider what signs are inherent in this type of disease, what are its types and find out what to treat conductive hearing loss.


  • 1 Description
  • 2 Types
  • 3 Degrees
    • 3.1 1 degree
    • 3.2 2 degree
    • 3.3 3 degree
    • 3.4 fourth degree
  • 4 reasons
  • 5 How to treat
  • 6 When needed
  • 7 operation Folk remedies
  • 8 Recommendations


disease is directly related to the, that a sound wave can not overcome an obstacle located in a man's ear canal. If you get an interfering reason, then the hearing is usually restored. However, if the cause of the hearing loss is in the middle ear, then you can get to it only with the help of an operation. With the outer and inner ear everything is simpler.

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conductive hearing loss

On photo-conductive hearing loss

Bradyacuasia is not just a temporary loss of ability to hear normally, but a persistent condition of a lowered level of hearing. And the disease keeps progressing all the time. And if the time does not take action, all can end with complete deafness.

Conductive hearing loss occurs due to mechanical damage to the hearing. Often this may be due to injuries, foreign bodies entering the auditory canals, other causes.


The international medical classification distinguishes 3 types of conductive hearing loss:

  • Bradyacoustic bilaterally .In this case both auditory passages of the person are amazed. The worst case. Fortunately, this variety is not so common. bilateral conductive hearing loss
  • One-sided hearing loss .In this case, the opposite ear hears quite well. If the normal hearing of the injured ear can not be restored, then in time to this type of hearing loss a person can quite adapt without using a hearing aid.
  • The third type is conductive hearing loss, unspecified. In this case, the exact cause of the disease can not be established.


As with any other hearing loss, conductive hearing loss is also inherent in its degrees. There are only four of them, they are the same for children and adults. Let us consider these degrees in more detail. conductive hearing loss of 1 degree

1 degree

The easiest stage of the disease. The person practically hears everything, but only if you move further than 5 meters, problems begin.

2 degree

This, you can say, hearing loss of moderate severity. In this case, a person can not make out what is said to him in a normal voice at a distance of 2 meters. Whisper patient can only disassemble from a closer distance, sometimes only at the ear.

3 degree

This is already quite a serious degree of conductive hearing loss. The patient can not make out anything, he constantly asks. Speech pronounced further than 2-3 meters, does not hear at all. conductive hearing loss grade 3

Whisper such a patient does not understand at all. Communicative abilities in this case are significantly reduced. It is difficult for a person to maintain a normal conversation, he often becomes isolated in himself, the process of his socialization is disrupted. This all negatively affects the work.

The fourth degree of

This, in fact, is already complete deafness. If the development of the disease has gone so far, then a serious operation, or only a hearing aid, can help here. Medications and, especially, folk remedies are already useless.

Reasons for

What factors cause conductive hearing loss, consider.

One of the main causes of this type of hearing loss is a banal sulfur plug, covering the ear canal. Removing the sulfur plug is a procedure that takes several minutes. If it is successful, the hearing is restored instantly.

purification of sulfur from the ear

On the photo- sulfur purification from the ear

It should be noted that sulfur is excreted in all people by .However, sometimes it can be released in especially large quantities, or be too viscous and not completely out of it. The level of hearing decreases if the sulfur plug closes from 75% of the volume of the ear canal. The solid sulfur plug closes the passage so tightly that the hearing can drop down to complete deafness. Fortunately, if it's only a traffic jam, this issue can easily be solved with the usual washing of the ears. There is an inborn defect in the auditory canal.

boric alcohol at eustachyte How to use boric alcohol in eustachyte, and how this tool helps, is described in great detail in this article.

How to treat the problem, when lays the ears with a cold, and what home remedies should be used in the first place, is described in great detail in this article.

And here are some drops in the ears with the perforation of the tympanic membrane should be used, and how to choose them correctly, is described here in the article: http: // simptomy-u / perforaciya-barabannoj-pereponki.html

It will also be interesting to learn how to applydrops in the ears of a candiobiotic.

In this case, conductive hearing loss is diagnosed to the child from birth. It is treated only by surgical intervention. If the operation is not carried out, hearing impairments can lead to inhibition of the development of the child's intellect and speech.

A tumor located in the middle ear area may become an obstruction to the auditory canal.

The rupture of the tympanic membrane sometimes occurs due to a sharp pressure drop .It can happen, for example, when practicing extreme sports. After a sharp emergence from a great depth when diving or when the plane is rigidly planted, sometimes the membranes can not stand.

ear damage to the ear

On photo- damage to eardrum in ear

Foreign body .This reason is most often found in children who, during the game, can put small details in their ear. If the tympanic membrane is not damaged, then immediately after removal of the foreign object the hearing is restored.

foreign body in the ear

On photo-foreign body in ear

Scar after operation can cause conductive hearing loss.

Inflammatory processes of .In this case, edema is likely, which can also mechanically affect a person's ability to distinguish sounds. Otitis. In this case, pathogens and bacteria enter the middle ear, an inflammatory process is underway.

ear infection

On photo-inflammation of the ear

If there is a severe deformation or rupture of the eardrum. This can happen when you hit, for example, a foreign object in the ear or injury.

It should be noted that children often receive conductive hearing loss due to banal otitis. Before the matter comes to otitis and associated hearing loss, the child, as a rule, for a long time there are inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx. Rhinitis, sinusitis, adenoids - all these are precursors of childhood otitis and subsequent possible hearing loss.

How to treat

Let's consider, by means of what methods and medicines it is possible to get rid of conductive hearing loss and to return normal hearing.

The first and necessary thing to do in the treatment of conductive hearing loss is to eliminate the immediate cause that interferes with normal hearing. Therefore, one of the first measures is the removal of sulfur plugs. In addition, measures are being taken to treat puffiness, if available.

In the event that there is insufficient blood circulation in the middle ear area, the doctor prescribes medicines that activate the latter.

Often a drug such as "Papaverin", known for its vasodilating effect, is prescribed as a drug therapy. In addition to it, Dibazol can also be useful. If the puffiness is caused by an allergy, antihistamines are prescribed. In addition to drug therapy, vitamins and anticoagulants are usually added.


On the photo-papaverine

If the disease was detected at an early stage, then along with the medications prescribed physiotherapy procedures. And in the case when the disease has passed into a more severe and neglected form, it is necessary to be treated already with antibiotics. As physiotherapeutic procedures, it is best to use acupuncture and laser puncture.

In addition, in most cases, it may be useful to blow through the Politzer.

blowing at the Politzer.

On the photo- carrying out blowdown procedure for the Politzer

Effective physiotherapy also includes vibromassage of the tympanic membrane.

vibromassage of the tympanic membrane

On the photo - vibromassage of the tympanic membrane

It should be borne in mind that the effectiveness of all of the listed methods of treatment depends to a large extent on the stage of the disease. It is clear that the first degree hearing loss is much easier to cure than the neglected third or, especially, the fourth.

When an operation is needed

In which cases in the treatment of conductive hearing loss without surgical intervention is indispensable.

  • If the integrity of the tympanic membrane is mechanically compromised. In this case, only the operation will help, but, unfortunately, also not always. ear surgery
  • As an operational measure, such procedures as tympanoplasty, miringoplasty, as well as prosthetics of deformed auditory ossicles are undertaken.
  • In addition to surgical procedures, if they can not already help, it is recommended that you get a hearing aid.
  • The choice of the type of operation or hearing aid must be made by the doctor after all the relevant examinations.

Folk remedies

To help treat conductive hearing loss, you can also use home methods of alternative medicine. Attention: you can use these tools only as an addition to the main treatment.

Spicy vegetable - garlic helps to warm up the auditory passages, thus speeding up recovery. In addition, garlic drugs can have antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects.

To make a composition, you need to mix the juice of garlic with olive oil. The proportion is 1: 3.The resulting mixture is dipped gauze flagellum, which is then inserted into the auditory canal. The course of treatment is approximately 20 daily procedures. But what is better for a cold, onions or garlic, and how to use these tools, is described in great detail in this article.

garlic juice with olive oil

On the photo of garlic juice with olive oil

Instead of garlic, you can take a tincture of propolis. This bee product mixes just like garlic, with olive oil. The course and method of treatment are the same.

propolis tincture

On the photo-tincture of propolis

It will be good to work out special breathing exercises. A certain breath - strictly through the nose - helps to clear the ear canals. It is best to hold such gymnastics either outdoors, or indoors, thoroughly ventilated. What inhalations with propolis with maxillary sinusitis should be done in the first place, and how effective it is, is described in great detail in this article.

And here is how much otofa ear drops cost, and how they should be used at home, will help to understand this information.

What drops in the ears with purulent otitis should be used first and how to choose them correctly, is described in great detail in this article.

It will also be interesting to learn about what drops in the ears with the stuffiness of the ear exist and what their name, you can read in the content of this article.


Important nuances that you need to know for everyone who wants to have a good hearing for life.

Immediately, as soon as you notice a decrease in hearing, you need to go to the doctor. The sooner the treatment begins, the more likely that the recovery will come quickly and without consequences. Especially dangerous is hearing loss in children, as sometimes even leads to a delay in their mental development. going to the doctor with an ear problem

As a means of preventing conductive hearing loss, a good measure will be a complete rejection of bad habits. Cigarettes and spirits have not made anyone healthier, they have a negative impact on hearing. Avoiding stress and overstrain is also a measure that will help maintain a normal level of hearing for years to come.

In the article we learned about a disease such as conductive hearing loss. It would be desirable to tell or say, what even if the disease has flowed already in the serious form, it is not necessary to despair. Modern methods of treatment and technological equipment contribute to the fact that hearing can be restored even from total deafness. But all the same it is desirable to start treatment as soon as possible - and then the recovery will go much faster.