How to make dough for pizza - recipes without yeast, on kefir, milk, sour cream with a photo

Italian pizza has acquired fans not only in European countries - it is popular on all continents. There are more than 50 recipes of this dish, which differ between themselves with sauce, stuffing, and cheese. But the main component of pizza is a dough, which you need to be able to knead correctly. Fresh base is also done in different ways - in every Italian province there is a recipe. How to make dough for pizza at home? Let's figure out what a real Italian pizza is, and how to make the right foundation for it.

Recipes for pizza dough preparation with photo

The main feature of Italian pizza is the diameter, which should not exceed 35 cm. The edges of the base should not be more than 3 cm and it is mandatory to have side panels. It is important that during the preparation of the dough was thin, since most recipes contain a large set of ingredients. Thin pizza is less caloric, more useful and tasty. Italians - owners of restaurants, know all the subtleties of cooking this dish, because according to the law they can not name the product, for example, "Margarita", if it did not use Mozzarella( cheese from black buffalo milk).

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When baking the "right" pizza, special attention is paid to the quality of the products, the amount of salt and yeast. The masters of their business argue that the dough can not be rolled during cooking. You need to throw it in your hands and rotate, so that the prepared dish is elastic, soft and easily folded in half. Use popular recipes for pizza at home.

Fast, thin dough for pizza without yeast

The recipe for pizza without yeast is quick and easy. The preparation of the base takes place in a matter of seconds, so this option will definitely be appreciated by working women and mothers with children, who have little time for cooking. You will need the following ingredients:

  • 2 cups flour;
  • half a cup of milk;
  • two eggs;
  • vegetable oil;
  • iodized salt.


  1. Mix salt and flour.
  2. In another container in the preheated to 35 degrees milk, beat in eggs, add 1 teaspoon of salt and oil. Whip the mass with a whisk or a fork.
  3. Pour milk-egg mixture into small portions, stirring constantly.
  4. Carefully knead the dough, sprinkling the hands with flour so that the mixture does not stick to the fingers. After 10 minutes of kneading, the base will become elastic.
  5. Shape the ball, wrap in a damp tissue cloth, leave in the heat for a quarter of an hour.
  6. Roll very thinly with a rolling pin.
  7. Bake the billet in the oven while the filling is being prepared.

Recipe for puff pastry on kefir

Kefir dough is used not only for pizza making - it is perfect for pies, pancakes, pancakes. The peculiarity of the puff cake is that the prepared dish goes out lush and airy, and the preparation procedure, especially in the multivark, takes little time. Ingredients for the simplest kefir test:

  • 350 g butter;
  • 400 g of wheat flour;
  • one egg;
  • 200 ml of kefir, sour milk or curdled milk;
  • iodized salt.


  1. Smooth the oil with a small amount of flour, so that the mass becomes elastic.
  2. From kefir, eggs, flour, salt, mix a homogeneous mass, put in the refrigerator.
  3. Make a cake in the form of a square, put the mashed butter in the center, wrap it in the form of an envelope.
  4. Protect the edges of the envelope.
  5. Roll the base again into a rectangle, connecting the opposite ends in the middle. Secure the edges and fold them in half.
  6. Leave it for half an hour in a cool place.
  7. Again, do the same procedure, just fold the dough so that the seam is inside on the bend.
  8. Leave for 2 hours in the cold.
  9. For the dough to be layered, when rolled out after cooling it needs to be turned 90 degrees.
  10. Last time roll the cake, fold it four times and put it on for half an hour in the cold, then give it the proper shape.

Liquid yeast dough for pizza in a frying pan

An excellent variant of the pizza test with your own hands is a liquid composition that is made without eggs with dry yeast. This express dish is easy to prepare in conditions if there is no oven or in the hottest weather, when you do not want to turn on the oven. Liquid dough is not classic for Italian cuisine, but this recipe has fallen in love with many Russian housewives. Ingredients that will be needed for pizza:

  • two incomplete tablespoons of flour;
  • one glass of warm water;
  • 15 g dry yeast;
  • lean oil;
  • iodized salt.


  1. Dissolve the yeast in warm water, add 2 tablespoons of flour, leave for 15 minutes.
  2. Pour in the sunflower oil, pour the salt, mix.
  3. Sift the remaining flour and put it to the rest of the ingredients, stirring until completely dissolved.
  4. After 5 minutes, thoroughly knead the dough to make it glossy.
  5. Leave for half an hour in the refrigerator.
  6. Roll the cake to the diameter of the frying pan with a thin layer.
  7. Preheat it, grease it with vegetable oil.
  8. Place the dough and bake it on one side with a very small fire.
  9. Turn over and put the ingredients for the filling on the base.

Simple, non-yeast dough on

milk In the traditional Italian version, milk and dairy products in the pizza crust are not welcome, but these products do not harm at all, allowing to prepare the base without yeast. Instead of milk, it is allowed to use whey, but then the hostess will not achieve a crusty crust. If you take a glass of sour cream, a soft and thin sour cream base will come out. And if you put 250 grams of low-fat cottage cheese instead of milk, then it's easy to cook a very tasty curd piece for pizza.


  • one glass of milk;
  • 2.5 cups of flour;
  • one egg;
  • a teaspoon of dry yeast;
  • one teaspoon of granulated sugar;
  • iodized salt.


  1. Milk warm up to a warm state.
  2. Dissolve yeast, sugar, wait for the mass to foam.
  3. Add egg, salt, flour to the mixture and mix it.
  4. Form the ball, put in a container, oiled, cover with a towel, leave for 2 hours.
  5. When the soft dough is doubled, roll the cakes in a thin layer and bake in the oven.

Easy recipe test for sour cream and mayonnaise

Pizza from sour cream is also not a classic, but a fast free interpretation. Gourmets - true connoisseurs of Italian delicacies, may be at a loss with this recipe, but hungry friends who have come after the party will thank you for a hearty, quick-cooked dish. Ingredients:

  • 9 tbsp.l.flour;
  • 4 tbsp.l.thick sour cream;
  • two eggs;
  • 4 tablespoons of low-fat mayonnaise;
  • iodized salt.


  1. Mayonnaise, sour cream, mix eggs.
  2. Add flour, knead the batter.
  3. Pour the mass into a frying pan, greased with sunflower oil, top with the filling, sprinkle with a layer of grated cheese.
  4. Cover with a lid, bake for 10 minutes over a low heat until the cheese melts completely.
  5. Fast pizza ready!

How to make an unleavened dough on water

Very delicate, just aristocratic pizza comes out, if you make mineral water in its base. This is a classic version of the Italian dish, which, with the right mix, will be like a pizzeria. The crust on the water comes off appetizingly crispy and light, so all attention will be focused on the taste of the filling. Ingredients:

  • 1.5 cups of flour;
  • one egg;
  • 100 ml of sparkling mineral water;
  • one tablespoon lean oil;
  • tsp.dry yeast;
  • tsp.tablespoons of sugar;
  • iodized salt. How to prepare:
    1. Mix half of the flour with sugar, yeast, dilute with water, remove the spoon for one hour in a warm place.
    2. Add butter, egg, salt, remaining flour.
    3. Mix for 10-15 minutes until the mass becomes elastic.
    4. Give it the shape of a bowl, cover with a wet napkin, put into heat for one hour.
    5. Roll out 0.5 cm thick cakes.
    6. Before you spread the filling, allow them to brew for 20 minutes.

    Test recipe for Italian pizza

    How do the billets for pizza themselves Italians? The classic recipe of the croquet is prepared on ordinary water, with the addition of olive oil. About any dairy products and other innovations, Italians do not even want to hear, adhering to the traditions. And it gives its results, because to try a true Italian pizza, many go to Italy.


    • half a kilo of sifted flour;
    • 2 tsp.dry yeast;
    • 300 ml of water not carbonated;
    • 3 tbsp.l.olive oil;
    • iodized salt.


    1. Mix water, oil, flour, salt.
    2. Knead the soft dough.
    3. Cover with a film, place in heat for one hour.
    4. Stretch the rising mass with your hands( the Italians do not recognize the rolling pin).
    5. The thickness of the cake should not exceed 3 mm.
    6. Make 3 crusts 32 cm in diameter.

    Video recipe test for instant pizza

    Hot and fragrant pizza for breakfast will please loved ones. For lunch, you can surprise your colleagues with an Italian dish prepared at home. In the evening, family and guests will appreciate the airy dough with seafood with a glass of red tart wine. Children's birthday, a meeting with friends, a business lunch or a picnic in nature - Italian homemade pizza is always appropriate and desirable. But where to take so much free time? Look at the video recipe below, where it is shown how very quickly to make a dough for pizza.

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