
Thorny bush

Lobate - Lamiaceae( Labiatae).The national name: canine mint. Used parts: flowering aboveground part of the plant. Pharmacy name: Budra herb - Hederae terrestris herba( formerly: Herba Hederae terrestris).

Botanical Description

A perennial small plant, spread with a tetrahedral stalk on the ground and often roots in nodes. On creeping shoots, the leaves, kidney-shaped or round-heart-shaped, with a serrated margin, are located in opposition. Flower-bearing shoots rise upward and carry in the axils of leaves false whorls of light purple flowers, with a dark spot on the lower lip. Flowers and stems have a strong unpleasant smell when rubbed. Blossoms from March to June. It often occurs in steam fields, like a weed in gardens, meadows, along roadsides and fences. The plant needs a lot of moisture. Collection and procurement. Blossoming grass buds are harvested in the spring, washed from the adhering earth and quickly and thoroughly dried in the air.

Active ingredients

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Bitterness, tannins, vitamin C, minerals( especially potassium) and various organic acids, as well as some saponin and essential oil.

The curative effect of the use of

The composition of the substances does not exclude the effectiveness of this plant as a medicine, but scientific medicine does not apply budu. Nevertheless, in a mixture with young leaves of yarrow, fennel, zhiruha, daisy, nettle and birch buddha can be used in a spring salad. Such salads have recently become more popular and sometimes even recommended by doctors, since they make the activity of almost all organs more active due to their easy irritant effect, which contributes to health.

Application in folk medicine

In the work of Hefler, "People's Medical Botany of the Germans" says that the thighs were an important healing plant in these ancient tribes. Modern folk medicine draws its knowledge from the labors of the Abbess Hildegard von Bingen, von Brunfels, Bock and other medieval authors. Indications for use: loss of appetite, indigestion with diarrhea, cough with viscous sputum, jaundice, bile duct disease, liver, kidney. As an external remedy, it is used to treat wounds, to rinse and rinse the throat when it is inflamed.- Tea from budry: 1-2 teaspoons of buds pour 1/4 l of boiling water and insist 5 minutes. If necessary, give 1 cup, and with the course of treatment - 2 times a day for a cup of tea.

Side effects of

The main thing is not to overdose, and then there is no reason to fear any side effects.

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