The sky is an important part of the oral cavity, without which you can not reproduce the speech, or chew your food. However, the human mouth is also a source of congestion of many microbes that can cause inflammation of the mucosa, swelling, numbness and itching of the palate.
When it itches the sky, the person is perplexed, wondering about the possible cause of itching in the mouth. Let's try to understand the main provoking factors.
Contents of
- Main causes and provoking factors
- Infectious mouth disease
- Diagnosis and concomitant symptoms
- What can I do?
- Preventative measures
- Folk signs
The main causes and provoking factors
The reasons for which the palate can be scratched can be different, ranging from harmless ones to chronic diseases:
- oral infection;
- inflammation of the oral mucosa;
- does not comply with hygiene rules;
- getting injured while chewing;
- dental diseases - caries, pulpitis, gum disease;
- angina - it breaks the body, sore throat, tonsils increase;
- the removed nerve can serve as a lesion of the temporomandibular composition, causing a subsequent process of inflammation and itching;
- is an inflammation from prolonged wearing of the prosthesis, or a response allergic reaction to unsuitable material;
- pemphigus;
- leukoplakia;
- herpagina;
- process of inflammation of the salivary glands;
- tumor;
- lack of essential minerals and vitamins;
- allergy;
- increased degree of anxiety, nervousness;
- damage the palate of a hard or too hot, cold food.
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons, but some of them are the most popular and frequently encountered. We will analyze the most popular factors that provoke oral itching.
Infection of the mouth
The process of infection of the oral cavity is not uncommon, it can be caused by ordinary or fungal bacteria. Infection is expressed in the appearance of many small ulcers, gray-white plaque, redness, there is pain and burning sensation. In view of these symptoms, it is difficult for a person to eat.
Inflammatory process and itching in the mouth and on the palate, in particular, can occur due to the following diseases:
- Candidiasis .It occurs mainly in infants, but it also occurs in adults. Oral cavity is the source of fungal bacteria, their development is caused by white curd coatings and sores. It can occur during the weakening of immunity, after chronological diseases, the intake of hormonal, antibacterial, cytotoxic drugs, atrophic processes of the gastrointestinal tract.
- The lack of nutrients .Burning and itching can provoke a lack of B vitamins, folic acid, iron.
- Bladder .There are rashes in the form of bubbles, bubbles of different sizes. Itching is rare. The main pain is caused by erosion from bursting vesicles that do not heal for a long time.
- Allergy .Its occurrence can cause a change of toothpaste, rinse, inhalation of the allergen together with air, the use of allergenic products, appropriate medications.
- Stomatitis .There is itching, ulcers, plaque on the tongue and mucous membranes, redness, painful sensations appear when touching with a brush, food, liquid, any irritants. Often occurs during the weakening of immunity, and in children, in the case of neglect of hygiene rules.
- Mechanical injuries .Damage to the jaw, dislocations or fractures can also cause inflammation of the soft tissues. Such injuries people often get in everyday life, while eating or cleaning the mouth with a toothbrush.
- Injury to the palate improperly placed prostheses, implants, braces, chipped teeth, unsuccessfully turned seals.
- Burns .Their person can get in the process of eating food, liquids. Hot and cold drinks, food, ice-cream eating cause thermal burns, hitting the soft part, causing itching of the palate. Getting chemical burns occurs through the use of too sharp, salty foods, acidic foods, candy, tablets, chemicals.
Many infections are also accompanied by dry mouth, occasionally they can pass by themselves. However, in case of complications, it is necessary to urgently consult a doctor.
Diagnosis and concomitant symptomatology
To say for sure how serious the process is and how it is launched, as well as what it is caused by, only a specialist can. The causes of the palatine tooth have much in common, and it is difficult to determine the correct one without a full diagnosis.
If the symptoms are implicit, there is a chance of an easy inflammation that can go away by itself. However, neglect of such symptoms causes unpleasant consequences, so be sure to consult a doctor.
Common symptoms that arise in the case of all diseases and disorders, due to which the palate may be scratched:
- permanent discomfort, mild pain, tingling;
- if fungal disease, then almost always this implies the presence of white ulcers in the mouth;
- in the case of angina, the palate begins to ache and blush;
- sometimes increases the temperature.
What can I do?
Depending on the provocation disease, the following set of therapeutic measures is prescribed:
- Minor damage to .Usually there is no need for drug therapy. Mechanical and thermal damage is effectively treated by rinsing with herbs, decoctions of calendula, chamomile. In order not to cause additional damage and irritation of the mucosa, rinse with slightly warm water. Edema and suppuration are removed by the infusion of oak bark.
- Stomatitis .Antiseptic agents, compresses, rinsing with herbal decoctions, and appliques are used. Also the disease is treated with the help of antifungal therapy in the form of special ointments, creams, sprays, medicaments for internal use.
- Herpes simplex .Against this disease, drugs that are directed against viral infections are used. Are intended for oral administration. As an example the most popular: Acyclovir, Zovirax.
- Systemic diseases .They are treated with compresses against inflammatory processes. In addition to antibacterial drugs, various physiotherapy procedures are used. Systemic drug therapy is prescribed.
- Caries .It is necessary to conduct a full sanation of the mouth, bring the teeth to order, get rid of plaque, tartar, ripening caries.
- The lack of vitamins .To improve the condition, it is worth to do vitamin therapy. An important role is played by proper nutrition, as well as the state of immunity.
- Swelling in the oral cavity of .Such a case threatens with serious consequences, so the only treatment is to carry out an operation to remove it.
The complex of methods of treatment is selected only after diagnosing the disease and revealing the true cause due to which the sky is scratched.
Therapeutic methods directly depend on provocative factors. First you need to get rid of the inflammatory process. It is removed as well as in case of minor damage, with the help of medicinal herbs and preparations recommended by a specialist.
Preventive measures
To prevent inflammation and infection of the oral cavity, the following rules should be observed:
- regularly monitor health and condition of the oral cavity;
- periodically rinse mouthwashes;
- to control the use of thermally-hazardous drinks, dishes;
- to conduct preventive examinations with specialists, especially in the dentist;
- strengthen immunity;
- gently handle the toothbrush;
- adhere exactly to the rules of oral hygiene.
This precaution will protect you from the onset of infection and its development. Take care of your health!
Folk signs of
Itching and other unpleasant sensations in the oral cavity are often associated with people's perceptions, beliefs. They say: scabies in the mouth are interconnected with arisen gossip, secret friendly gatherings and conspiracies. Logic is the connection between the chatter and the oral cavity.
If it itches the palate with gums, it means that an unknown enemy is muddying the water around the victim. He lets gossip, sets people against you, and at the same time tries not to fall into the field of view.
In this case, you should be alert and follow the interpretation of various actions that can help the detractor achieve the goal. In a circle of loved ones you should always keep true friends. Even if the sign is a false alarm, such forethought never fails.