Meet - birdwort tailed

Ptitselechnik caudate or Indian bow

Indian onion is perhaps one of the few plants from which every component can be used to prepare a remedy. But the alcoholic tincture proved to be the best of all such preparations. It is active in the treatment of joints, bone disease, deposition of salts and in many other cases.

This product is simple enough to cook at home, and the medicinal properties of the tincture of Indian onions will depend on the ingredients used. The drug can be stored for a long time, just casting a small amount if necessary.

Popular and proven recipes

As a rule, tincture from Indian onion is prepared on vodka or alcohol. There are no strict limits here, and you can add any of these components as you wish. In this case, the strength of alcohol can vary from 40 ° to 80 °, as well as the period of infusion - from 10 to 30 days.

Tip! The most important thing is to choose the right place for the ripening of the tincture, which must be necessarily warm and shaded.

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Tinctures will differ in their effect and ingredients.

This plant will save you from many diseases and replace with you the whole arsenal of medicines

From the arrow, leaves and bulb

This infusion perfectly helps with the deposition of salts, polyarthritis and spurs on the heels. For its preparation it is necessary: ​​

  • arrow, a sheet and one middle onion finely cut and placed in a container of glass with a neck without a thread;
  • pour to prepared ingredients a liter of vodka or alcohol;
  • tightly closed with a cap cap;Remove
  • for maturation.

After 14 days the product is completely ready for use.

If you slightly reduce the amount of alcohol, up to about 700 ml, you can get a drug that will help with joint pain and bruises.

The infusion can be applied in the form of local compresses

Important! In the latter case, the lid must be made of polyethylene and fixed with a dense thread.

From the leaves of

If you suffer from severe joint pain, you can prepare the following remedy:

  • take onions and vodka leaves in a ratio of 1: 3;
  • leaves finely chopped with a knife or chopped with a meat grinder and folded into a glass container;
  • pour the vodka and cover;
  • clean in a warm place for 10 days.

After this time, the drug will be ready. They rub the painful areas three times a day, and the pain goes away within 10 minutes after the application of the drug.

From bulbs

The following tincture is effective in the treatment of arthritis, and the strength of its action will depend on the concentration of the agent. To prepare the infusion, you should:

  • grind 2 large or 5 small bulbs and put them in a glass jar;
  • pour half a liter of alcohol or vodka;
  • put in a warm place for infusion;
  • for 2 weeks from time to time the contents of the container should be shaken.

After this time, the obtained tincture of Indian onion can be applied as compresses.

On eucalyptus oil

The cooking technology is as follows:

  • two sheets of Indian onion and rinse thoroughly with a mortar;
  • in a glass container, connect 20 ml of eucalyptus oil and 50 ml of alcohol( 80%);
  • the resulting mixture pour pounded leaves and close the lid tightly;
  • insist for one week, every day stirring the contents.
This drug works great for neuralgia, as well as aches and joint pain

Advice! To strengthen the effect of the drug, the lubricated area should be wrapped with a warm cloth. In this case, the warming and anesthetic effect will be much higher.

On camphor oil

Are you worried about gout or arthritis? Try the following tool:

  • 3 sheets of Indian onion chop and put in a glass bottle;
  • pour 150 ml of alcohol and close the container with a lid;
  • in a separate container to connect 30 ml of camphor oil and 150 ml of alcohol;
  • after 2 hours in a bottle with onions pour the prepared mixture, mix everything;
  • should be insisted for 2 weeks, after which it should be filtered.

During the exacerbation of the above diseases, a compress with this tincture is applied to a painful place and covered with a woolen cloth on top. Within a few minutes the pain recedes.

Storage rules

Absolutely all tinctures of Indian onions require the same storage conditions and are applied only externally.

  1. To insist and save drugs, you need to choose those places in which there are no food products.
  2. If in your family there is a person suffering from alcoholism, then be sure to hide from him this tincture.

    Important! The fact is that this drug will smell exclusively with alcohol, so it can be taken for ordinary vodka. If you drink a lot of infusion, this can lead to grave consequences.

  3. If you use tincture of Indian onion for the treatment of sore throat, then after rinsing it in no case can not be swallowed.


Before using Indian onion remedies, be sure to read the precautionary measures that will help to avoid negative consequences:

  • do not let the product enter inside and on the mucous membranes. If at least one drop enters the eye, it must be rinsed immediately with plenty of water and seek medical help;
  • compresses and lotions may only be applied to clean skin;
  • if you have excessive bleeding gums, rinses are prohibited;
  • to people suffering from hemophilia, funds based on Indian onions are contraindicated;
  • do not make too concentrated infusion, as this can cause skin burns;

    Recommendation! In case of burns, the damaged area should be greased with olive oil.

  • should be prepared with rubber gloves.

And most importantly, remember that this plant has not been studied yet, so before using it is necessary to consult with your doctor.

  • Mar 29, 2018
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