Facial scrub at home

For the health and beauty of our skin, it needs to breathe oxygen. But daily tests - sun rays and a burning frost, wind and dust on the streets, lack of vitamins - all this has a very negative effect on her condition. This effect does not pass without a trace, and the result is premature skin aging, loss of its natural color, elasticity, the appearance of irritation and inflammation. But nature also gives us the opportunity to look after the skin.

Many means help us to revitalize the skin of the face, but without the purification procedure it is impossible to achieve the desired effect. Deep cleansing with a scrub allows the pores to open and the skin begins to breathe. And there is nothing easier than to prepare this product at home from natural ingredients.

  • Basis for facial scrub
  • Exfoliating particles - the main component of scrub
  • Application of scrub
  • Safety measures
  • Body scrubs for fatty type
  • Soda scrub
  • Scrub from yogurt with oat
  • Scrub from salt and milk
  • instagram viewer
  • Scrub from strawberry with almondoil
  • Skin scrubs for combination skin type
  • Coffee scrub with egg shell
  • Citrus scrub with yoghurt
  • Egg scrub with semolina
  • Grape scrub
  • RecipesScrub for normal skin
  • Scrub of olive oil and sea salt
  • Nut scrub
  • Sour cream with oatmeal
  • White clay based scrub
  • Dry and sensitive type scrub scrubs
  • Honey scrub with milk and cinnamon
  • Scrub based on eggyolk with sugar and pumpkin oil
  • Scrub of white clay and coffee
  • Scrub of oils and salt

Basis of facial scrub

The basis for scrub at home can be as a normal day cream or cream gel for washing,and creamy foods that we eat. For a liquid base, scrub is suitable: sour cream, kefir, yoghurt, honey, vegetable oil, fresh fruits and vegetables, cosmetic clay. These products act as a binding base and enhance the moisturizing and nourishing properties of the scrub. After massaging with such a scrub, it can be left on the skin as a mask for 5-10 minutes.

Sour cream. Softens the skin, making it feel velvety. This product is a universal remedy for all skin types. The main rule is that the drier the skin, the more fatty the sour cream should be, and vice versa. In a sour cream based on sour cream, you can also add a little raw yolk if you have dry skin, or protein - if fatty.

Kefir. Properties of dairy products are similar in many respects, but yogurt has high acidity. Accordingly, if your skin is dry or irritated, it is better to prefer sour cream, since a high acid content in kefir can harm dry and sensitive skin, causing even more irritation and flaking. Scrubs based on kefir are more suitable for oily and combination skin types.

Honey. Has a powerful anti-inflammatory effect, relieves redness and inflammation on the skin. In many recipes, honey is mixed with a small amount of milk. This gives the scrub an extra moisturizing effect.

Vegetable oils. They are less aggressive on skin effects than, for example, dairy products, as in vegetable oil contains much less acids. Most often they are recommended for normal, dry and sensitive skin. You can use sunflower, olive, pumpkin, hemp and sesame oil.

Fresh fruits and vegetables. Puree from fruit and vegetables are rich in acids and vitamins, they strengthen the exfoliating properties of the peeling. At the same time, the skin is saturated with vitamins, which gives it freshness and healthy radiance.

Cosmetic clay. Best suitable for oily and combination skin. To obtain the necessary consistency of the basis for scrub, clay is mixed with a small amount of water.

Essential oils and squeezes from fruit seeds can be added to the scrub base, but only in small amounts, since these products are concentrated. To begin with, try adding 1-2 drops of this concentrate to the entire amount of scrub. With time, this amount can be increased to 3-4 drops. On the properties of these oils can be found by reading the instructions on the package. If desired, you can not use a liquid base, and apply a slightly moist mixture of exfoliating scrub particles to the skin of the face.

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Exfoliating particles - the main component of the scrub

The following products can be used as exfoliating particles:

  • coffee grounds and ground coffee;
  • crushed fruit bones( grapes, avocados, raspberries, cabbage);
  • crushed nuts( cedar, walnut, almonds);
  • salt is normal and marine;
  • food soda;
  • cane sugar, brown;
  • crushed egg shell;
  • cereals and cereals( rice, oat flakes, wheat, bran);
  • semolina;
  • crushed and dried citrus peel.
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Some of the above products can be bought in the store in a shredded form, and some you can cook yourself with a coffee grinder, blender or mortar.

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Application of scrub

It is very important to cleanse the face and neck before applying the scrub. Steam the skin - this will open the pores, and the scrub will be easier to clean them. Apply scrubs to the damp skin of the face and neck, avoiding hitting the eye area. The skin of the eyelids is very tender and thin, and the scrub can severely injure it.

It is advisable to do peeling before bedtime, especially in the summer, since the skin needs time to digest all substances at a deep level. The procedure for peeling should be done very carefully, with massage movements from the nose towards the temples, from the middle of the chin to the neck and ears, from the middle of the forehead with movements in a circle. The neck region is massaged from the bottom up. If these simple rules are observed, the skin will not be injured.

If you have oily skin, then you should peel 2-3 times a week, and if dry and sensitive, then one is enough. Owners of normal and combination skin peeling can be done 1-2 times a week, depending on the needs of the skin. Scrubs, which include solid particles( for example, berry seeds, nutshells, peel), peeling is no more than 1-2 minutes. Those scrubs, in which the exfoliating particles are smaller and softer, can be used up to 2-3 minutes. After applying scrub, you can apply a moisturizing mask or cream, the main thing is not to heavily load the skin with various means and give an opportunity to relax.

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Safety measures

To protect yourself from unwanted rashes and itching on the skin due to an allergic reaction to the components of the scrub, it is necessary to perform a sensitivity test. Take a small amount of the scrub and apply to the inner elbow bend. After 5-10 minutes, rinse, and if there are redness and itching at this place, you need to replace the component that causes you allergies. Also, it is not recommended to use the scrub if there are severe inflammations or acne on the face. Otherwise, after peeling, the situation may worsen. In such cases, it is worth first consulting with a cosmetologist or dermatologist.

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Skin scrubs for fatty skin

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Soda scrub

The easiest to prepare. It is necessary to mix 1 teaspoon of soda with a little water, so that the mass does not flow out of the palm. Next, we spread the scrub over the face and massage it with light movements. In the scrub of soda, do not add components containing acid, since soda is alkali, and when mixed, these components can give a chemical reaction.

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Scrub from kefir with oatmeal

Dry oat flakes are ground in a mortar or grinded in a coffee grinder. Kefir is added to the resulting dry mixture, mixed until the consistency of the porridge and applied to the skin. For a softer peel, you can wait 3-5 minutes, until the flakes absorb moisture.

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Salt and milk salt scrub

Pour in a small container of 1 tbsp.l.table salt with milk so that the salt is completely immersed in milk. Wash your face with gel for washing or with baby soap, without touching the eye area. On soap skin gradually apply wet salt and massage for no more than 1-2 minutes, then abundantly rinse with warm water.

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Strawberry scrub with almond oil

Take 1 tbsp.l. Strawberry puree, add 1 tsp to it.thick honey and 1 tsp.almond oil. After peeling, it is recommended to leave this mixture on the face for about 5 minutes as a face mask.

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Skin scrubs for combination skin type

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Coffee scrub with egg shell

Mix the coffee grounds with the crushed shell of the boiled egg in a 2: 1 ratio. The basis for such a scrub can be a small amount of milk or sour cream of medium fat, or a raw egg whipped wholly, either taken separately yolk( for a drier) or protein( for oily skin).

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Citrus scrub with

yoghurt Take 1 tbsp.l.without the top of the shredded citrus peel, add 2 tbsp.l.low-fat yogurt and ½ tsp.and 1-2 drops of orange oil.

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Egg scrub with semolina

Whisk the egg and add about 1 tbsp.l.semolina. Such a scrub should be used immediately, otherwise semolina will absorb moisture and lose the exfoliating property.

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Grape scrub

In 1 tbsp. Spoon puree from fresh grapes( pitted) add 1 tsp.powder from grape seeds and 1 tsp.liquid honey. If the combined skin is prone to peeling, then add 1-2 tsp to such a scrub.cream or sour cream of medium fat content.

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Skin scrubs for normal skin type

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Scrub of olive oil and sea salt

For scrub you need to mix 1½ tbsp.l.olive oil, ½ whipped egg, ½ tsp.bran, 1 tsp.sea ​​salt without a roller coaster and milk. Milk in this case is needed not only as an ingredient - it is scrubbed to the desired consistency.

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Nut scrub

To 1 tsp.crushed nuts in the coffee grinder, add 1 tsp.hemp oil. If the nuts are not heavily roasted or raw, the peeling will be softer, more gentle.

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Sour cream from sour cream with oatmeal

To 1 tbsp.l.sour cream of medium fat should be added 1 tsp.oatmeal, a pinch of salt( preferably shallow) and 1 tsp.pumpkin oil. Oat flour can be replaced with ground rice or bran.

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Scrub based on white clay

To prepare the scrub, you need to mix clay and milk in a 1: 2 ratio. Add in this mixture 1 tsp.a spoonful of thick honey and 1-2 drops of essential oil of your choice.

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Skin scrubs for dry and sensitive skin

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Honey scrub with milk and cinnamon

Take 1 tsp.liquid honey and mix with 1 tsp.fat milk or cream, add to this mixture ½ tsp.cinnamon. If you take not liquid, but thick honey, then this will improve the effectiveness of peeling.

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Scrub based on egg yolk with sugar and pumpkin oil

Mix 1 egg yolk of one raw egg with 1 tsp.pumpkin oil and whisk the mixer to a homogeneous foam. In the resulting mass, add 1 tsp.buckwheat flour and sugar. After peeling, you can leave the mixture on your face for another 5 minutes, then the yolk will moisten the skin.

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White clay and coffee scrub

Mix 1 tsp.white cosmetic clay and 2-3 tsp.of fatty milk. When there are no lumps left in the mixture, add 1 tsp to it.coffee grounds. If instead of the ground put dry ground coffee, the amount of cream should be increased and allow the mixture to stand for 3-5 minutes.

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Scrub of oils and salt

Take 1 tsp.sesame and hemp oil. Add ½ tsp.of fine table salt. Oil-based scrubs with the addition of fine exfoliating particles can be used for up to 3 minutes, despite the dryness of the skin.

  • Mar 29, 2018
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