Today anisy lofant is not known to anyone. But in fact this plant has unique healing properties that are used in various industries. Preparations of this plant have a positive effect on the human body, take good care of the skin, and its leaves are used even in cooking. We suggest to get acquainted with this amazing plant closer and reveal all its secrets.
. External characteristics of
Anisic loin is a herbaceous plant whose height can reach one meter. Its inflorescences are large, have a blue or lilac shade and are located at the top of the shoot. Often it is grown with a decorative purpose, and, since it has a pronounced anise flavor, the gardeners prefer to plant this plant as close to home as possible.
Lofant is an excellent honey plant - huge flocks of bees flock to its magnificent inflorescences, they collect fragrant nectar, from which they get very tasty honey. As can be seen in the photo below, the bush of the anisovy lofant has quite large dimensions and, with the correct planting and growing conditions, yields an impressive crop in the first year.
Note! Being an excellent medonos, lofant stands in a row with a linden and white acacia. And its undeniable advantage over them is a long flowering period, which begins in July and lasts until the first frosts. With 1 hectare of crops, beekeepers harvest about 120 kg of mature honey.
An anise lopant is most common in the USA, Canada, Central Asia and the Far East, where it grows mainly in wildlife. In Russia it is cultivated by seed and sowed in a nursery or on a permanent place.
Healing power of
The healing properties are possessed by the entire above-ground part of the anise lophant - inflorescences, stems and leaves. They are used in the following cases:
- gastritis;
- peptic ulcer;
- digestive disorders;
- bronchitis;
- pneumonia;
- colitis;
- hepatitis;
- liver disease;
- high blood pressure;
- angina;
- atherosclerosis;
- headache.
The infusion of this herb has a mild sedative effect and is good for insomnia and nervous overexertion. It helps to rejuvenate the body, strengthen the immune system, and is also used as a tonic. The use of the preparations of this plant positively affects the general condition, and the body acquires the ability to withstand the external negative effects of the environment.
Areas of application
Firstly, lofant is used as an essential oil culture. The oil itself is produced from the above-ground part of the plant, which is mowed during the active flowering period. The obtained raw materials are used in the food, cosmetic and perfume industries. But the most interesting are the therapeutic properties of the lofant.
Let's look at the benefits of the anisy lofant for each individual industry, and whether the plant is capable of causing any harm.
Internal application of
Since in our country this plant appeared relatively recently, therefore its healing power is not fully understood. But still, the information that is known about him today is quite enough.
Folk doctors based on lofant make decoctions, infusions, powders and extracts that help support the work of the main systems of the human body. Preparations of this plant are used for both prevention and treatment of various diseases. With the regular use of this herb, the metabolism is normalized, the functions of the respiratory organs are improved, positive changes occur in disorders of the digestive tract.
The products made on its basis are an excellent prevention of cancer, urinary tract diseases and fluctuations in blood pressure. Their use can be recommended for children who are lagging behind in their development, as well as people of advanced age.
External application of
For external use, infusions, decoctions and ointments of the lofant are used. Prepared infusions serve as the basis for compresses, inhalations, lotions and healing baths. These remedies perfectly tone the skin and promote rapid regeneration after burns and wounds.
Lofant baths have an excellent effect on the newborn and have the following effects:
- calms the nervous system;
- normalizes sleep;
- interferes with diathesis;
- eliminate pustular lesions.
Tip! Before you bathe your child in this remedy, you must always consult a pediatrician. And if he allows to carry out a similar procedure, then first test for the lack of allergy( drop the solution on the baby's skin and wait 30 minutes) and only with a positive result add infusion into the bath.
If you cook a decoction of this plant and after each head wash rinse them hair, you can significantly improve their health, strengthen and get rid of seborrhea. Also, the anisic lofant perfectly influences the skin - it smooths wrinkles, making it elastic, smooth and radiant.
Fresh leaves and shoots of the loofah can be used as a seasoning for meat and fish dishes, and jams, compotes and soft drinks flavored with this spice will acquire a magical fragrance.
From the seeds of this plant make a powder, resin them in a coffee grinder, and add to the dough when making bread, pancakes, cakes and cookies. If you put young leaves of the lophant in a vegetable or fruit salad, you can completely change its taste, and only for the better.
Are there any contraindications?
Lophant anise has only two contraindications:
- thrombophlebitis;
- hypotension.
For the rest, this plant is absolutely safe, but before taking any medications on its basis or introducing lofant into your diet, it is worth consulting with your doctor.