What is recommended after the removal of wisdom tooth

Everyone, regardless of lifestyle and visiting a dentist, has experienced toothache and knows how intolerable and intolerable the problem is.

Tooth extraction is a painful procedure, after which it is necessary to perform a number of actions in order to avoid infection. Teeth of wisdom are not for every person, but the operation to remove them is quite in demand.

In case of such a problem, dentists recommend a tooth removal procedure, as they quickly deteriorate and, in principle, are not needed, because they do not perform their basic function.

Contents of

  • What problems can arise?
  • General rules of conduct after operation
  • What not to do!
  • Features of
  • What to do if there is bleeding
  • Pain after operation
  • Inflammation of hole race
    • Symptoms of alveolitis
  • Education by hematomas
  • Temperature rise
  • Other complications
  • When to go to the doctor

What problems can arise?

A patient intending to remove a wisdom tooth should be ready for a lot of problems and painful sensations. After the procedure, the gum is very sore, throbbing and aching.

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Sometimes complications occur, for example, a tumor near a remote site. Because of the inflammatory process, the infection can penetrate the throat, tonsils, tonsils.

Naturally, the inflammatory process will go on throughout the body and as a result, a high fever may arise. Sometimes because of all these problems a person can neither eat nor drink. Frequent signs are weakness of the body and unpleasant breaking of the whole body.

General rules of behavior after operation

What should be done immediately after tooth extraction:

  1. In the hole of the tooth torn out, the doctor leaves a piece of bandage or gauze with the right drug. On the recommendation of the doctor, it is removed after 10-15 minutes, not later. A forgotten and abandoned piece of tissue is often the cause of infection.
  2. Following the individual recommendations of the doctor is the most important factor for every patient.
  3. Home baths for the oral cavity have a positive effect on the torn area, recommended soda baths, tinctures of chamomile or oak bark.
  4. Compliance with the prescribed diet of is necessary for several days after the operation.
  5. In case of pain intensification, should be applied to the cheek with cold object .
  6. Sleep - the best medicine after the operation.

Subject to all the above tips, the symptoms of the disease go quickly and painlessly, there are no various complications and tumors. In some cases, when a doctor makes a mistake, for example, the implementation of recommendations does not help against pain. At the slightest suspicion of a wrong operation, you need to go to the hospital.

What to do after tooth extraction - Elena Malysheva knows everything and shares information in her transmission:

What not to do!

Strictly forbidden to do the following:

  • if the patient is stitched on the gum, can not be opened wide and the mouth sharply, joints may break, which causes complications and severe pain;
  • should not be touched by the tongue, fingers, toothpicks, even if it causes itching. This will lead to more irritation and festering of the socket;
  • with severe pain after tooth extraction, it is not superfluous to drink antibiotics;
  • can not be heated by the , as all bacteria will multiply due to heat;
  • rinse the oral cavity on the first day is not worth the .

Features of food

A question that interests many patients when and what can be eaten after the removal of the wisdom tooth.

At least three hours after the procedure, you can not eat or drink anything. After this period you can eat, but only the food is soft, warm, viscous.

In food there should not be large and solid pieces of food, as well as sharp, cold.

Special attention should be paid to food on days of severe toothache. It is advisable to eat as much liquid food, puree, viscous and soft.

Soups, soups-mashed potatoes, soft cereals, something that does not require great effort in chewing is perfect for a patient. It is necessary to drink a lot of liquids: broths, yoghurts, teas and so on.

Proven means - infusion of chamomile, it anesthetizes and cleans inflammation. Food should be consumed in a warm form.

There are small portions, do not give excessive load and discomfort to the gum. It is better to eat more often, but the amount of food should be much less than usual.

What to do if the bleeding opens

If bleeding has opened, you need to seek the help of qualified medics.

If the patient does not have the opportunity to go to a doctor, you first need to make a tampon from a bandage or gauze, which must be moistened beforehand in a soda solution.

Soaked gauze must be applied to the place where the blood goes, changing the bandage as it becomes soiled. When the bleeding completely stops, you can remove the cotton wool.

If this option does not help, a bag of black tea should slow the flow of blood and reduce pain, you need to squeeze almost all the water out of it and bite the packet instead of bandage.

The effect will be better, but if the bleeding does not stop after that, you should immediately go to the hospital.

Pain after operation

Pains after tooth extraction will torture the patient for several days. The main thing from the very beginning is not to miss the moment to care for the oral cavity, then unpleasant sensations will stop earlier.

If the wound starts to ache a little and pulsate, but tolerably, rinsing with soda and iodine will have a calming effect on the area near the removed tooth. On a glass of water, dilute 1 teaspoon of soda and 5 drops of iodine, stir and consume the finished liquid, treating the oral cavity until it gets better.

There is another folk method, it was used even before the emergence of skilled medicine and pain medications. The patient should cut a garlic slice in half, and press between teeth. The juice of garlic is very beneficial for toothache, it quickly reduces it. This procedure can also be done in order to quickly heal the wound.

If folk remedies do not work, an anesthetic will help. With a toothache is very strong drug - Nyz. Also recommended are Nurofen, Ibufen, Fanigan and others.

Anti-pain medications are a good and effective remedy, but do not abuse them, because suppressing pain does not mean treating its cause. If the need for taking medications does not pass more than a week, you need to stop self-treatment and go to the hospital.

Inflammation of hole race

There are various consequences after tooth extraction. Very often develops the alveolitis - it is an inflammation of the socket of the torn tooth. This is due to the fact that the blood clot swells, and there is an infection.

Another case is the prolapse of a blood clot from the well, where the postoperative zone is not protected by the body. This often causes inflammation.

Symptoms of the alveolitis

Irritation of the oral cavity, accompanied by headaches. There is an unpleasant smell from the mouth, smell and taste of festering.

The appearance of these symptoms and the disease following them is extremely dangerous for human health, so you should immediately seek help from specialists.

The doctor cleans the well again, disinfects and places the necessary medicine in the well. At home, you can only dull the pain by spreading the gum with an anesthetic gel.

Formation of hematomas

Poor hygiene and unworthy care of the well of the torn tooth contribute to the onset of the hematoma. It also appears due to damage to the vessel and increased fragility of the capillaries.

Symptoms of a hematoma are a strong gum tumor and a sudden increase in temperature.

If the gum and cheek becomes swollen, it is advisable to consult a doctor immediately after diagnosing the symptoms. The doctor, as a rule, cuts the gum a little, cleans the swollen place with an antiseptic, applies the right medicine.

The patient is strongly advised not to rely on home remedies, as the wound becomes more serious every day without qualified help.

At home, you can not completely eliminate the problem, but you can temporarily ease the pain. In a glass of water, add 1 teaspoon of soda and 0.5 teaspoon of citric acid.

Rinse until lightened. This remedy calms the wound, temporarily slows the infection. The resulting mixture should be drunk before going to the doctor.

Temperature rise

Often, after removal of the tooth, a high temperature appears due to infection and inflammation.

If the temperature has risen to 38.5 it is not worth it to knock down the tablets, they will not help in this case. The heat will kill more germs in the body than the pills for colds.

If the temperature rises swiftly and high, it is necessary to take actions, since this threatens with serious consequences for the body. First of all, you need to keep a minimal amount of things, in no case can not be wrapped up, the temperature will increase.

Nyz, Paracetomol, Ibufen and others are used as an emergency for lowering the heat. You can use antipyretic drugs every 6 hours. After taking the pills, you need to consult a doctor.

Other complications of

Other consequences of the wisdom tooth extraction procedure are possible, for example, a cyst may appear, which is removed only by surgery. This is due to the incision of the gum.

Very often there is stomatitis. It occurs due to infection in the oral cavity. It can be cured at home.

It is necessary to constantly rinse the mouth with various antibacterial agents and anesthetics. Happens and suppuration of a gum or gingiva. It happens not often, but still requires treatment.

When to go to the doctor

The main recommendation to a patient who has had complications after the extraction of a wisdom tooth is not to self-medicate, but at the first symptoms consult a specialist.

They will find out the cause of this or that discomfort in the oral cavity and give the necessary and effective recommendations.

Each person has a different process of tooth extraction, this depends on the individuality and density of the gum tissue, therefore, if there is sharp and sharp or aching pain, it is necessary to visit a doctor. If, after proper treatment, the gum does not stop getting sick - this is also the reason for the doctor's visit.

To prevent all of the above problems, you must strictly adhere to all the recommendations of the treating person, first of all to monitor hygiene.

Several times a day you need to make soda baths, or rinse your mouth. Do not prevent careful, soft teeth cleaning, made by accurate movements, so as not to damage the soft tissues of the gum. Pasta should be without mint and menthol, so as not to irritate the hole even more.

  • Mar 29, 2018
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